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Everything posted by Englebert

  1. Both great attempts of showing ignorance. We might have to call in an expert judge to evaluate which one is now in the lead. You both are excelling at childishness, lameness, and downright toilet humor. I love it. You are both trying so hard for that coveted crown. Visions of "Rudy" are dancing in my head. The fervor and tenacity of which you two compete to fail is just astonishing. I'm going to call a tie. Let's see which of you can next embarrass himself more for that cherished lead. On your mark! Get set! Go!
  2. Are you going to post the articles on the shootings or just whine about someone else not posting the articles? It's a very, very simple task, but it seems you don't have the ability to pull it off. Don't worry, I'm guessing if you cry loud and long enough, someone will do the simple task of posting these readily accessible articles just for you.
  3. Wow. That was a fair attempt to get back in the lead. But you are gonna have to do better. 4thSucks is still nudging you into second place. But I know you will keep trying. Maybe if you try to explain why you busted out laughing, then that attempt will probably propel you back into the lead. Let's see. Sorry I took so long to respond to your post. I have a slight cold so my nose is not as sensitive to garbage right now.
  4. Don't you think you deserve it. I like and respect that you took ownership of your mistake, and gave a half-hearted (almost faux) apology. But I feel your overall perspective, that is hatred for some, hasn't change. That deserves zero respect. In fact, I believe that calls for ridicule. You haven't learned from you mistake. You got caught then offered false contrition in an attempt to save face. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. And you hate me because I can and will call you out on your garbage. That almost warms my heart.
  5. I don't know the whole formula, but it starts with "everyone paying their fair share".
  6. And you are back in the lead. The strategic use of bad grammar garnered you bonus points. Come on InMagaWeTrust, you are gonna have to dumb it down even more to get that lead back.
  7. This is rich coming from someone that runs from every question asked of him. I already answered that question. Seriously, are you so inept that you ask a question, have it answered, then have the gall to ask it again. You have now definitely taken a substantial lead in the "Dumbest Poster on the Board" award.
  8. Yes, I employ the strategy just like you do. I'm not a hypocrite though. Too bad you can't claim the same. And I noticed you didn't call out your little buddies when they employed the strategy. Doesn't that make you a biased hack. You are exposing a lot about yourself here lately...and it ain't pretty.
  9. Here you go 45thSucks. I told you InMagaWeTrust brings a strong game in competing for your title. He tries to make fun of names...can't really get more childish than that. He complains, like you, about the length of posts. That just screams "I'm too dumb for this conversation". And again like you, he throws out baseless accusations to see if anything sticks. He also runs from questions when asked. He accuses you of exactly what he is doing. I mean, you two are going to battle it out for Dumbest Poster on the Board. It is a neck-and-neck race. The battle rages on. Whoever posts last seems to always pull out ahead. I had fun yesterday, but now realize my acting ability can't compete with natural stupidity. Y'all keep the battle going. Watch for UTAlum as a darkhorse...he also brings a strong game. He is on y'alls tail.
  10. Just following the lead of the Master. I've asked you questions all day that you ran from. I called you out for running, and you still ran. I then realized that running is a hallmark action of Liberals. Since I'm acting like a Liberal, well, you know. It's baffling how someone cannot understand that simple concept, but then I realize I'm conversing with the King. My bad. Sorry, I'm still in Liberal mode so I'm having a very difficult time comprehending which question you need answering. Incoherence is your strong point, which makes it hard for people with some semblance of intelligence to comprehend. I'm surprised that you even ask questions. Questions request an answer...which will necessarily be incomprehensible to you. So the whole process is just a waste of time. Oh now I get it, you are a Liberal and have no concept of structure.
  11. The garbage is flying high now. You are on fire. Everybody can see why I had to concede. How does someone compete with such literary nonsense. I would never think to string incoherent sentences together in the manner that seems so natural to you. We bow to your lack of intelligence. Maybe we can get the members on the board to pitch in to have a Tee shirt made for you. You can walk around the mall with your "Dumbest on the Board" shirt proudly displayed. Some people might be confused at first, but once you start talking they will immediately understand.
  12. Maybe. At least you and him got each other. You might have your work cut out for you defending your "Dumbest on the Board" title against him. He brings of strong game of stupidity. I think I will refrain from making a wager on that game though. Too close to call.
  13. I thought I could compete. Your ineptness at intelligence is just unbeatable. You are the King.
  14. No need. I've already realized it was mindless garbage concocted in your head. I don't have the ability to pull stuff out of thin air, so you can imagine why I was confused at first. Wait, look who I'm talking to. The King of Dumb. Of course you don't know what I'm referring to.
  15. Just because I'm considering filing a formal protest doesn't mean you can't give your victory speech. Please enlighten us as to how you pulled off the dumbest performance this board has ever seen. I thought I was holding my own, but there at the end you become incomprehensible with meaningless garbage. Simply brilliant use of ignorance. I knew then I wasn't able to compete. Speech, speech, speech.
  16. I might want to reconsider my concession. On further thought, I'm guessing you might be using performance enhancing drugs. I'm guessing a cocktail of Jack Daniels, and weed, and crack cocaine laced with fentanyl. How else can anyone explain that brilliant performance of unmitigated imbecility. It's hard to impossible to imagine someone able to pull off that level of brain-dead foolishness without some artificial help. I'm thinking of filing a formal protest.
  17. After this post, I must concede. You win. I bow to your superior childishness. You win the "Dumbest Poster on the Board" award. I put up a good fight, but just can't delve to the depths of your stupidity. I think my main mistakes were answering direct questions instead of running, and using your own words against you instead of inventing mindless accusations out of thin air with no sense of reality. When arguing with a Liberal, I just can't make these mistakes. So again, congratulations on the hard fought win. I've never seen somebody espouse such stupid positions and ignorant ideas, and I've debated with MagaManTrust and UTAlum. I don't want to speak for them, but I wouldn't be surprised if both of them are marveling at your pathetic performance. It might be a long time before anyone can take your crown as "Dumbest Poster on the Board". I'm sure many will try though. Enjoy. You earned it.
  18. Wow, listen to the anger. I'm guessing you are not having near as much fun as me. Just admit it, you don't have the skillset to comprehend my posts. So in an effort to mask your inadequacies, you blame the length. How childish. And again, you ran like a frightened schoolgirl when called out. What does "defend at all costs" mean (the way you are using it)? Are you so insecure that you can't or refuse to elaborate on your own verbiage. That's probably a smart move on your part. No sense in further embarrassment. You say you're "all game" after admitting you can't even read my posts. That is just too funny. Seriously, do you really want to continue embarrassing yourself? You are already mad. Why torture yourself further? I'll never understand masochism. Or maybe it's just egotism.
  19. That's the best you can come up with? Throwing crap at the walls hoping something sticks. Poor, poor pitiful you. I know this is fruitless, considering you have ran like a frightened schoolgirl every time I have called you out, but what do you mean by "defend at all costs"? I know I delve in the gutter with the likes of you, but this is just too low for comprehension. Please explain your point (as if you hadn't embarrassed yourself enough). I see you are still mad that you are not allowed at the local diner without being accompanied by an adult. That really rubs you the wrong way doesn't it. Your jealousy that normal people can come and go as they please just eats at your heart...and it shows. One day...maybe. Keep your chin up. What joke is on me tonight? Please explain. (I think I just heard your head explode. Hopefully not, I want an answer...that everyone realizes in not forthcoming.) I can make a dandy and well thought out comment, or spout mindless dribble in the same manner you do. What's funny is you can't tell the difference. You should be able to hear the laughter though. It's deafening. You are really, really bad at this. Keep trying though. I'm still enjoying the laughter you bring.
  20. While you are diligently pondering your next mindless retort (which oddly takes a huge toll on your mind), please answer this question. After dealing with you, I feel almost confident I can now move up a class in debating (bullying) level. You, MagaManTrust, and UTAlum have proven to be unworthy, thus bolstering my confidence. Do you think I have the skill and ability to move up to Big Girl's class of debate. I know it's a big step to take, but I think I'm ready. On second thought, I just realized I am asking advice from the least qualified person on the board. That pretty much settles it. I must continue to pick on the most fragile and weak of the bunch. I will continue to practice in hopes of one day leaving y'all behind and moving up to the bottom of the barrel.
  21. "calling a spade a spade". You are just now figuring this out? I knew you were slow...but man, that is on the verge of clinical. I hope that helmet you wear doesn't chafe you too much, considering how often you have to wear it. When was the first insurrection? That helmet must be doing some long-term damage. I started to think that maybe you were alluding to a veiled threat, but then realized you are nowhere near that smart. My bad. I should have known by now that your posts are just the thing simpletons marvel at for their lack of creativity. Carry on.
  22. Do you have a brother or sister that can take your place. I mean, it's been fun, but it's tiresome dealing exclusively with the "Fredo" of the family. Surely you have a more competent relative or acquaintance that can take over for you. You where never adequate in this "debate", but now you are just looking too sad. Tap out and let someone else try their hand. You are not worthy.
  23. I'm disappointed with Smoaky. They are not sending us their best or brightest. I believe a great man once offered those sentiments. How those words ring loudly right about now.
  24. As if you understood it. Funny!
  25. The folks on Smoaky laugh at you also. They just have more couth than me. I'm certain you have heard this many times in your life, but it begs to be repeated. You are a whiner. You call others sensitive but you are, repeat, nothing but a whiner. You make an account on here, immediately start attacking and belittling people, then get pissed off when called out. You attack then play victim. I can pretty much guarantee your parents, alive or dead, are deeply ashamed of you. But hey, that's your demons to deal with. I'm just having fun. I hope you didn't take a picture of that fish. He would die of embarrassment knowing he would share a social media shot with you. I can hear him now..."I can't believe I let someone this close to the retardation line reel me in". Now that is total embarrassment for even a fish.
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