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Everything posted by Englebert

  1. Really? Is that a hare-brained assumption based on blinding hatred?
  2. You hate Trump and call him and his supporters "clowns" because Trump was a meanie. You act just like him. So who is the clown? I'm guessing even InMagaWeTrust is laughing at your hypocrisy...and his TDS is as bad as yours. Tell me again why I should take your advice and disavow Trump? Oh yeah, you ran like a frightened schoolgirl when previously given the opportunity to convince me. Is that a symptom of blind, hare-brained people? At least Trump didn't combine his rhetoric with blatant hypocrisy.
  3. I'm curious as to how anyone can drive to a Trump rally, since they are all blind.
  4. If someone speaks ill of another person without backing up their claims, would that person himself be considered a loser? If you start a topic proclaiming Biden is "swell" but immediately switch to trying to bash Trump, does that make you a loser? If we laugh at someone that is obviously childish and petty, does that make us a loser?
  5. What mess? Please explain. And no, I'm still a free man so you know I didn't peacefully protest at the Capitol. I might have burned and looted all summer though. I might have even been one of the few that were arrested...but was bailed out of jail by the current Vice President. So make up your mind...do you want this topic to be about Biden, Trump, or me? It's obvious you won't/can't list Biden's accomplishments. You won't/can't back up your vitriolic rhetoric of Trump. That leaves me. What would you like to talk about? Or we could talk about you, but I highly doubt anyone is interested in that topic.
  6. You started a topic about Biden's accomplishments and went straight to Trump on your first reply. Have you met Cardinalbacker and InMagaWeTrust? I guess you want to change this topic to Trump. Typical, but smart move. If you want to list Biden's accomplishments this topic will die in very short order. So on to Trump we go. Can you back up your statements with evidence? I bet you won't even try. You might try, but after realizing how embarrassing your post sounds, you will not hit the "submit reply" button. I could be wrong. Let's see. For bonus points, list some of ol' Joe's accomplishments so far. (We had a whole topic on this that ran for months...and is still up. I don't remember you or anyone posting anything positive.)
  7. I guess you could say he swelled the inflation rate, swelled the price of gas, swelled the price of pretty much all consumer goods, swelled the vitriol and division amongst Americans. If that is what you mean by a "swell job", then I would agree with you.
  8. I guess I'll bite. What would you consider are his greatest achievements so far? (I have a feeling this is a setup.)
  9. I'm a follower of Trump. Please explain how "blind" I am. Convince me how "hare-brained" I am. Why should I not vote for Trump? (I hope you don't continually use the same "garbage" tactics as Trump. It won't help your cause.)
  10. It's pretty funny that you whine about Trump as much as anybody whines about him losing. Oh the irony. And I hope Trump wins the next presidential race. And I hope it will not be different. Well, a little different. I hope he goes after the ones that went after him. I hope he drains the swamp a lot more than he accomplished the first time. But I have a feeling he will once again be nice to the people that inflicted so much harm to his presidency. Just think how much more he could have accomplished if so many people had not acted like "garbage" towards him.
  11. Wow, that TDS is something special. Luckily those "mouth breathers" can recognize and laugh at someone that rails against another's behavior in such a "classy" way. Isn't it just overly ironic that the behavior you espouse as garbage is the exact behavior you exhibit.
  12. I can agree with you here. I lumped you in with all the blowhard Trump haters, just like I get lumped in with all of what Trump haters call Trump worshippers. We probably have a fairly similar view of Trump, but disagree on the effect of his personality versus the effect of the media. I still contend that nobody could have survived the bile and hatred thrown at him from the media. If he would have stopped the mean tweets even before his presidency started, he still would have been vilified by the media enough to swing too many voters against him. In fact, the media will make a second term for Biden possible after doing their hatchet job on the next GOP candidate. Romney couldn't defeat Obama in 2012 even after Obama's disastrous first term. Romney acted presidential, but was still vilified and taken down by the media...and he received far less vitriol than Trump. It's going to be interesting to see what lies and deceitful tactics the media will use next. Social media is already censoring GOP politicians, while letting Liberal candidates spout all of the lies they want. I didn't think it was possible for the media to get more biased, but I have a feeling I'm going to surprised.
  13. While ignoring the cult-like hatred of Trump. Funny you never acknowledge that. Could it be you are part of that cult? It's almost getting to the point of hilarity. I place the blame on the media for Trump losing the election, while also admitting his faults. The cult haters of Trump place all the blame on Trump and ignore everything else. Many cult haters try to publicly shame and demonize those that dare not adhere to their cultist edicts. You must denounce Trump or be declared a leper, deplorable, outcast, etc. So who is more cult-like? You don't have to belong to a cult to know the answer.
  14. Yes, I do blame those that reacted to his performance and voted against him. Biden acted just as repugnant as Trump, but got a pass from the media. The media actually glorified Biden's horrible behavior. But I guess it's hard for some to evaluate the behavior of both when the hatred for one runs so deep.
  15. I disagree with this analysis wholeheartedly and unequivocally. Trump's behavior was not the best in the world, but far, far, far from driving over half of the country against him. That was the success of the media. Don't let your hatred of the man blind you of the facts. Many athletes act way worse than Trump, but as long as they are producing on the field, most will overlook much of the bad behavior. But if that athlete received 24/7 non-stop negative coverage and his successes on the field were dismissed and ignored, the bad behavior would be impossible to overlook. And I find it ironic that when you asked some of the Trump haters why the bile runs so deep, many of them reply with "Trump lies". So if "lying" is such a big deal to them, why did they turn around and vote for a known liar and plagiarist? Could it be that the media covered up Biden's lies? But let's place all of the blame on Trump.
  16. You totally discount the 24/7 negative coverage and blatant lies levied against Trump for five solid years, and place 100% of the blame on Trump and his supporters. You are definitely the one blaming the wrong people. It is very obvious to those not ate up with TDS.
  17. Did you really just accuse Trump of exhibiting "evil" actions on a daily basis, then when called out to offer evidence of this evilness, just double down on nonsensical childishness. You made an accusation. BS Wildcats asked you to back up your statement. 5GallonBucket did the same. (I didn't because it is just too comical.) Now you try to avoid your blatant lie that you got called on by attempting to ignore the request for evidence? Wow...the question now is...what is more childish: Trump's mean tweets or your false accusations? Do you feel manly by calling someone "garbage" when you display a more deplorable stance? I get that people hate Trump. Why should sensible people not hate you? Are you not equal or more guilty of what you hate him for? So again, what actions by Trump do you qualify as "evil"? We would like to decide whether your accusations have merit? This is merely rhetorical, but I want to offer you a second chance to run from your slander.
  18. That is some kind of fantasy-world overly dramatized post. Drama Queens all over the world would drop their jaws in amazement if they read this. Liberal pundits would drop to their knees in worship, labeling you the new "King of TDS" if they saw this...especially the first line. Good one. Thanks for the laugh.
  19. How is he "stupid"? Please articulate your point so we can evaluate who is the real stupid person. I have a feeling you will solidify the liberal point of "accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of".
  20. You're melting down faster than Antonio Brown. Got any other excuses to blame your failures on?
  21. Why do you even try? You have no other recourse but to throw out wild accusations because that's all your feeble mind can muster. How embarrassing for you.
  22. You leave no doubt to anyone that you are incapable of articulating a cogent thought. It's hilarious watching you melt. Children are laughing at your childishness.
  23. I'm sure your Russia, Russia, Russia dogma will be discussed. You should join. More people should be given the gift of laughter.
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