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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Jonathan Turley Warns Alvin Bragg Judges Will Not Like His “Legally Pathetic” Case Against Trump! [Hidden Content]
  2. You left the part out about purgury in front of a federal judge.
  3. Unless it's an Yobama appointed Judge, who doesn't care about the law, I don't see any Judge taking this case. But, they devils just needed a headline through the next election. Seems to me that once it's thrown out, that Trump could sue the DA for harassment. And maybe more.
  4. NO, can't get any better. Just MORE proof of their lies. What's amazing is that there are some here still trying to make Trump the bad guy. But, while President, Trump donated 100% of his salary to those in need. He did try to stymie the deep state. He did create many, many jobs for minorities. And the list goes on. Doesn't sound to bad to me. Oh, but wait -- I forgot about the mean tweets! SMH!
  5. It's my understanding that Trump's lawyer paid the money. And there was not any money that went from Trump to the lady or his lawyer. Since day one of Trump it's all been lies.
  6. If I'm not mistaken, Clinton was impeached for committing perjury in front of a federal judge.
  7. Democrats Just Handed Donald Trump the GOP Nomination! And the Presidency!! [Hidden Content]
  8. Correct on what you said. There is a line you do not cross. And the demons just crossed it!
  9. You are right. The kids have always been there. It took a special coach to come in and "develop" the kids that were there into championship caliber athletes. Something, like you alluded to, other coaches couldn't do. From the start in 1924, there were 20 coaches before Surratt and NONE could do what he did. But to be fair to the other coaches, there are only, at any one time, about 10% of the coaches that could. Carthage is lucky to have one! Surratt has earned his status!
  10. Kari Lake Gets Great News as Legal Challenges Reveal ‘A Systemic Failure’ in Arizona’s Election Process! [Hidden Content]
  11. Quinnipiac Poll: President Trump Boasts 14-Point Lead over Challengers! [Hidden Content]
  12. Interesting that no one from PNG is on this list!
  13. I just heard that France allowed main-in ballots. The fraud was so bad that they stopped it and went to paper ballots. And by 10 that night everyone knew who the winner was. Imagine that, having a winner announced on "election day." Not election week. Not election month. Mail-in ballots = 100% fraud!
  14. Turley: Alvin Bragg Has Handed Trump ‘Proof Positive’ of His Long Narrative — ‘This Is a Political Prosecution’!! Hitler did the same thing! You know -- the same thing the Demoncrats are doing! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  15. Is this the Demoncrat's new election fraud tactic? Sure appears to be! [Hidden Content]
  16. I did hear that JoeBama's new budget has 100 Million Dollars going to China for their so-called "green" agenda! Yeah, like they would really use that money for global warming. Remember -- the scam called the Paris Global Warming Treaty, China and India are exempted!! Why? Because they say they are "developing" nations. JoeBama doesn't bite the hand that feeds him! [Hidden Content]
  17. From the article: "Texas law enforcement working through Operation Lone Star have turned back more than 30,000 foreign nationals to Mexico as of March 24. Since March 2021, officers have apprehended over 359,000 illegal foreign nationals and made over 26,000 criminal arrests, with more than 23,000 felony charges reported. They’ve also seized more than 373 million lethal doses of fentanyl, more than enough to kill everyone in the United States. “Operation Lone Star continues to fill the dangerous gaps left by the Biden Administration's refusal to secure the border,” Gov. Greg Abbott said. “Every individual who is apprehended or arrested and every ounce of drugs seized would have otherwise made their way into communities across Texas and the nation due to President [Joe] Biden's open border policies.” In the first five months of fiscal 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Texas Department of Public Safety and National Guard members have apprehended more than 4,300 Chinese nationals at the southwest border, with over 1,300 reported last month alone. This represents a 900% increase in Chinese national apprehensions at the southern border over the year. “Cartels are profiting off the influx by charging Chinese individuals,” Abbott said, charging “$35,000 to $50,000 a person to be smuggled into the country.”" BTW -- didn't one of our liberals friends here say that there were no Chinese coming across the southern border? [Hidden Content] @Big girl @UT alum @DonTheCon2024 @Boyz N Da Hood @TxFan
  18. From the article: JoeBama's nominee for Federal Aviation Administration head, Denver International Airport CEO Phillip Washington, has withdrawn his name from consideration when it became unclear whether he would have enough support in the Senate. Washington, who was nominated to be FAA administrator in July, has faced unanimous opposition from Republicans, who cited his lack of qualifications and how he has been accused of professional retaliation and discrimination in multiple lawsuits. Arizona Sen. Krysten Sinema, a Democrat turned independent, reportedly slashed Democrats' hopes of moving Washington's nomination out of committee and on to the full Senate last week, according to multiple media reports. It is also unclear whether Montana Democrat John Tester would have voted for Washington." [Hidden Content]
  19. That Was Quick: DeSantis Donors Reportedly Recommending DeSantis Sit This One Out! He would be wise to sit it out. If he loses big time to Trump in the primaries it would be a real negative for him. But, if he supports Trump then in 2028 he would be a shoo-in for the next 8 years! [Hidden Content]
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