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Posts posted by Reagan

  1. 2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

    I was looking for a thread to put the comment in.  This country is headed to a dictatorship.  I am not saying that to just to throw shade at Trump.  To me this goes beyond partisan bickering.   You or we can kiss all the personal freedoms goodbye.  Freedom of the press, frerdom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly.  Probably even freedom of 2nd amendment rights.  They're not gonna let a bunch of good old boys take pock shots at the storm troopers.  It should be interesting, to say the least.

    Obama wanted to be the dictator!!  But for that pesky Constitution!  How would Trump be a dictator??  Because he wants to uphold the law?  Something obama rarely cared about!

  2. 35 minutes ago, 1989NDN said:

    Where is a cite to the research confirming 70% of undocumented people in the United States are receiving government assistance?  I know undocumented people who work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy, and they do not receive a dime of government assistance.  Of the people I know that are undocumented, you would think that I would have come across at least one who received government assistance.  Not so.  Several undocumented people actually work...they don't all show up and cry for government assistance.  Likewise, I know there are cases of citizens who abuse government programs.  Perhaps start there, since you can document them, i.e., find them, and clean up that area of abuse.

    I'm guessing most on this board would be opposed to a streamlined program that would enable undocumented people to begin a path to citizenship?  Just out of principle, you would be opposed to that?  What if the undocumented person could prove he/she worked and paid taxes?  Could they have a pathway to citizenship?

    Go Indians.  Peace.


    I see you don't use the word "illegal" when referring to these people.  If they are here illegally, what part of "illegal" don't you understand?

  3. Concerning Mike Flynn, from the article: " was the victim of a “hit job” launched by intelligence operatives, Obama government holdovers and former Obama national security officials,... They charge officials from America’s top spy counsels leaked classified government intercepts."  This is clearly illegal that this information was leaked.  Whoever was involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.  Knowing Trump, they probably will be!

    This is the hidden content, please
  4. 2 hours ago, westend1 said:

    Illegal immigrants don't receive welfare or Medicaid       The anchor babies, who are American citizens, do.  That's a job for this administration.    Amend the constitution to disallow that

    So, illegals do not receive any form of government assistance?

  5. I just heard that 70% of illegals are on government assistance.  Since most normal people know there is not a government money tree, this is mine and your taxes they are giving away.  So -- anyone think giving illegals our hard earned money through taxes is right?

  6. 3 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

    See, this is why you can't take you people serious. Your administration is ...oh nevamind, the blind leading the blind. LOL

    There' s reason why Washington St. filed the lawsuit against Trump with this Judge Robart. He's a flaming liberal.  They knew the outcome.  They also knew if Robart's decision was challenged that it would go to the 9th Circuit (AKA 9th Circus).  Another bunch of flaming libs.  The commie-libs knew what the outcome would be before they started.  Why didn't they challenge it in a Texas court??!!  The 9th Circus has been overturned 80-90% of the time.  If they are wrong that many times, well, in any other world they would be fired. 

  7. 35 minutes ago, Kountzer said:

    The Johnson amendment prohibits churches from overtly participating in the political process. If they do so they can lose their tax exempt status.  Conservative christians have been seeking to do away with the separation of church and state for a long time.  If the johnson amendment is done away with then separation of church and state is basically over.

    Once that happens the conservative right is going to seek to pass a national sunday law.  Enforced sunday worship is the mark of the beast.  Yeah I said it.  It is true too.

    Not in the Constitution. 

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