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Posts posted by Reagan

  1. 5 hours ago, REBgp said:

    A friend of mine pointed this out to me.  The media always referred to Barrack as President Obama, but with Donald, it's just Trump.

    That would be the "lame stream" media.  They have lost their influence long ago.  This is just one of the many reasons why. 

  2. 1 hour ago, baddog said:

    .......speaks about Trump and America. I have always liked George Foreman. I think he has 6 sons and they are all named George.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Sure one has to keep fighting.  One can't beat an embedded sickness in one week.  It's going to take time. 

  3. I would like to ask our liberal, touchy-feely friends here, how do you deal with savages like this in a civilized world?  And the sad part, the communist-fascist bunch is protesting to bring more of this into out great country.  This invasion into our country is strictly in the liberal's lap.   So, libs, help us understand how this is good for our country?!

    This is the hidden content, please

  4. 1 hour ago, REBgp said:

    Not in the mainstream?  Does Pelosi think Sotomayer, or Kagan are in the mainstream?  

    I like what Gosuch said in his acceptance speech.  "That Judges should make decisions based on the Law, not their personal opinion or agenda.  Show me a Judge who likes all his/her decisions, and I'll show you a bad Judge".  Paraphrased, but close.

    Sotomayor and Kagan were put there by obama just to do exactly what obama wanted.  I'd have to check, but I bet they have sided with obama close to, if not at, 100%.

  5. 5 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    the majority of them would've ended up on handouts and costing us tax money, and you'd be griping about having to pay for their handouts instead of griping about them being aborted.  Just saying...

    Man, not much faith in what humans can achieve.  Typical, though. Liberals say you can't do anything without government's help.  Conservative say people can achieve anything they are willing to work for.  Which one's more compassionate?  The side that leaves you alone?  Or the side that says you aren't worth anything therefore you need constant government help?

  6. What Trump did was 100% LEGAL!!  The problem, short term, is that there is still those associated with obama's lawlessness left in the government.  This acting AG was a 100% obamaite.  The judge that first issued the stay was appointed by obama.  I originally stated short term problem. But -- as you see with this goofy AG, Trump will act quickly to purge any of obama's anti-American leftovers!!

  7. 34 minutes ago, PlayActionPass said:

    It seems to me that in recent years the number of jobs that we actually get to see a list of applicants has gone down. I remember a few years back, we would see a list on here of every coach that applied as well as the local used car salesman, postman, pee wee coach and position coach from some no name school in South Dakota. I was always interesting to discuss. 

    It was usually the media that requested the names under FOIA.  They need to step up their game and get it done! 

  8. 1 hour ago, 77 said:

    I am pretty old but I can remember a time when the Democratic party was  pulling for America and her people now it seems they are community organizers against anything that puts Americans first. My grandfather & father are spinning in their grave. 

    Over time, the Democrat party has purged itself of any conservatives.  Bad for America -- good for us!!

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