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Everything posted by WOS92

  1. I just sent mine. It would be good for people from all over to be represented, I think. Shirley Martin is a spiteful moron. Hopefully this will not only push the stadium to be re-named, but also alert people that she needs to be defeated in the next election.
  2. ... and now you know..... ... the rest of the story...
  3. The most miserable I've ever been at a game was the WO-S/Jasper game in Conroe in 97. It was FREEZING and WET. We did win, though. Game-wise it was great. The conditions were just miserable.
  4. Buy or sell: Lumberton finishes in the bottom three in district.
  5. With no disrespect to Vidor, it's not a good sign for your program if you've repeatedly experienced Vidor's homecoming halftime. Teams generally schedule an easy win for homecoming. I don't doubt that the program in Lumberton can turn around. My point is that it will NOT be immediate. That doesn't count JV training, folks. Believe it or not, JV success is much less important than you think. WO-S has had some terrible JV teams and PLENTY of success at the varsity level. None of those "bad" JV teams had a bad year at varsity.
  6. Buy Buy or sell: Lumberton will finish above .500 this year (be sure to peek at the schedule).
  7. Well, obviously they'll be playing with a significant "purty field" advantage.
  8. Lumberton didn't have a run-through yet? I thought they did. I have to admit that I think Vidor's is the coolest in the area.
  9. No thanks, man. I'm drug free. But if you're looking for someone smoking stuff, check out the folks in L-town.
  10. OK... This is OFFICIALLY THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER READ!!! Yeah, we're SOOOOO glad we're not playing you guys this year. We decided to chicken out of playing a team that won ZERO games last year and has ZERO playoff appearances and ZERO chance at winning district to instead play powderpuffs like Dayton, Bay City, Jasper, Silsbee and Bridge City. If you're really thinking 8-2, you have a HARD year ahead of you. While we're telling jokes, here's a good one: Which of these things doesn't fit? The easter bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Lumberton's chances at winning district? The answer? Lumberton's chances of winning district. Why? You can at least fool a five year old into believing that the others exist.
  11. I have a strange feeling the Lumberton folks are trying to re-pay us for doubting their team. That's fine. We were in the semis last year and should be better this year. As far as Hutto goes, I think we'll be a good match for them. Last year, a depleted BC team gave them a decent game, and I expect they could have won with their star. Although Kerley is a very good player, he isn't enough to make them a sure shot. Gilmer is more of a worry for me, but I'm not sure if they're DI or DII. I think WO-S has as much of a shot as anyone, to be short.
  12. Unless at least two of your losses are in pre-district, 7-3 probably won't get ya the playoffs in that district. If you earn that record though, you'll have to beat New Caney, Cleveland, LC-M and Vidor. That's four wins. That means you'll have to pull off at least THREE major upsets among your games with PN-G, Nederland, Ozen, Central and Bridge City. I just don't see that happening. Certainly anything is possible, but y'all are just going to have to prove it on the field. All of this talk is kind of funny to those of us not from Lumberton.
  13. No offense to anyone, but Central was a team full of talent with bad coaching. I don't think that's the case in Lumberton. I do think there's a chance he can turn this program around, but I also think that if they're expecting more than a .500 season, they are probably going to be disappointed.
  14. This is not a turnaround from one bad year, coop. This is a turnaround of a program that has NEVER made the playoffs in its history.
  15. Might as well post that on every single thread
  16. That's the third time you've posted that same post. I'm glad you're confident. However, regardless how much better this coach makes you in the long run, the title won't be there for y'all this year.
  17. If this coach is going to change things in L-town, this is NOT the year for you to be THE BEST TEAM IN SETX. I'm sorry. There is as little chance of that as there is of Prarie View winning the National Championship.
  18. Central Ozen Dayton Nederland PN-G LC-M Vidor Lumberton
  19. I wouldn't expect to see the raiders in the pre-season Top 10. Maybe at the end of the year, but certainly not at this point.
  20. Actually, you bring up a good point. Lumberton will NOT win this district. They very well may win a few, but when and if other teams realize they are here to play, they will bring their "A" games. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but in recent years, no one has brought their best during Lumberton week. It's a simple fact. If there is a turnaround, that will change and the challenge will be upped. So even if you start winning and then revert to losing in the same fashion, you might just be getting a better effort from your opponents.
  21. It's a shame that you have to fight the latter two battles. The first battle is easily won - or lost. Just win. Until then, you can't expect respect from teams who - no offense - are accustomed to their game against you being an automatic "W." I'm not saying you won't earn the respect, just that you have to do just that. Hiring a new coach - even one that has won at the JV level or at another school - doesn't prove anything. Best of luck to you this year. I hope the kids believe as much as you guys do. If they do, then the coach's job will be much easier. Again - coaching, talent, heart, discipline and luck. You'll need them all to turn a team with a bad history into a perennial contender. Good luck!
  22. I can read just fine. I'm also able to comprehend well enough to understand that even though Lumberton has a new coach, he's moving up to compete against Neumann, Burnett, Stowers and the rest of 22-4A. Obviously this isn't a rebuilding year. A rebuilding year is a tough year that follows a successful year. No offense, but a losing season in Lumberton is called a "season." I'm glad you're confident about your team. That's a change in Lumberton and, even if the team still loses most of its games, at least the attitude change is for the better. Just give the guy a chance to win and don't expect too much the first year. As far as putting your boys on the field with us and the 5A teams, let's not bite off more than we can chew. You'll have enough trouble with Central, Nederland, PN-G, Ozen and probably have your hands full with Vidor and the bears as well. Besides, we already play LC-M, so we've met our 22-4A pushover quota for the year.
  23. Actually, we only missed the postseason the last three years. The fourth (2000) we went to the finals.
  24. I thought Tony Eckert was an awesome prospect. Other than that, Lumberton has never really showed anything. I think you guys from Lumberton just need to realize that a team with zero playoff appearances - even when in a weak district - can't just snap its fingers and have respect with a new coach - even if it's Bill Parcels. It takes more than coaching - like talent, heart, discipline. If you've NEVER made the playoffs, I - for one - am going to assume that coaching is not the only problem. Even a team with a history of bad coaching will fall a@@ backwards into a playoff berth ONCE. Is it just me?
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