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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. But Brady got up and said he didn't cheat. Yea right. Like coach, like quarterback.
  2. One more point, has Yobama or his flunkie, Eric Holder, had any press releases on this murder. No investigation by the Justice Department.
  3. Where is the rioting, setting of fires, and the looting? Oh, this was a white cop that was murdered in cold blood!
  4. With your views, I was just not sure.
  5. That question should not have to be asked. Absolutely despicable. I figured when Big girl said it was sad, I assumed she was referring to the title of this topic: these thugs need to be hung.
  6. What are you calling sad? Is it what happened to this lady, or someone said that the thugs needed to be hanged?
  7. Don't look now, but the Astros have the 3rd most wins in baseball. Keep it up! Stay on the road, 10-2 record. Home record 4-5.
  8. #1 conference in more ways than one
  9. Why the hatred for a man that brought a NCAA champ to your beloved Wildcats? You call him "Loserville Man", but he has a more recent NCAA champ at "Loserville" than Cal at Kentucky.
  10. What do these idiots think they are accomplishing with the riots?
  11. Hardy already involved in an altercation with a teammate. Sounds like a good get there Jerry. Seems like trouble follows Hardy, or he just finds it.
  12. So much for that. Hoping AGS could hold on and get Ryan a W.
  13. Hendrix out, pitched a hell of a game.
  14. Hendrix dealing 7 k's so far thru 4.
  15. After 3 complete Ags & LSU tied at 2
  16. Ryan Hendrix, of Big Sandy,scheduled to start his 2nd game of season tonight for the Aggies.
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