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    IT'S IN THE BONE reacted to Peppermint Patty in Recruitment Thoughts?   
    Play in events against good teams. Don't play in events where your team is winning 15-0. Scouts/coaches do not want to see you dropping bombs against some donkey. They want to see you play against other prospects.
    Perfect Game is a nationally recognized showcase sponsor. I would attend and get graded at at least one PG showcase. They have them in Texas throughout the summer.If you can, play in a PG tournament in Georgia or Florida. The amount of exposure you receive there will be well worth the expense.
    Don't let your high school coach fool you, players get recruited in the Summer.
  2. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE reacted to AHUDDLESTON in Umpires, You Make the Call on this Play   
    agreed! I love aggressive play, but not dirty.  That was definitely dirty. Why stuff like that usually doesn't happen in baseball - fastball to the ribs!
  3. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from smitty in ISIS   
    You want to take care of ISIS?  Here is how you do it...TAKE THE HAND-CUFFS OFF ISRAEL! Let them do what they do best which is track down terroist and kill them, because they have the stomach to do what our government will not do; which is the systematic destruction and elimination of radical Muslims.
  4. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in ISIS   
    You want to take care of ISIS?  Here is how you do it...TAKE THE HAND-CUFFS OFF ISRAEL! Let them do what they do best which is track down terroist and kill them, because they have the stomach to do what our government will not do; which is the systematic destruction and elimination of radical Muslims.
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    IT'S IN THE BONE reacted to Bigdog in Today is........   
    They added a second this year I think, so you are older.  Sorry.
  6. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE reacted to LumRaiderFan in The conservative case for gay marriage   
    ​God makes it very clear to be submissive to authority but we (Christians) are never to put man's law above God's law.
    The story of Daniel makes this very clear as well as Jesus challenging the authority of the Pharisees who were the spiritual "leaders" of that time.
    Should he have just shut his mouth and not "judged" their behavior...No.
    Does anyone believe God would approve of abortion, or the fact that our gov approves and funds it...No.
    We are to submit to authority, but not if it is in contrast to God's word.
    There are funds that a gov must have to operate (Caesar's)...but it was never intended to be spent on some of the things we are spending them on.
  7. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from baddog in ISIS   
    You want to take care of ISIS?  Here is how you do it...TAKE THE HAND-CUFFS OFF ISRAEL! Let them do what they do best which is track down terroist and kill them, because they have the stomach to do what our government will not do; which is the systematic destruction and elimination of radical Muslims.
  8. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in The conservative case for gay marriage   
    This weekend I saw my kid get smoked down because the umpire was calling a crap zone...and it was a crap zone...he got rang up two AB's in a row and on the third he swung at a low outside pitch that had been called a strike previously and flared the ball to the short stop as he is a left handed batter.  I saw the coach after the game come up and talk to him for a few...later I asked what he said. My son said, "don't let what you cant control effect how you handle the things you can control and the things you can't control just have to water off a ducks back"...how true that is guys...First, why get all bowed up about what Sarah Palin says because you have zero chance of controlling what she says. Number two, if you let the things being said control your actions or words than its a double loss. If you want to make a statement about the issue at hand than make it but let it be your statement and not a response to the cycle of rhetoric. JMO    
  9. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from thetragichippy in The conservative case for gay marriage   
    This weekend I saw my kid get smoked down because the umpire was calling a crap zone...and it was a crap zone...he got rang up two AB's in a row and on the third he swung at a low outside pitch that had been called a strike previously and flared the ball to the short stop as he is a left handed batter.  I saw the coach after the game come up and talk to him for a few...later I asked what he said. My son said, "don't let what you cant control effect how you handle the things you can control and the things you can't control just have to water off a ducks back"...how true that is guys...First, why get all bowed up about what Sarah Palin says because you have zero chance of controlling what she says. Number two, if you let the things being said control your actions or words than its a double loss. If you want to make a statement about the issue at hand than make it but let it be your statement and not a response to the cycle of rhetoric. JMO    
  10. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from Hagar in The conservative case for gay marriage   
    As a Christian I have no right to judge others and because of my beliefs I know we all will answer for what we have done and in some cases not done. I think the idea of marriage came from the bible and the process performed in the JP's office is a legal binding of two people and the word marriage is like somebody asking for a Kleenex when they just want a tissue.  Maybe the government should take the word marriage out of the phrase "Marriage License" and change it to "Domestic Partnership License". LOL...Church can call it Marriage and the government can call it a partnership and all can be happy and If a church see's fit to perform a same sex marriage...well that is their prerogative and goes back to my opening statement. I have several friends that are Gay or Lesbian and I am proud to call them my friends but as they know their lifestyle or way of life is not mine and we have lines we do not cross in discussion, not to say we never talk about it but never in a judgmental tone and certainly not with fire and brimstone.  The most important thing I have to remember is that because of my Christianity...God loves us all the same not matter what but is that in no way relieves me from the consequences of my actions. That being said...I am very busy trying deal with my own issues of living in a glass house.  
  11. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from PAMFAM10 in The conservative case for gay marriage   
    As a Christian I have no right to judge others and because of my beliefs I know we all will answer for what we have done and in some cases not done. I think the idea of marriage came from the bible and the process performed in the JP's office is a legal binding of two people and the word marriage is like somebody asking for a Kleenex when they just want a tissue.  Maybe the government should take the word marriage out of the phrase "Marriage License" and change it to "Domestic Partnership License". LOL...Church can call it Marriage and the government can call it a partnership and all can be happy and If a church see's fit to perform a same sex marriage...well that is their prerogative and goes back to my opening statement. I have several friends that are Gay or Lesbian and I am proud to call them my friends but as they know their lifestyle or way of life is not mine and we have lines we do not cross in discussion, not to say we never talk about it but never in a judgmental tone and certainly not with fire and brimstone.  The most important thing I have to remember is that because of my Christianity...God loves us all the same not matter what but is that in no way relieves me from the consequences of my actions. That being said...I am very busy trying deal with my own issues of living in a glass house.  
  12. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from bullets13 in The conservative case for gay marriage   
    As a Christian I have no right to judge others and because of my beliefs I know we all will answer for what we have done and in some cases not done. I think the idea of marriage came from the bible and the process performed in the JP's office is a legal binding of two people and the word marriage is like somebody asking for a Kleenex when they just want a tissue.  Maybe the government should take the word marriage out of the phrase "Marriage License" and change it to "Domestic Partnership License". LOL...Church can call it Marriage and the government can call it a partnership and all can be happy and If a church see's fit to perform a same sex marriage...well that is their prerogative and goes back to my opening statement. I have several friends that are Gay or Lesbian and I am proud to call them my friends but as they know their lifestyle or way of life is not mine and we have lines we do not cross in discussion, not to say we never talk about it but never in a judgmental tone and certainly not with fire and brimstone.  The most important thing I have to remember is that because of my Christianity...God loves us all the same not matter what but is that in no way relieves me from the consequences of my actions. That being said...I am very busy trying deal with my own issues of living in a glass house.  
  13. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from thetragichippy in Remove confederate Flag From Statehouse?   
    Like mentioned before...I wish black  Americans would focus on the genocide that is occurring in the streets of America at the hand of their own socio-culture. I mean thousands of young black men are dying for why???can anyone tell??? I mean dang people let's focus some more on the past and a flag. Folks it's our history as a collective good and bad. But to ignore the real threat to black America is insane...if black leaders don't step up and lead...if the families don't stand up take their children back from the streets than all is for not! To hell with a flag or the tragic past...learn from it but we have so many more priblems that deserve attention than this rhetoric.  
  14. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from smitty in Remove confederate Flag From Statehouse?   
    Like mentioned before...I wish black  Americans would focus on the genocide that is occurring in the streets of America at the hand of their own socio-culture. I mean thousands of young black men are dying for why???can anyone tell??? I mean dang people let's focus some more on the past and a flag. Folks it's our history as a collective good and bad. But to ignore the real threat to black America is insane...if black leaders don't step up and lead...if the families don't stand up take their children back from the streets than all is for not! To hell with a flag or the tragic past...learn from it but we have so many more priblems that deserve attention than this rhetoric.  
  15. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from BS Wildcats in Remove confederate Flag From Statehouse?   
    Like mentioned before...I wish black  Americans would focus on the genocide that is occurring in the streets of America at the hand of their own socio-culture. I mean thousands of young black men are dying for why???can anyone tell??? I mean dang people let's focus some more on the past and a flag. Folks it's our history as a collective good and bad. But to ignore the real threat to black America is insane...if black leaders don't step up and lead...if the families don't stand up take their children back from the streets than all is for not! To hell with a flag or the tragic past...learn from it but we have so many more priblems that deserve attention than this rhetoric.  
  16. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from 77 in Remove confederate Flag From Statehouse?   
    Like mentioned before...I wish black  Americans would focus on the genocide that is occurring in the streets of America at the hand of their own socio-culture. I mean thousands of young black men are dying for why???can anyone tell??? I mean dang people let's focus some more on the past and a flag. Folks it's our history as a collective good and bad. But to ignore the real threat to black America is insane...if black leaders don't step up and lead...if the families don't stand up take their children back from the streets than all is for not! To hell with a flag or the tragic past...learn from it but we have so many more priblems that deserve attention than this rhetoric.  
  17. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from shovel in Remove confederate Flag From Statehouse?   
    Like mentioned before...I wish black  Americans would focus on the genocide that is occurring in the streets of America at the hand of their own socio-culture. I mean thousands of young black men are dying for why???can anyone tell??? I mean dang people let's focus some more on the past and a flag. Folks it's our history as a collective good and bad. But to ignore the real threat to black America is insane...if black leaders don't step up and lead...if the families don't stand up take their children back from the streets than all is for not! To hell with a flag or the tragic past...learn from it but we have so many more priblems that deserve attention than this rhetoric.  
  18. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from Hagar in Confederate Flag Flies Because Of The Democratic Party!   
    ​I certainly was not minimizing getting "lynched or hung for the color of their skin" and IMO that right there is half our problem today...people taking things out of context or making bold assumptions instead of just asking someone who was obviously trying to have an intelligent conversation to opine on the statement of "mixed emotions"...although I was not asked I will try and clarify...people were raised in the south under a much different culture than the north and no matter how you look at it slavery was justified all the way from the church house to the state house. Many people in the north saw it as morally wrong and many people did not care about the morals as much as the economic impact based on fair trade, due to the fact that the south produced a product for much less cost due to a much reduced labor cost...ie slavery. That impact effected mans ability to make a living and care for their families. The mixed emotions comment was directed at the culture of the south where slavery was an entitlement and in the north it was a moral and direct economic survival issues. I realize 300years of slavery is unexcusable but nevertheless its all part of our history and my point was we just cant go around deciding what parts to embrace and what parts to hide.  I do believe everything happens for a reason and the African American people suffered not unlike the Jews or the multitudes of others around the world. many positive things were of a direct result of the Civil War and the Civil Rights struggle that later ensued. I wish we would just focus on the here and now and deal with the atrociousness of events effecting the African American people today and I'm not just talking about the current events of lately; I am talking about the crimes being exacted upon the African American people by their own... the thousands of young men dieing needlessly at the hands of their own and nothing of real is being done...Focus on a flag and focus on 300 years of slavery and your future will never be any better than it is today.  I have many friend of color and I hate to even say that because I don't see color in them I see my friend I see men I would stand shoulder to shoulder with as my equal or better...My children have been raised to not see color but see the person. I would never minimize your struggle...but my friend it is our burden as Americans to make tomorrow a better place and it can't happen trying to drive down the road of life looking in the rear-view mirror. My sincerest apologies if anything I said was or is misconstrued to be anything other than genuine, supportive or empathetic.  
  19. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from thetragichippy in Confederate Flag Flies Because Of The Democratic Party!   
    ​I certainly was not minimizing getting "lynched or hung for the color of their skin" and IMO that right there is half our problem today...people taking things out of context or making bold assumptions instead of just asking someone who was obviously trying to have an intelligent conversation to opine on the statement of "mixed emotions"...although I was not asked I will try and clarify...people were raised in the south under a much different culture than the north and no matter how you look at it slavery was justified all the way from the church house to the state house. Many people in the north saw it as morally wrong and many people did not care about the morals as much as the economic impact based on fair trade, due to the fact that the south produced a product for much less cost due to a much reduced labor cost...ie slavery. That impact effected mans ability to make a living and care for their families. The mixed emotions comment was directed at the culture of the south where slavery was an entitlement and in the north it was a moral and direct economic survival issues. I realize 300years of slavery is unexcusable but nevertheless its all part of our history and my point was we just cant go around deciding what parts to embrace and what parts to hide.  I do believe everything happens for a reason and the African American people suffered not unlike the Jews or the multitudes of others around the world. many positive things were of a direct result of the Civil War and the Civil Rights struggle that later ensued. I wish we would just focus on the here and now and deal with the atrociousness of events effecting the African American people today and I'm not just talking about the current events of lately; I am talking about the crimes being exacted upon the African American people by their own... the thousands of young men dieing needlessly at the hands of their own and nothing of real is being done...Focus on a flag and focus on 300 years of slavery and your future will never be any better than it is today.  I have many friend of color and I hate to even say that because I don't see color in them I see my friend I see men I would stand shoulder to shoulder with as my equal or better...My children have been raised to not see color but see the person. I would never minimize your struggle...but my friend it is our burden as Americans to make tomorrow a better place and it can't happen trying to drive down the road of life looking in the rear-view mirror. My sincerest apologies if anything I said was or is misconstrued to be anything other than genuine, supportive or empathetic.  
  20. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from PAMFAM10 in Confederate Flag Flies Because Of The Democratic Party!   
    ​Gonna give it the old college try...Lets just throw it out in the open...this whole flag thing is about slavery and injustice done to African Americans by their own in Africa, White Euro's and White Americans (TRIANGLE TRADE ROUTE). When I look at the Confederate flag I see age old tradition and a reminder of a time when things were confusing and full of mixed emotions. I see a time when people died for their beliefs and heritage. I see a time people died for moral change change. I see a time that people waged war upon their brother over the all mighty dollar. Evil traitors to a nation? Undying echos of slavery among people who trust it upon the backs of those who have no real ties to that day in time...from a peoples who can't even hardly make blood ties to the past.  Their have been many wrongs done to a many of people and cultures world wide throughout history...too many to list. The confederate flag is more than just a hate rag...it's part of a profound history. It stands for tradition, change, grief, life, religion and yes even freedom, because without the struggles of war many of this countries most influential leaders who fought for civil rights may have never been.  It is our history as a people as a nation. It cant just be about one thing and the past has to start truly being the past if our future is to be what we want it to be.  You Sir are an American and the south, the flag, the everything is a part of your history just like it's a part of mine and we must embrace it and find the good, find the lessons, find the wrongs and let them stand uncovered as the truth to teach us all...God Bless my friend.        
  21. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from thetragichippy in Confederate Flag Flies Because Of The Democratic Party!   
    ​Gonna give it the old college try...Lets just throw it out in the open...this whole flag thing is about slavery and injustice done to African Americans by their own in Africa, White Euro's and White Americans (TRIANGLE TRADE ROUTE). When I look at the Confederate flag I see age old tradition and a reminder of a time when things were confusing and full of mixed emotions. I see a time when people died for their beliefs and heritage. I see a time people died for moral change change. I see a time that people waged war upon their brother over the all mighty dollar. Evil traitors to a nation? Undying echos of slavery among people who trust it upon the backs of those who have no real ties to that day in time...from a peoples who can't even hardly make blood ties to the past.  Their have been many wrongs done to a many of people and cultures world wide throughout history...too many to list. The confederate flag is more than just a hate rag...it's part of a profound history. It stands for tradition, change, grief, life, religion and yes even freedom, because without the struggles of war many of this countries most influential leaders who fought for civil rights may have never been.  It is our history as a people as a nation. It cant just be about one thing and the past has to start truly being the past if our future is to be what we want it to be.  You Sir are an American and the south, the flag, the everything is a part of your history just like it's a part of mine and we must embrace it and find the good, find the lessons, find the wrongs and let them stand uncovered as the truth to teach us all...God Bless my friend.        
  22. Like
    Congrats young man...job well done!
  23. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE reacted to rykerx144 in District 12-3A D1 Way-Too-Early Predictions or Opinions   
    Last I heard he as going to play,  If Gore does sit out then it will be about more than baseball.
  24. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE reacted to wizdiz in District 12-3A D1 Way-Too-Early Predictions or Opinions   
    Gore will be the QB Bone. Whoever told you he wasn't was just trying to stir it up. 
  25. Like
    IT'S IN THE BONE got a reaction from td in 23-3A All-District   
    ​Brotha it does not make a hoot or hollar...I know Austin is proud of his team mates that pulled down awards and proud of his many friends in district 23-3A that did as well. You know Austin spent every game with the exception of one at first base...a position he has not played since he was 13, which allowed his coach to build some good experienced underclassman to carry the torch in the outfield and he did it with love in his heart and I am very proud of him: The biggest plus of all is; Austin already got the award of his dreams by being blessed with a Division One Baseball Scholarship and the chance to continue the dream.  Austin has had his share of the lime light and is truly happy for everybody else that is rightfully receiving their time in the sun shine. God bless all these young men as they go step into the real world and make their path. I know I have been proud to be a part of things for the past four years watching my son and his friends / team-mates compete together and against one another. In those four years successes happen and mistakes get made ending in sleepless nights where all you do as pray for a do over, but in the end you hope you have learned how to become better and more rounded person on and off the field. This holds true not only for the player, but from personal experience the parent as well. It's on to the next chapter boys...once again congrats, good luck and most of all God Bless!   
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