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John Blutarsky

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Posts posted by John Blutarsky

  1. Dayton and Crosby play November 10th

    Crosby 42 Gentry 20 8A

    Crosby 13 Gentry 20 8B

    Thanks for the scores. I couldn't stay for the A team game, I was wondering who won. Gentry 8A needs to beat Dayton, and CBJ and hope Dayton pulls off the upset in week 9. Gentry 8B is still undefeated but I believe I heard CBJ 8B is undefeated too. Haven't heard anything on Dayton 8B yet.

  2. Thats how it started. #12 only looked and through to #10. The Running game was completely taken away as the opposing defense didn't have a worry in the world that the qb could run and totally took 21 out of the run game.

    I think it could still work if they changed their philosophy. It seems to me that they're either throwing the ball deep of behind the line of scrimmage for a screen. With the speed of #10 and #3 I would live by the old Steve Spurrier adage of hitting the reciever moving forward and use more quick slants.

  3. I voiced my opinion to my son and it usually was to support a coaches decision. When we had questions, we scheduled a conference with Coach Boyd. Sat down face to face.

    Thê form is to be used when you don't think that your concerns were addressed to your satisfaction. 

    Right now my concern is with this freshman class. Is it the coaching or do we have too many knucleheads that are having a problem comprehending schemes and techniques. I don't know, maybe it's a combination of both. All I know is there are still alot of mistakes, kids lining up in the wrong place, missing assignments etc. This should have been cleaned up by now. I don't see the opponents having as many problems as we are but then again maybe I'm focusing too much on our players. But the biggest concern is the that I have seen at least three good solid players that could help this team quit, and I've heard comments from other parents that their kids are ready to just focus on other sports. It's not just transfers that you have to worry about, some of the multi sport athletes can lose interest if they think there just going to get their butt kicked every week and with the possibility of moving to 6A next year, that's a legitimate concern. I'll get with the coaches and voice my concerns hopefully they'll realize that I'm not trying to dog them. I just want to know why we have suddenly gone from being a solid competitive team to looking like we can't beat a junior high team. And I want them to realize that some of their better athletes are getting very discouraged.

  4. That freshman team needs some work. 

    There are alot of unhappy parents right now. This team isn't even compettive any more. Lost alot of kids to grades, had to combine teams, then alot of B teamers that were no longer getting playing time walked. Lost a kid who is talented enough to possibly start at QB as a sophmore cause he's tired of losing, but to be fair he's a baseball player first, I don't know if his heart was ever truly in it. But they're going to lose more kids if things don't change, I'm already hearing it from kids and parents. This year is about development and frankly I don't see it. There is plenty of talent in this class but it's not being utilized properly. They're not 38 - 0 bad. I'm not talking win's and losses here either, I'm just talking about competing. And before someone says I just sound like a disgruntled parent who's son doesn't get enough playing time, not the case. My boy starts both ways and probably needs to get more rest. I'm happy with is play. I'm just concerned about the future of this program.

  5. I don't keep up with margin of vixtory. Just win baby.

    Add up RSS since '92 and GCM since '08 and I've been to more homecoming games on the road than I can count.

    GCM has some weapons on offense.  Some times we just forget to load em up.

    We'll be alright Friday night.

    If the field becomes a mud hole it could come down to who has the best power running game, which may give Lumberton an advantage. But GCM has plenty of offensive weapons. If they give the right guys enough touches and adjust their play calling to fit the conditions, GCM should win. I just hope they get the rock to # 10 more.

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