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Everything posted by RaiderRed30

  1. I Like Chad Morris. This game is a city rivalry. I am Fort Worth all the way.
  2. I said players, but it could have been coaches. All I know is the running back was running off the field and then Briles looked towards the sidelines. Next thing you know the running back is running back onto the field and Baylor runs a read option for a score.
  3. So explain all the different denominations of Christianity. They all have different interpretations of different things that make them different. You have yours and I have mine. I'm done. This shouldn't be a debate about the differences in religion but about the issue of racism and anti-religion.
  4. It is your opinion if they believe in the same or not. To say what is God's Word about everything is impossible because most of the Bible was not written down for many years after events happened. I believe based on my interpretation they are the same. You believe they are not. That is opinion.
  5. My point was religion. All three religions are Abrahamic as his sons, Isaac was the Father of the Hebrews, and Ishmael was the Father of the Arabs. This is directly stated in Genesis after the flood. I also never said that the Quran is mentioned by the Bible, but Ishmael was. Of course the Quran was not mentioned in the Bible, because the Quran was not written until the 600s. In the Quran it is mentioned all three have the same prophets before Mohammed. This includes Jesus who Muslims believe God spoke to, while in Christianity he is the son of God. The Quran speaks of the brethren and the children of Abraham. That is where I said that both works speak of one another. As for the opinion comment it is. Religious scholars for years have been trying to decipher all of the new scrolls found from both religions. Their is a debate if it is the same God or not. So since no one knows exactly what God said about the difference between Islam and Christianity it is not his word but an opinion. The thing that is not up for debate is the issue that all three religions come from the same ancestral line, making them family.
  6. Allah means God. We are all descended from the same person Abraham. We all believe in the creation story and an afterlife. Both works speak of one another. Of course what you got from my post was your opinion. This issue is everyone sees difference and evil instead peace. So there are differences. There are differences between Catholics and Protestants. The point is the world especially the United States needs to stop judging by race and religion and instead judge by character. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Bahai, Buddhism, Confuscism, Wiccan, and more shouldn't matter. But it does and that will continue to happen until we learn
  7. Wrong all three religions split from Abraham. They all believe in the same creation story created by the same God. And by saying God is Islam is a false God then you are saying that God is Christianity is a false God which is Blasphemy.
  8. Heres the largest problem with everyone: When is it going to stop matter what religion someone is or what color their skin is? Even the head of this title had to include religion. Everything is based on one of these two. Islam and Christianity descend from the same people who believe in the same God. Yet there has always been hatred. Christians killing Muslims during the Crusades and the Reconquista. Terrorist and ISIS attacks today. We are all the same, but in every religion there are groups that think the others are bad. My issue with this case was the police interrogating the child without his parents presence. He never told them a wrong answer. They asked what it was. He said clock. They asked why he brought it. He said to show his teachers. He is 14. He built a clock out of a pencil sharpener. He wanted to show his teachers thinking they would be impressed. He is a mechanical genius, yet in todays world there is so much fear that people think a 14 year old who has never been in trouble is going to bring a bomb to school. The fact that he is Muslim and a son of the immigrant worries people. But there is no reason. I have to agree with the President on this case. Instead of being fearful because of religion or skin, we should be praising those who are smart and are thinking outside box.
  9. Nigeria is not actually a third world country. They are the richest country in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oil Money. They do have problems in the north with Boko Haram, but overall it is a very beautiful and safe country.
  10. Does anyone know if the two are playing in the shootout this weekend?
  11. What does the league have anything to do with this? Harrell is the best QB Tech has ever had.
  12. Harrell was only 3 years with 146 touchdowns and 15800 yards. He and Crabtree had the catch. He is the best Tech has had and will have. Mahomes needs to have a season like the 2008 season to ever be in the discussion. Kingsbury also only started 3 years but he pioneered the offense. He also came back to rebuild after the Dark years. He is a legend on the plains. And as you said Full Disclosure our families used to be friends in the 80s and 90s.
  13. Graham and Kliff have something to say about that
  14. I never called them exchange students or said anything about using that rule. I simply stated that if exchange students who move halfway across the world, why shouldn't students that moved halfway across the world for a better life become eligible. Exchange students examples were only used by men as they were are also international students. I stated to apply for a waiver and get a hearing. Nothing more.
  15. I am not saying he is a foreign exchange student. What I said was they are ruled eligible, so why shouldn't these two who moved halfway across the world.
  16. After these past two weekends how bout this one: Lamar at Sam Houston State Lamar hung with Baylor Sam Houston hung with Tech
  17. Yes, but as winwin says there is a waiver. If they can get a hearing to explain the situation then who knows. I used the exchange student just because that was the only case I could think of where international students were eligible. I think they should be ruled eligible because they are moving halfway across the world to an area that has many Nigerian Americans and they are giving a lot up just to come here. I think I read earlier they were from Nigeria.
  18. If they applied for a waiver with UIL, they would get a hearing for eligibility. Depending on where they are from in Nigeria, or even why they moved but their parents did not. Exchange students are eligible. It may be a longshot, but considering Boko Haram in the north they could still be ruled eligible.
  19. I don't know if you saw it but Briles was going to kneel it, but looked back to his sideline and the players wanted to score another. It all goes back to the first half. Very chippy. Baylor was being Baylor (cocky) and Lamar was not afraid to hit back. That led to all the flags, with the refs obviously biased towards the home team, but also ticked off the Baylor players. I don't agree with it and think it's classless, but was not all that surprising. If I was Lamar I would have kept calling time out and tried to score on the last drive as payback. Lamar played well. The defense gave up a lot of yards, but they were very impressive. Everyone thought it would be blowout city, but it wasn't. That's heart and fight, two unteachable skills.
  20. Haven't been watching (watching Tech dismantle UTEP), but maybe Arkansas is looking towards next week.
  21. Allah is also the God to both Christians and people of Jewish faith. 3 Religions. 1 God.
  22. You do know that Wallace wasn't actually racist, right? He took that stance to become and stay governor. Before politics he was the fairest judge in Alabama to both races.
  23. If only Kennedy was alive... He would finally have an answer to his question
  24. Things are never going to be good when your Sr 5* Running Back touches the ball 3 times through 3 quarters.
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