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Posts posted by oldschool2

  1. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard..... Unfortunately is not always true.

    But in this case..I don't think either team will overwhelm with talent. So I will go with Liberty because I think they have a more stable and more successful and experienced coaching staff.

    Holy run on sentence...normally I read over what I type before I post. No wonder China is passing us up.

    Liberty has a more stable, more successful, and more experienced coaching staff.
  2. Is talent more important than work ethic in the game of football if you have 2 or 3 talented on 1 team and 11 hard workers with high effort levels who busted their butts for the past couple of months on another team? ive watched the Panthers workout and their motors are high rollers I must say they've started off slow but im looking for them to go out at night and dominate this game as a whole.

    Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard..... Unfortunately is not always true.

    But in this case..I don't think either team will overwhelm with talent. So I will go with Liberty because I think they have a more stable and more successful and experienced coaching staff.
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