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Posts posted by oldschool2

  1. haha your funny he coached football his whole life as well

    I understand that. What does his head football experience look like? On his resume. That's my point.

    Kountze hired a baseball coach to coach football. Who happened to be successful at baseball . And happened to have a son that's a good baseball player. By a school board that happened to have several board members with kids that play baseball.
  2. he has proved himself as a coach period that's what I'm saying.

    Oh ok. You're right.

    Well maybe if Joubert decides he wants to stick with football, he could bring Coach Franklin back to coach basketball.

    I mean if he's a proven coach...good coaches can be successful at any sport. Right?
  3. he has been a very successful baseball coach for the last ten years making 8 trips to the playoffs and 6 district championships, but he was hired because he is a very successful coach at anything he coaches because he knows how to relate to players as well as getting players to play hard for him

    Now wait a minute..he was hired because he was a success baseball coach? He was hired to be AD/head football....in Texas...because he is a good baseball coach?

    When Joubert was announced as football coach all that was said was how dumb it was to make a basketball coach head of football. Even tho he is a more successful COACH than Franklyn will ever be.

    For the record...schools like Tatum would only hire proven FOOTBALL coaches to be head football.
  4. 2 things.

    1) not taking a jab at Coach Franklyn. But to say baseball didn't have anything to do with his hire...is rediculous. Oh wait..it's because if all of football success he had at CHESTER.

    2) Kountze only had 1 coach leave?.. May want to check your sources. Remember...I have a few very close friends in the coaching community. I was told on very good authority Joubert was at coaching school scrambling to fill spots. Only 2 kind of coaches that still don't have jobs that late in the summer. 1st year guys, or terrible coaches. So yeah...even if filled...might as well not be.
  5. Heaven forbid someone be honest.

    "Yay we made playoffs!" I all I said was hey...didn't they go 6-5? And get 4th place...again?

    "Coach Franklyn is a hero!" hey...he hadn't done anything different. Besides..I have several friends that coach. Only reason he was hired is because his son is a pitcher...and the board is baseball heavy.

    You want something positive... Coach Joubert being named AD/head fball was best decision KHS has made in a while, and it should've been done years ago. It's just unfortunate it was done when 40 kids came out and he has a coaching shortage. It was uphill from the start.

    Don't like my opinion...cry me a river.
  6. So this post started out asking who would win tonight's game, and it has degraded into a discussion about HD having poor school discipline and being an academic wasteland. Hmmm, some of you guys are truly gems and I'm sure that your families are proud of you. Our players read this stuff. Never forget that at the end of the day we are just supporting kids, who are a part of our community, and need the support. What you guys are doing is wrong.

    There is a correlation between schools that have structure and discipline, and schools that are successful.

    Not just in sports. Academics, graduation rate, college readiness. One might say it takes discipline and structure to even be successful.
  7. No need for posting rumors like that or made up stuff. Degrading a school and kids is uncalled for. Very immature... take that crap to another board. SMH... so glad most folks don't get on here and post false rumors all day. lol, some people...

    I'm not posting made up stuff. I have a very close personal friend who is very well known and respected in the coaching community. He's very professional and would not publicly say things like this. Me...however. I'm a big believer in speaking truth.

    So before you bash me for "spreading made up stuff". Think about this.

    Instead of implying that all these kids go to HD because it is a football power. Maybe there are different reasons.

    Being how you guys just lost to a team that had lost 15 straight...I'm thinking football power can be thrown out.
  8. I bet no one ever transfers from Liberty to play at WH.

    I'm not sure that's the entire reason a lot of those kids transfer to HD. I have a very close friend that coaches and he told me that most (not all) of those transfer kids go to HD because the school discipline is a joke. And those trouble maker kids do whatever they want at HD. Now I'm not there so I don't know...but...if that is partly true.

    Maybe WH refuses to take those kind of transfers.

    For the record..those Liberty transfers don't try to go to Hardin or Dayton either. I would definitely rather play at one of those than HD.
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