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AthleticSupporter - Jock

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Posts posted by AthleticSupporter - Jock

  1. 17 minutes ago, Stattrax said:

    It was a figure of speech. Both have websites.

    Just messing with you. I agree with most of what you said.  I don't know the answer. I'm betting it has a lot to do with some non-local, execs making the decisions to focus other things. The decision makers are not in touch with what their readers/viewers want. I've heard that from at least one former Enterprise sports writer. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Stattrax said:

    What is the issue with the local media? It seems like less and less is being covered on local high school football. As a kid, the papers where flooded with local coverage. Every week the Snooze had updated district stats, individual and team. The Enterprise does an article on district leaders, with Lumberton as the cover photo. (use a winning program). It just appears to me that the direction is totally different than years past. The days of, "I beat Bob West", are long gone, and for the record, I did win a few times over the years. Even the local sportscasters seem to be very uninterested in stats, etc. I know years ago, when Ware, and Picasso where on the sidelines, they gave it like it was. Now I know one is a P.N.G. grad, and the other a Nederland grad. But its just crazy how this site gives more knowledge and info than local media outlets. For instance, P.A.M., P.N.G... That is the biggest game of the year in Mid County.... Find a good article written about it..... There is none. As a kid, we read the paper every morning to see what Bob or Tom had to say.... Now its just lackluster. IMO, when you see a sports guy post on here, its more  politically correct than anything else. (IMO Newton or W.O.S. have no chance against W.B.)........ I am the first to knock the rah rah's on here. But honestly, the rah rahs have more info than the stumbling media. I am in  no way saying its all bad, but the majority is...... Maybe we are living in the "we are all winners world"... But in my world, not everyone is a winner. Winners win, losers lose.... We have a team that has won back to back championships, lost another in the last 3 years. 2 teams that are always in the rankings in 5-A.... Newton always in the conversation, as well as W.B. in 6-A. Yet the media is talking about none of them..... Answer me this, where can I find a good article about P.A.M., P.N.G., tomorrow night? Where can I find the district stats in the area? If i am a betting man, 90% of what the local media knows comes from this very website. And we know the rankings do. SETXSPORTS, might very well be the best media in the area for local High School sports......... Read the papers in the morning and see what pops up. More than likely, its not going to be very inspirational.......... For instance, lets use the BMT Enterprise. Years ago you would see several articles by today. One would say, the Brook is rolling looking to get it on with one of the top teams in the state. The Jags are loaded with talent, looking to put it all together for a playoff run. The Panthers are looking to get on track..... The Snooze would be talking up the matchup with commits Hines and Johnson. Bob West would be telling you that Memorial is going to make a run. Halliburton would be telling you the Mid County teams are putting it together to make some noise. But yet, when I look today, well you know whats to be seen.............

    Do people still buy newspapers?  

  3. I've never understood the people who say a player is judged by who he plays against. I guess Saban should have cared about opponents when looking at Deionte Thompson and Tony Brown. Or Devwah Whaley was overrated cuz of 22-5a weakness. And Grayland Arnold couldn't compare to a mighty bruin based on that weak, little district Kountze plays in.  Listen people. If you're a stud with tons of potential, then it doesn't matter who you play on Friday night.  And then there's that IT factor. RJ has IT.  

  4. This is the guy that Barnes beat:   Schwartz (Plantation FL) is ranked #1 in the U.S. at 100m, with a time of 10.15 that set a World Under-18 Record.

    So, Schwartz holds a current World Record and Barnes just beat him and 3 other guys that can fly.  On this site, when we use the term "World Class Speed", Barnes is definitely in that category.  Congrats to Kalon Barnes.  That's awesome!



    WIND: 0.1 M/S
    1 USA.png Kalon Barnes
    United States
    10.34 0.132 1
    2 USA.png Anthony Schwartz
    United States
    10.41 0.143 3
    3 USA.png Chauncey Smart
    United States
    10.57 0.148 4
    4 USA.png Lavonte Valentine
    United States
    10.59 0.145 5
    5 USA.png Caleb Jolivette
    United States
    10.82 0.179 2

  5. On 5/31/2017 at 4:32 PM, Coach Frey said:

    Yeah same here, Huntsville is too far to drive, plus we have graduation Friday night. I'll have to keep up with it online. My only concern about the Tomball games is how close they were. Brenham played them close the first time, but once they figured out Tomball, they blew them out in game two. I really think PNG needs to come out and make a statement tonight if they are going to compete in this series.

    Sounds like PNG made that statement. Stay hot Indians!

  6. On 4/26/2017 at 0:51 PM, TradenupBH said:

    1990-1992, no he was probably before me. Had a cousin on team that went to World Series. He might of coached them. We picked up i think Tal Light and Wade White from Lumberton, but got beat by (Tomball, Magnolia,  and The Woodlands combined team) for the sectional championship.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure Pace coached the team that went to the world series in Ft Lauderdale, Fl. Maybe '85 or '86?  

  7. 10 hours ago, Aces_Full said:

    Was the kid squared up to fight "big Mo" or was his hands by his side, not looking for confrontation?  The latter seems most likely when it comes to confronting a guy named "big Mo" and a group of buddies ready to brawl (including a Div 1 college football player).  If I had to wildly guess, he hit someone not looking to fight.  

    I would not assume a sucker punch, per say. But when that kind of melee starts, one tends to punch anyone who appears to be an opponent, looking or not. When my jaw was broken, I had no hard feelings toward the guy afterwards. He was actually a teammate and it was an internal team fight(off vs def). The other time I was sucker punched, it was a personal, premeditated act against me and me only. There is a big difference. Understanding the difference is key in situations like these. 

  8. 14 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Any time a group of people do something questionable ethically you're going to have people come out and support what's deemed the "right thing" in exorbitant numbers due to the outside perception of the community and people not wanting to be associated with that perception, hence the overwhelming applause. Why would a coach from Arlington ISD go to Desoto? Because he knows he can come right back down 20 and stomp a mudhole in the team he just left with the talent he just acquired. Not to mention if he has higher aspirations, Desoto get A LOT more interaction with important position coaches due to the caliber of player he has. Position coaches with no stroke do the majority of the Spring evaluations in most cases. When you have 10 fours stars on a roster at any given time coordinators who can "put in a good word" for you with the head coach often come through though. There are a a bunch of high level head coaches willing to take a $100k job with a little flak in order to make $250k as a position coach a few years later due to connections you've made through your players, as well as being shown favor for your relationships with high level players much like Corby Meekins was.

    Jaylin Nelson was supposed to be the qb at Desoto, he left at the same time Mathis did and went to Duncanville because of Reginald Samples. Kids like Tristan Wallace and Shawn Robinson are the norm at Desoto so the last thing any coach would be worried about was a qb. Peterman's first year Desoto signed more D1 players than wins they put up which is where his problem started. Jon Kay was always seen as the more fitting coach at North Shore even though David Aymond was the only coach to put up a title in school history at that time. You have to remember Ronnie Gage also had two state championships, doesn't mean you're a great coach as we found out when he ran the same offense at BH but didn't have those same athletes.

    Coaches won't ignore the manner in which he's being treated but if you think there's this huge swath of coaches that won't take the job at one of the two or three highest profile schools in an area that probably plays the best football in the country on principle alone, well  . . . .    

    Cougar, I don't follow Desoto but is it safe to say they could have had 2-3 more titles by now if it weren't for Allen and Kyler Murray?

  9. 18 hours ago, TradenupBH said:

    Lol, heck i'm going to show my age, but I remember in the 80's our youth team beat Lumberton in all stars. Well both teams happen to be at THE PALACE for teen night and one thing led to another and it was a brawl involving 13 year old kids. Lumberton vs. Amelia West End. The good ol' days. Lumberton usually doesn't take losing lightly. Another time, we played Lumberton at Central HS in Big League and fight broke out between us and Lumberton. Police were at the next game. LOL

    What years did you play big league? And did you play for coach Pace?

  10. 2 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    First off, it will not likely go in front of a judge but a jury. 

    Some juries aren't very sympathetic to a bunch of drunks and in fact may be prejudiced against such action. Guilt isn't debated in living rooms but by jurors sitting alone in a room and they come from the general public, not a debating forum. 

    I have seen such rationale in citations that I have written such as for loud music. I guess some might have the theory that a jury member has teenage kids and might therefore have sympathy for not hammering a kid for such action. I testified in front of such a jury and saw a kid get hit with almost $1,000 in fines and costs from a jury.

    You  say that it is not about stomping a defenseless person but that seems exactly what it is about. I asked you what information that you had as to the "single blow" statement that you made. Your only response was a witness statement. It again seems that you are basing your "single judge" result on that single hit. 

    My question to you again is, was there a single hit by the student in question and did that supposed single hit have anything to do with the results? If so he might be in a bunch of trouble and might need to find your judge who would never convict him on your witnesses credible testimony that you read somewhere. 

    If it is true that he only hit the victim one time and it had nothing to do with the outcome, he should have never been charged and if so, hopefully will not be indicted. I am just always curious on internet debates where claims are made because someone read what another person said about what someone else said. Do you actually know for a fact that the student charged in this case hit the victim one time and it was not in any way involved in the outcome? I would love to hear such facts if anyone has them. I suspect it may be nothing more than wishful thinking. My only thinking is that whoever is responsible be held accountable and if this student isn't one of them, he has all charges dropped immediately. 

    Oh yeah, that "one" hit is still likely an assault which carries up to a year in jail. 

    Thanks for the legal lesson. I'm not a lawyer but I did sleep at a holiday inn and watch a lot of csi, so here we go. Most of the injuries are consistent with heel stomps and kicks to the face, with the exception of the mouth wired shut. The broken jaw was likely from the single punch which rendered the recipient temporarily unconscious.   These are not facts known to me but educated guesses based on years of experience. I've been sucker punched on more than one occasion by guys bigger and stronger than "Big Mo" and had my jaw broken. I know the kind of blows that drop someone and the kind that don't. I know the kind of force it takes to fracture an eye socket and destroy the sinus and nasal cavity. I also know that when a big confident fighter like Big Mo drops someone, they don't feel compelled to keep viciously beating a man when he is unconscious. It's the weaker bystanders that do that kind of cowardly mess.  From what I've heard and read there are not many witnesses and even less evidence that points to big boy doing the bulk of the damage. But you are probably right. I'm sure he'll be convicted of a felony and spend a year in jail. Look, the only reason I'm even in this forum is because football season hasn't started yet, so don't get so worked up. 

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