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Big girl

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  1. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in What do you all think   
    You guys post hill lies enough and nothing about trumps lies, so what are you asking. Just hate when someone doesn't think like you
  2. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Protesting during the anthem?   
    Only honor the man upstairs
  3. Like
    Big girl reacted to westend1 in Another Senseless Shooting   
    The witnesses described the guy as hispanic.   This conspiracy crap is just dumb.
  4. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in The truth about lil league team taking a knee in Bmt, Tx   
    And my ancestors that fought and came back from war to still not have equal rights
  5. Like
    Big girl reacted to gohornets23 in Protesting during the anthem?   
    I'm with Jesse Ventura
    I believe  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  comes from the heart. Patriotism is voluntary. It is a feeling of  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  and allegiance that is the result of  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  and  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up . A patriot shows their patriotism through their  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up , by their  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up .
    Chapter 391 is not about choice. In Chapter 391, the State mandates patriotic actions and displays. Our government should not dictate actions. The United States of America exists because people wanted to be 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  to choose. All of us should have free choice when it comes to patriotic displays... a  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  wisely acting within its bounds will earn loyalty and respect from its citizens. A government dare not demand the same.
    There is much more to being a patriot and a citizen than reciting the pledge or raising a  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up . Patriots serve. Patriots vote. Patriots attend meetings in their community. Patriots pay attention to the actions of government and speak out when needed. Patriots teach their children about our history, our precious democracy and about citizenship. Being an active, engaged citizen means being a patriotic American every day. No  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  will make a citizen a patriot.  - In response to his veto of a bill that would have required school students to recite the pledge of allegiance 
  6. Like
    Big girl reacted to BS Wildcats in Trump and Tulsa shooting- wow   
    As she should be, and it looks like she is probably guilty.
  7. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from TxHoops in Trump and Tulsa shooting- wow   
    No one has ever said that black men are always right. I admire You, because you are the only person on this site to admit that it might be a senseless shooting. I appreciate the comment. Thanks
  8. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from Ty Cobb in White Man Attacked in Charlotte Parking Garage   
    This is horrible. I hate to hear about stuff like this.
  9. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Trump and Tulsa shooting- wow   
    the only one responsible for this shooting is the person pulling the trigger!! 
  10. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from BLUEDOVE3 in The truth about lil league team taking a knee in Bmt, Tx   
    Good for them!!!!. They have a constitutional right NOT to stand.
  11. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from Kountzer in Quanell X - Trump is Right. Blacks Pimped Out by Democrats   
    I can comprehend, you guys don't have any valid points. Trump is always lying. You guys overlook all of the crazy things he has done thus far. He is a lunatic and he is not fit to be President. I have talked to people who plan on voting for him. They don't know his stance on any issues except that he wants to build a wall and he wants to make Muslims register with the government. 
  12. Like
    Big girl reacted to TxHoops in Quanell X - Trump is Right. Blacks Pimped Out by Democrats   
    Quanell X is an idiot.  Came up slinging crack rock and has been kicked out of virtually every group he's ever been a part of (nation of islam, etc.) until he had to form his own club, the New Black Panther Party.  His anti-Semitic rants are sickening.  Nobody else wants him so maybe the GOP is the perfect place for him.  After all, it worked for another reject and Trump supporter, David Duke...
  13. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Hillary Unfit to be President   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Another right winger, that was over a hate group but talks about his christian conservative values.
    K-onservative     K-ristian           K-lan
  14. Like
    Big girl reacted to nappyroots in Obama, One of The Greatest Presidents   
    And you plan on casting a ballot for donald trump?
  15. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Basic Righty Premise( will it "offend" like the other?)   
    Im not a reipient of free stuff. If i were a congressman that received tax payer money and refused to vote on a supreme Court  Justice  i woud be. Are a billionaire that loopholed my way out of paying taxes.
  16. Like
    Big girl reacted to TxHoops in Is it time to consider voting for the 3rd party candidate(s)?   
    If you believe Trump would be for small government, you haven't studied the man much or examined what little he has proposed in terms of concrete plans.  The type of policy you want to predominate an elected official's philosophy of government is simply not in his nature.  However, ironically, you do succinctly state the foundation of the Libertarian party (as little governs at involvement as possible).  
    As for the logic (or flawed logic) of a non-vote or a 3rd party vote being a vote for Hillary, the following article does a decent job of explaining fallacy of that thinking:
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  
  17. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Making America Great Again-question   
    republicans just like their leader Trump always resort to name calling. thats what trump did to the other 16 pubs that were running against him. talked about their families and everything."by any means necessary"  
  18. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Michelle obama' s speech she nailed it   
    We don't need a president that goes bankrupt and that won't show his taxes
  19. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from nappyroots in Minnesota man killed by cops   
    You have some valid points, but it doesn't make family members hurt less,  because you can only name 4 people, when their brother, father etc is gunned down by a cop. I am not saying that every cop is wrong, there are instances where the shooting is justified, but there are also instances when the cop is wrong. We say Black lives matter not because we think that white lives don't matter. That has been taught to us for centuries. That movement is trying to remind people that we matter; as well.
  20. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Republican National Convention   
    Trump will probably deport her
  21. Like
    Big girl reacted to PhatMack19 in Republican National Convention   
    I'm still holding out hope that The Donald's wife walks out in her bikini for her speech.  
  22. Like
    Big girl reacted to Englebert in Republican National Convention   
    I thought Cruz was way more congenial than I would have been. To give a speech at the RNC after all of what Trump did to him in the Primaries takes guts. If he would have continually called me a liar, went after my wife, went after my father and tried to sabotage my marriage by saying I was unfaithful, my instinct would have been to sabotage him at the RNC. But Cruz took the high road and gave a speech in spite of all that. Kasich couldn't even bring himself to do that, even though the convention is in his home state and he received far less of Trump's childish attacks.
    If a childish piece of crap of a little man is dating your daughter, constantly insulting you, tells lies about you and your whole family, then convinces your daughter to marry him and your loving daughter asks you to give a toast during the wedding ceremony, what toast would you give? (Sorry for the run-on sentence. I'm tired and I don't feel like fixing it.) I would have to be a far bigger man than I am to give a congenial speech that approached the one Cruz gave Trump.
  23. Like
    Big girl reacted to TxHoops in Baltimore Update   
    Fair question.  I am not sure I am the person with the answers.   All men were not created equal (sorry Founding Fathers).  All lawyers are not created equal.  I predicated my answer with socioeconomic considerations.  To me, these are probably more indicative of the level of justice you receive than race.  Do you think OJ would have walked if he was poor and a nobody?  What if he was a poor white dude?  The answer to both of those is almost assuredly a resounding no.   There were a lot of factors in that case, not the least of which is he had absolutely the best defense money could buy. 
  24. Like
    Big girl reacted to TxHoops in Baltimore Update   
    Anyone who doesn't know this hasn't been around it much or is the epitome of naïveté.  But it's not just race; socioeconomic factors are just as relevant if not more so.  
  25. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Republican National Convention   
    Ive seen some po arse no working toothless welfare republicans in setx
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