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Big girl

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  1. Like
    Big girl reacted to tvc184 in Serious question   
    Yes, that is what cost the Dems as they had no real primary. It took an independent in Sanders to even challenge the system as all of the main Democratic players had gotten their marching orders..... stay out and let the queen be crowned. 
    It backfired on them.
  2. Like
    Big girl reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Refresher Course   
    The past is still happening, it's just in a different clown suit.
  3. Like
    Big girl reacted to 1989NDN in New health care bill   
    Regardless if you are a Dem. or Rep., we should all agree on some basic principles for all of mankind (humankind):
    1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    2. To those who have been given much, much will be required of you.
    3. Those less fortunate (by no circumstance or choosing of their own) should be able to get help/assistance.  As one of the wealthiest and greatest nations on earth, with a society of innovative, successful and caring people, we should find a way to offer assistance and care to our elderly, disabled, children/infants, widows/widowers, and orphans.  A combination of private, charitable and public funds should be available to help our neediest neighbors.  No one should have to go hungry, go without medicine, or have to choose between eating one hot meal vs. paying for medication to survive another day.  Go out and volunteer.  Take a Saturday and deliver Meals on Wheels.  You will meet great people who will make you think twice about ending all social programs.  Too many elderly people and families with special needs children/adults having to make tough choices about eating versus paying for health care/doctor's visits/medicine.  I've met them.  These are not people looking to abuse social programs.  These are retirees who have just enough to make ends meet, but they have to forego some necessities, e.g., they don't turn on the A/C or water for fear of a high utility bill, they don't shower everyday for fear of a high utility bill, they don't eat everyday because they need $100 or $200 at the end of the month for more medication.  These issues will move you to be more compassionate and less worried about Dems v. Reps., less worried about having a few extra dollars taken from you paycheck to help provide for your community.
    4. We need to find a way to ensure that systemic and/or individual abuse of social programs is stopped.  Like most people, I don't like it when I see or hear about welfare kings and queens.  But, that dislike does not move me to the extreme of ending all social programs for our most neediest brothers and sisters.  We need to be fiscally responsible.  Hardworking people will pay taxes and give to charities to help others, but there is no denying that abuse of the public programs diminishes one's willingness to pay those taxes or to freely give.  We need to find the right balance.
    When I visit this forum, there is always too much extreme focus on the left vs. the right.  Start looking at what's in the middle.  Few people on the extreme left or right.  There's a whole bunch of great people in the middle.
    Go Indians.  Peace.
  4. Like
    Big girl reacted to TxHoops in New health care bill   
    We can have a bible study up in here.  As a son of a preacher man, always ready for church!
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    Big girl got a reaction from TxHoops in New health care bill   
    .His followers will say he never said this. They are brainwashed
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    Big girl got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Was Russia warned before airstrikes?   

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    Big girl got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in ISIS and Trump   
    As a RN, i am trained to recognize symptoms, so that i can report my findings to the physician so that he can change the treatment plan. I cant make a diagnosis. If there is a kid on my caseload whose mental status is declining,  I have to be able to recognize that , and report my findings to her/his doctor. I am his eyes and ears. I once made a visit to see a lady who is bipolar. When i arrived, she was in an acute manic state and i had to call 911, because i used my nursing knowledge and recognized what was happening hence I recognize that Trump is not playing with a full deck.
  8. Like
    Big girl reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Repeal or Replace   
    I didn't see your question. So, you think unemployed people benefit from Obamacare? Please say I'm misreading your comment. You see, y'all went in focused on the wrong things, banning people and healthcare. I see one common denominator in both of these events. God don't like ugly. That's why yall lost the war of southern aggression. 
  9. Like
    Big girl reacted to nappyroots in Repeal or Replace   
    From the looks of it Obama will not suffer no matter what they do with the affordable care or american care. His family will have good insurance and a government check for life. He may play all the golf he likes also.
  10. Like
    Big girl reacted to nappyroots in Repeal or Replace   
    pubs tried to replace the aca on its 7th anniversary, but it did't work out for them because of memebers of their own party. damned if they do damned if they don't
  11. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Now, Which Party Lies?   
    I didnt read the article, but anyone that doesn't believe that both parties lie, have mental issues. And when it comes to lying they are closer to equal than most want to believe. The last 16 years were controlled by a pub and a dem. What did we learn from 2007 and 2016. Look at how much money rich folk spend on elections!
  12. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in He didn't actually mean phone tapping   
    Pathological liar. I read that Conway said that they used a microwave or something like that, to watch Trump. I am not sure that it is not true.
  13. Like
    Big girl reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Obama's wiretapping of Trump   
    See, this is why you can't come on here and have a civilized conversation. You people kill me. You actually sit here and defend this guy with his silly twitter comments. Birds of feather do fly/flock together.
  14. Like
    Big girl reacted to nappyroots in Main Goal   
    If we take away all free stuff for the poor, we need to do the same for congress
  15. Like
    Big girl reacted to nappyroots in Main Goal   
    The government used to give out gov cheese and a few needed items the needy amd i didn't see a problem with that. When you think about gov handouts don't forget the ones that the politicians create to benefit themselves 
  16. Like
    Big girl reacted to Ty Cobb in Say it aint so   
    I'm glad they caught them.  I wish the court system would prosecute them as if they had carried out these acts of terrorism.  This would send a lesson to everyone. 
  17. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in HYPOCRITS   
    And all of the lies that you people tend to ignore. This is one arrogant, lying, in bed with putin pos.
  18. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in HYPOCRITS   
    You probably can't see them with your blinders on
  19. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from TxHoops in HYPOCRITS   
    What lies, are you kidding me? Oh, I forgot, they are ALTERNATIVE FACTS.
  20. Like
    Big girl reacted to 1989NDN in Should Judges Be Impeached?   
    Federal judges are not elected.  They are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.  Some state court judges are elected, e.g., Texas.  Others are appointed by the state's governor, and others have a hybrid system for appointing/electing judges.
    Too much of a knee-jerk reaction to call for impeachment of a judge because you disagree with his or her ruling or the opinion of a court.  If you disagree, then appeal.  Argue the flaws of your opponent's case and the merits of your case.  If we attacked the judiciary and impeached every judge that did not agree with the then-existing/prevailing majority, then we would still be stuck with separate-but-equal, Jim Crow laws, limited protections for free speech, limited rights of privacy, etc.  Things balance out.  The Warren Court was countered by the Burger and Rehnquist Courts...ebb and flow of life.
    Go Indians.  Peace. 
  21. Like
    Big girl reacted to new tobie in Should Judges Be Impeached?   
    Trump has told so many lies even he can't keep up with them. Very disrespectful piece of a man that wants respect but can't give it. Picked wife beater Bannon and klansman sessions for his cabinet .....pathetic. Grab um....
  22. Like
    Big girl reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Obama/Dems Plan For Trump to Fail   
    No, Trump is failing in his administration. Ain't nobody helping him.
  23. Like
    Big girl reacted to Kountzer in BLM kidnap/torture special needs kid   
    Farrakhan is a false prophet and sensationalism lover.  As for welfare robber barons like Trump & various other corporations have been on welfare for decades.
  24. Like
    Big girl got a reaction from Remmus in Trump's bankrupties   
    I can correct my spelling, but your stupidity will always remain. That won't change.
  25. Like
    Big girl reacted to nappyroots in David Petraeus, Secretary of State?   
    more like Obama won the electorial college and the vote of the people twice and Trump won by the electorial college only. the people voted for hillary by 2 million+ more votes
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