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Posts posted by DXTR

  1. 1 hour ago, H-Rocket said:

    I haven't seen Silsbee play this season,  it appears that Silsbee plays an up tempo style of basketball, put pressure on the ball, force turnovers that lead to easy points and outside shooting 3's.  That style of play sounds so similar to the Old Wheatley Glory Days and the current Yates style of play.  

    If you saw Silsbee last year, it is basically the same team....just a little better. 

  2. 1 hour ago, JimThorpe said:

    Is there a way?  Is there a formula that could give HJ a chance.  Something outside the box?  


    Outside the box....if you break the press, don't take the layup. Set up the offense and hold the ball at least 30 seconds. Only take mid-range jumpers and don't have any offensive rebounding..everyone gets back. You said outside the box right lol. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Coach.Shu said:

    High School basketball does not need a shot clock.  UIL sports are not about entertainment.  In HS programs - with very few exceptions you have what you have as far as athletes go. IN college and pros they recruit and trade or sign or whatever to make sure they have athletes to compete with everyone in their conference or league.   HS does not have that luxury- If you can't match up with a team that has superior athletes then you have to control tempo to give your kids a chance to win. This is actually much more difficult to do than to get them play fast.  Especially against a much quicker team.  A shot clock in my opinion would actually make these games much more boring.  No reason to ever come out and guard if they can only hold out there for 35 or 45 seconds.   So teams would hold it for 40 seconds then take a bad shot against a 2-3 zone every possession. Who wants to watch that?   And it' not just about the more athletic team trying to slow down the game - many times the more athletic team holds the ball to force the less athletic team to come out and guard them...    Case in point - Andrea Boutte -  he has perfected this strategy.  I was laughing at people posting on here that went to the west book, united game and were mad when West Brook held the ball.. What did you expect from a Boutte coached team.  Back in the day I loved watching PA Lincoln and Ozen get a lead and then spread the court and hold the ball making the other team get out of that zone... It was always fun to watch.  By saying we need a shot clock to eliminate this kind of strategy says you would rather see teams win by 40 plus points than see a game come down to a couple of possession...   HS does not need a shot clock..

    Wait ...they don't do this in high school?

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