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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. Before the silsbee/HF game, i would've predicted a closer game... after that game, i have to say: WOS-48 Silsbee-13
  2. i think this is a game that bridge city can make interesting, but OF really impressed me this past week. OF 41 BC 20
  3. good thing they moved him up in the rotation. does he have on a bloody sock?
  4. i can't imagine how nice that scoreboard looked to the indian fans... i like the pic
  5. yeah, but the rocks win 13 of 14 to force a playoff game just to get in, then win it, sweep their first series, and go up 2-0 in the second. that's even better than what the stros did, IMO.
  6. they could always join an adult softball league... i'm pretty sure they'd bring home a championship by their 3rd or 4th year.
  7. some of you oldtimers might be able to, but i can't EVER remember a team being as hot as they are right now.
  8. HJ fans, we just have to lick our wounds... we all knew this was coming... apparently the coach knew it was coming too. I personally don't have a problem with WO-S practicing what they need to work on against us. Why should it matter whether they score on a 30 yard run or a 30 yard pass. if anything, they did us a favor. I'll take trying to stop WO-S's passing game over stopping their running game any day of the week. Until we're competitive in this district, we have to understand that for many teams, we're only a tune-up game before playoffs... if they can practice something against us that will better prepare them to represent our entire district during the playoffs, i really don't have a problem with that.
  9. i've been impressed with how far the program's come in just a couple of years.
  10. also, i appreciate my invitations to both sides on this game, but i'm merely an interested observer. may the best team win!
  11. Nope that thread was "Is lumberton for real?" It was asking our opinion. This thread is saying, "They're very much for real". i started it so that lumberton fans wouldn't feel obligated to go out and ask for props in their own threads. this thread gives others a chance to give you props without your asking, meaning you don't get on our nerves, and also letting us be happy for lumberton instead of sick of ya'll and your neverending threads where you beg for respect (this is only a few fans, but those few fans make A LOT of posts).
  12. well, i was about half right... my poor, beloved hawks .
  13. that's pretty dang impressive then . congrats, guys!
  14. yeah, well my team got beat by 65... so what . congrats stephenville.
  15. The game tonight showed us a few things... Lumberton is a playoff-quality team, and central is probably not. For those who felt lumberton was overrated, your argument just got a little harder to swallow. For those of you who felt lumberton was unproven (like myself), you now have some more visual evidence showing you just how good the L-train is. Lumberton, congrats... you've earned many people's respect. you will not be overlooked on anybody else's schedule. you're in unchartered waters here. good luck the rest of the year, but don't get too cocky. you're only as good as your next performance. I just wanted to get on here and give ya'll some props before you all got your feelings hurt and starting asking for them .
  16. i would've loved to have seen this game... so is KVille a little weaker than people suspected, or did OF just really show up to play? or was it a combination of the two?
  17. see, it's posts like this that make people root against lumberton. we're saying lumberton is a good, even great team now. i pick them as a 4 point dog to a team who's looking, very, very good right now, and still, you gripe. i could understand if i'd put them as a 30 point dog. if i pick a team by four points, i'm basically saying a game could go either way. ya'll just beat central. png just beat a team who has already proved they were better than central. i gave png the slight edge. what else do you want?
  18. did i see sulpher referred to as a "louisiana powerhouse" somewhere earlier this week? if so, is this not a very impressive win? i don't know anything about sulfer.
  19. should be a great matchup between TWO very good teams, with both teams coming off of impressive wins. it's tough to go against lumberton, because they've got the magic going for them, but i'm gonna take PNG by 4, out of respect for the fact that they just beat the team i was pretty sure was going to be the district champion. PNG 24 Lumberton 20
  20. this is one hell of a result for HF... great game tonight!
  21. the way lumberton's playing, i wouldn't be surprised if MOJO only beat them by 35 or 40.
  22. this is the game that central uses to get their feet back under them. central 34 vidor 20
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