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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. Is the billboard prone to fits of rage, and does it have an abnormally large head?
  2. If you're refering to fireballs keeper, he got double points for captain. he should've gotten 46x2... it's showing that he got 86x2. the difference between 92 points and 172 points is a little too big for us not to notice.
  3. If this all there is to the story, then this is absolutely ridiculous. Even if they were playing in the game, and not just watching, the coach is overstepping his bounds here (IF this story is true). It is not a coach's right to control the legal extracurricular activities of his players at this level, regardless of what some might think. Don't get me wrong, had they been kicked off because they were caught at a party, or had committed a crime, or had done something of a similar nature, I would commend a coach for kicking them off the team. But for watching (or even playing) a ragball game? The only way I can see this as reasonable would be if they had skipped a game or practice to attend the ragball game. If a college coach (where the kids are getting scholarships to play), or a professional coach (where the players are getting paychecks) wants to institute rules about player activities, then I don't have a problem with it. Most high schoolers, however, will not play at the next level, and are playing for the love of the game. They perform to represent their school and community, while receiving nothing beyond encouragement in return. This is not enough of a reimbursement for coaches to expect their players to not have fun outside of the clubhouse during the season.
  4. Sorry, I don't concern myself with points that my opponents don't receive. I only worry when they get extra points.
  5. I don't see how he got 86 points. 20 for a clean sheet, 10 for a win, and 16 for making 8 saves. 46 is what i come up with. can someone help me out here? is there a glitch in their system somewhere? if so, they need to fix it, so i have a chance to catch up.
  6. I'd like a shot at some peacock bass with them coming up and smashing huge topwater baits.
  7. check and see if their keeper had a penalty kick save or something.
  8. Tiger is lurking, after being way off the pace midway through his round yesterday. I think the only way he's ever out of a tourney is if he misses the cut. Right now he's 4 back, and alone in 5th place.
  9. They've been predicting busy years the last couple and have been off. You can look at it one of two ways... 1) They've been wrong the last two years, so they'll probably get it wrong again 2) They've been wrong the last two years, so they're due to get one right.
  10. either your team was invalid for some reason (not every roster spot filled), or it just hasnt added it to your main total yet for some reason
  11. I'm with you, but i also agree with La Russa... Towles is setting himself up to get smashed.
  12. There's a lot of talk that he might. He said he was going to think "long and hard" about his decision. If he comes back, Texas should be the preseason #1 at the start of next season.
  13. He might get drafted due to his size alone, but is anyone really going to fall all over themselves to draft a guy who's 7 feet tall but only averaged 8 points and 6 rebounds on a COLLEGE squad? Hopefully he'll decide to give A&M another year, improve his numbers, and reevaluate things at the end of next season.
  14. A bust? I doubt it. Now, I don't see him coming into the league and averaging 20/10 or anything, but he'll find a spot on a team and be a decent contributor. As for Collison, i have a feeling you're probably right.
  15. These two aren't stupid for going pro, but it amazes me the amount of kids out there who leave after their freshman or sophomore year that have absolutely no shot at getting drafted.
  16. UCLA lost in the Final Four and now it looks like they'll lose two players who got them there. The Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday that Kevin Love and Darren Collison have both decided to make themselves available for June's NBA draft. Citing sources close to the players, the newspaper said that Love and Collison told coach Ben Howland of their decisions in separate meetings. Ford: Who's In, Who's Out Underclassmen will transform the 2008 NBA draft. Chad Ford takes a look at who's going, who's staying and who's on the fence. Story The newspaper reported that the two will hire agents, making them ineligible to return to the Bruins next season. But Love's mother told The (Portland) Oregonian that Love has yet to make that decision. She told the newspaper that her son planned to travel home to Lake Oswego, Ore. on Wednesday to spend time with his family and discuss his options. "The report is wrong because he hasn't made his decision yet," Karen Love said, according to The Oregonian. "He's coming home this week, and we'll sit down and talk about it as a family, just like we've said all along. Honestly, that's the truth." Collison also denied the report through a UCLA spokesman, saying he hadn't yet talked with his parents about his future plans. Howland has a news conference scheduled for Wednesday. In his freshman season at UCLA, Love led the team in scoring at 17.5 points per game and rebounds at 10.6. The 6-foot-10, 271-pound Love was a first-team All-American, the Pac-10 player of the year and the outstanding player of the Anaheim regional. Love, who has been projected to be drafted in the middle of the first round, was upset by the report, his mother told The Oregonian. "Kevin called me in a panic [Tuesday] saying, 'Mom I have not made a decision yet and I'm coming home to do that,'" Karen Love said, according to the report. "He was really upset that someone had said he declared." The 6-foot, 160-pound Collison scored 14.5 points and added 3.8 assists per game in his junior season. Collison struggled in the 78-63 loss to Memphis on Saturday, scoring two points, adding four assists but committing five turnovers. A Western Conference team official told the Times, however: "I thought he was a mid-first round pick [before Memphis]. I think he still is. That's what his talent says to me." The Bruins will also likely lose sophomore guard Russell Westbrook to the draft, the Times reported. He led the Bruins in assists at 4.3 and added 12.7 points per game. The deadline for underclassmen to declare for the draft is April 27.
  17. Memphis finally relasped on their freethrows and it cost them the game...
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