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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Friday night lights. Texas football boobie miles.
  2. TWD at first I was hooked now blah. I’m just waiting on all to die. I think game of thrones is up there with sopranos as best thing to hit tv. This is Us have superior acting and Amazing storytelling from different point of views. The episode when randal biological father dies is moving. You can relate to every single character.
  3. The whole car argument just make no sense cars were made to drive majority of car deaths are accidents people are not accidentally shooting up schools. I’m not for or against gun control. Thats why I asked is this the new normal?
  4. Not trying to argue but, you don’t believe the gun was made to kill. I know many use it as self defense but it was made to kill
  5. Cars were invented to be driven guns to kill. We have added air bags seatbelts tail lights break lights etc etc to make cars safe. Its harder to get a license than to get a gun. It’s also easy to have a judge void your drivers license than a gun license. Why compare the two. Im not saying we take guns or whatever I’m just asking where can we start. Talking about cars and liberals will not fix anything.
  6. Rhetoric? I just asked a question. Somebody somewhere will try this again do we just do nothing. Is this the new normal?
  7. Are we ready to expect mass shootings as American culture?
  8. That’s not true when obama was rolling out his unemployment number every republican in dc was screaming false news many on this site as well.
  9. Because during obama time every republican was pushing the unemployment numbers weren’t true or it was low because people stop looking for jobs . Just curious because within a month under trump republicans started to champion the numbers. So how did trump within a month got people to start looking again.
  10. So you can make something great AGAIN that’s already great. That’s deep.
  11. Well damn all this worrying and all one has to say is make America great again.
  12. You don’t believe that Nash you to smart to believe that.
  13. Nobody has yet to point to any single legislation bill etc. to tie this to trump. DAY 1 of Trump term Republicans started champion the economy wave but the numbers were false news under Obama.
  14. The officers get a call someone is pointing a rifle outside at a hotel... Serious stuff. The scene in the hallway in my honest opinion and I’m not trained or qualified to say but is all those directions necessary wouldn’t a stay on your knees hands in the air while my partner cuff while I have you in my crosshairs work. From the video alone it seemed like the officers where pump for a showdown and wasn’t going home with a clean jersey.
  15. I’ve accepted the fact that our legal system is a joke. best around but a joke.
  16. He has his day in court and was found not guilty. Justice in America.
  17. Every accusation on the left is true without a doubt.. Every accusation on the right is a hit job paid off by Soros.... Right.
  18. I’m watching from the side lines.....
  19. Every coach teaches “play four quarters “ why get mad the handshake I can see your viewpoint but why should a opposing team be force to play down because the opponent can’t compete.
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