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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Affirmative action blame your ancestors for being so racist. With out there prejudice there will be no affirmative action. So don't blame us.
  2. So if these numbers are to be believed then do It also means that Obama started this trend. Are are the numbers no longer fake media.
  3. Side note we all are guilty on this site for taking high school sports played by teenagers way to serious and personal. Johnson is great and well deserving. I don't know if this is what's common at the lower classifications but enrollment numbers are a joke it's perfectly fine for Pam to play in a district where teams were 1000 and NS close to are above 2000 above in enrollment but give PAM a 500 advantage and its all about the numbers. Put any team in SeTx in the old 21-6a and tell me if they could even match Pam record. Who? This district is way more fair ground for Pam. Pam is no powerhouse but mid county and other is a blessing compared to NS DP LP WB . again who could match Pam record in that district.
  4. This thread has gone to hell..... best backfield is PAM GO PAM
  5. PAMFAM10


    Reality series coming soon..
  6. I've spoken on this before i don't care much about if trump or his team got info on Hilary from the Russians. I believe all politicians in D.C. Would have done the same. And I'm pretty sure thats what happened or at least from the emails from trump jr. Tried to happen. As long as trump in his team wasn't involed with the hacks I think its all fair game but I'm no lawyer. Its fair game Fox would do the same to a democrat It's just CNN turn.
  7. Northshore is Northshore Wos would of been the red headed step child to.
  8. It's only a matter of time before this guy gets what he wants... if china is not going to help we must do something... Why we always wait till after we get hit.
  9. It's the potus when he talk/tweet people listen.
  10. Yes so true. "If I had a son" ... racist, riot starter..etc...
  11. This is nothing but it sure is a stupid move if your a president not named Trump. Trump knows how to work the media he claim he hates it but he adores it. Republicans about to fail twice to replace Obamacare. Change the narrative to fake news. North Korea just tested another missle. One day Trump mouth will get him.
  12. I assume no cheese burger was given....
  13. If the redskins were racist they wouldn't choose a Native American as their mascot. I'll perfer the change but. That's that.
  14. I'll get to the question you want so badly to discuss. Obama ran on healthcare and immigration. Everytime Obama brought up race he was demonized by the right. Now you ask what did he do for blacks. I don't know and I don't care. But I'm guessing about the same as his predecessors. I've said this before the top guns in d.c don't care about it. If Trump step in and change that I'll give him a standing ovation. Hell I'll go to the polls and vote Trump in 20'
  15. Im not trying to bash trump. I hope he do all that he has promised to all. I was asking could the things he have done already can be tied to the numbers we now see today. Already.
  16. That's a stretch. Not even a stretch if you believe that crap. going after ms13 lowering tax rates. You think the economy is that easily fix that that was all it took. fact the economy was improving under Obama but all we heard was not the real numbers people have left workforce. One month after trump was elected now we don't hear not the real numbers or anything about The workforce I guess trump fix that also. I might not know alot about economics but I'm sure we'll have to wait at least a full year or so to properly judge the economy under trump. And if Trump has already flip the economy the economy couldn't have been to bad to begin with.
  17. Explain how trump improved this. one example please.
  18. If I were a republican I would be fed up with my so called conservatives in D.C. Since ahca was pass they have sworn to either repeal or replace it. A message that got them the majority of everything. Including the whitehouse. And so far has only come up with Obamacare lite. (Or carbs free). Ted cruz will remember this. You don't wanna go into another election with Obamacare still going. The right has all the momentum and just being lazy.
  19. Liberals and conservatives in my opinion both try way to hard to push there values on all citizens. Both paint the opposition as the boggie man. No party is consern with solving the issues. To be liberal is to be anti anything conservative and to be conservative means to be anti anything liberal. They wouldn't agree that 1+1 is 2 because that mean they'll have to go on record agreeing with the opposition. And in politics there's a special place in hell for agreeing across party lines. So I view both as worthless puppets who take pride in the art of disagreement.
  20. Did anybody really expect a different outcome.
  21. Yes I've been getting a lot of good info last two days.. looking for something strictly for home protection with a trigger that's not to sensitive.
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