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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Sad night for the country. The animals are shown there true colors
  2. The dems republicans fbi doj and in a few hours pence are all against Orange man and pulled off election fraud That’s so clear and evidence driven that it can only be seen by maga hats. Its a clean sweep 21 skunk. Thanks To Orange man. Oh yeah Stacey abrams
  3. Cardinalbacker it’s no hope. Let them believe what the Orange man say. Jan.20th is around the corner. Trump and his top dollar lawyers can’t even present evidence to a republican leaning Supreme Court with 3 Trump appointed judges. I’m truly lost for words. The best free comedy around.
  4. Trump is a one term impeached former president. Who just lost big to Barry-O VP in a landslide. You can’t make this up. Opinions are opinions but facts are facts.
  5. Obamacare still law of the land. After 4 years of a republican president promising to repeal it and Two years senate and house republican controlled. Who is your daddy Hagar say it with me. We ain’t need no discussion on Obama re-election. Who’s ya daddy. Barry-O
  6. Hillary got millions of votes more total than trump. Yes Hillary and all the baggage that came along with her. It’s not hard to imagine trump getting less votes again because it happened 4 years ago. More ppl vote more total votes trump had a increase also but. I know I know all off trump votes are legal. It’s just Biden’s right? Did I get that right? That’s how you think? At first it was comical now it’s concerning. Trump lost the sooner you accept this fact the better off you’ll be. The less foolish you’ll look. Jan.20 is coming fast nothing will change it Biden will be president. Thats not me celebrating this is not me rubbing it in your face. It’s just reality.
  7. Like any other election but to swing it for trump no there is no proof. No court that has even entertain the notion. He lost and that’s that.
  8. It’s over it’s been over. The comparison to sports is comical. Everyday it’s something new BOOM GAMECHANGER. Nothing Trump or the MAGA hats can do and 20 days Joseph Biden will be sworn in. Accept this reality.
  9. What has pelosi done to you personally What Bill? what anything has she done for you to hope for her death. This is why I say you republicans, democrats are crazy . Hell with hoping she resigns, hoping she lose her seat. Just flat out hope she dies. ”it will be joyous “
  10. I don’t support root or condone the killing of any human. Can any of you say the same?
  11. At least everyone’s in a agreement. This Bill sucks. WOW we all just agreed to something.
  12. Your either senile or senile. You can falsely accuse me of being for things I clearly stated I’m not for several times. But I don’t have to falsely accuse you of anything. Dems this dems that like a toddler. You’re openly welcoming the death of another human. It’s a sad new low even for you. How can you complain about antifa BLM yet your openly agreeing it will be a joyous event for a politician to die. Is this Russia NK the third reich. It’s just sad maybe a very stupid bad joke.
  13. The so called Christians PRO LIFE pretenders calling the death of someone a joyous occasion. you guys are just LOW. We celebrate the death of politicians now . When all you old low informed crying snowflakes bigots die America will be great again.
  14. You must be a kid. I don’t debate kids sorry. Now go back posting Twitter tweets to prove the election was stolen🤡
  15. I think most voters around 80% or low information voters the other 20% vote for the cool I voted stickers. One thing I agree with the maga hat’s is D.C is a swamp. I just believe trump is now top gator.
  16. When have I said this. That’s the difference between me and the rest of you folks. I don’t like either party. I don’t have any explaining to do when politicians be politicians.
  17. When has PAMFAM ever supported or praise anyone you named . For the 1000000000000000 time I am not anti republican I’m anti everything moving in D.C. ^ names included.
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