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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. I like to work and keep my money. I’m a Christian man. Keep believing that the other side is boogeymen that’s how they control you. This two party system just isn’t working.
  2. I’m not the poster who believes one side is good one side is bad. I don’t like democrats either so I’m confused on your reply. So let me clear this I don’t like republicans don’t like democrats. I like the freedom of thinking for myself.
  3. Can you show me the thread or even a comment on the issue before now?
  4. Still no response to why this was not a problem until the 3rd round. Why was trump sending stimulus to prisoners?
  5. I’m just curious why is this now a problem On the 3rd round and obviously not a problem the first two rounds.... Lied I’m not curious on that at all.
  6. Congratulations. Having a child devoted to Christ is a blessing regardless denomination. You have raised him right.
  7. Please explain to me why YOU and YOU only is trying your hardest to derail this topic and make it about race. US history with voting was not just discriminate towards blacks.( This topic has nothing to do with the “white man”
  8. I What is taxes? If I buy a sprite from cornerstone. I just paid taxes. So you’ll have to elaborate on that one. I can live in a rent house 10 years. Newcomer from wherever buys the house next door. Should his voice be greater in the community?
  9. The tax return is apple to Oranges I’m just curious of other alternatives. I believe it’s possible.
  10. The government review everybody tax returns. Check for fraud the whole 9 yards they get this job done in usually 2 to 4 weeks after you file. No ID is required for this. Why can’t we have a system where when you register to vote (a month earlier) everything gets reviewed put in a database. When votes come in that’s not in database or raises a red flag. They get pushed to side for verification.( that’s 3 months they’ll have to verify every single vote if they so chose to.
  11. Will it be a signature expert at every poll ( honestly how will that work). My signature changes every day. And there are elderly and less fortunate folks with no needs of transportation. ( people don’t even leave there homes to make groceries anymore) I think with technology we could figure out a better solution to stop voter fraud ( if that’s even a serious thing because the experts say it’s not). And here’s a question how many legal votes of voters would not have been counted if these things where in place. To be fair Hillary lost big to trump in upsetting fashion. Dems still refuse to change laws (To be fair the republicans had presidency and both house and changed nothing). It’s something imaginary for us to argue about.
  12. It’s not like only democrats can vote without ID or anything named. It goes both ways. Let the voters vote.
  13. Prayers to you Stevenash I’ll be praying for a full recovery. God bless.
  14. I’m tired of these damn masks.😷 although they become part of my wardrobe. PAMFAM rocks the fancy type had a Texans one Nike, Jordan, company one etc. I honestly feel like we’re in the free I no longer hear so and so got COVID. It’s the governor’s call. He’ll either be a hero or something else in a month. I’ll hang on to my mask just in case. (will wear them another month) Pray to God that this is finally the end.
  15. That my opinion . I’m extremely tired of these mask myself. I rather deal with them if it’ll help the country. I don’t wanna stop wearing them the numbers shoot up. And we be back at square one like last time. 100% ready to get back to normal ASAP. Let’s just do it right without politics.
  16. We don’t need to lockdown our states remember TX and GA . Very few later they were back doing what the experts said. So if Tx wants to embarrass itself again. Go ahead stop wearing mask. It will only be very few later.😷
  17. I don’t believe AOC is helping to simply help Texans. I know she has a political agenda behind it. I’m not praising her just pointing out. Ted is getting out done by AOC. Its not Ted fault what happened. But the citizen he represents were without power and water and freezing temperatures. You roll up your selves you pass out water blanket you you hit the ground doing whatever you can for your state. How many of you checked on a neighbor gave out water. Help remove ice. If we can do it our elected officials who won’t be in Cancun when they need the votes can too. I was without water heat with several under age kids. None asked for a trip to Cancun.
  18. It’s amazing that the socialist liberal from NY was more helpful to Texans than Cancun Cruz. Trump was right on “lying Ted “
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