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Everything posted by sport1971

  1. Kountzemania just got a little worked up...I think it was because all these HD Nation folks are so far off base with this game.  In addition, I agree that just because you were and NFL player  or D-1 college guy does not mean you are a gonna be a good coach, but Coach Middleton did take Kelly to state and Coach Harper has had his successes as well. Not to mention that with these two guys, plus adding Coach Franklin as Head Coach and AD it has changed Kountze Athletics in a very positive way.  I am sure the HD coaches are great and those coaches and will be on their game. HD will not roll over and give us the game, but I can assure everyone that Kountze will not roll over either! I like this rivalry happening between these two schools...makes things fun.  Well fun if you are on the winning side, which Kountze will be come Friday night. Friday night will be smash mouth football...toughness, speed, conditioning and control of the mental mistakes will be the key to this game. 
  2. HD by 7...?????????????????????????NOT THIS YEAR MY FRIEND!
  3. only one starting lineman has issue but we have depth baby! should not be an issue...by next week other big lineman will be back we will have twin towers on offense.
  4. I think just one lineman...but that Booker kid that 6' 6'' 300 pounds came in last week and did well...don't know any other starter
  5. HD coaches may want to mentally and physically prepare their team for Friday night.  It will be a rough game.  It will be fun...atleast for Kountze. Coach Franklin pushes these kids harder and harder each week. We will not get beat because we don't have gas left in the tank. We do need to get control of the personal fouls on the defense. Not saying its right but a little of that can be expected with such an aggressive bunch of kids!
  6. correction to previous post: they will want the HD Nation back.
  7. I have to agree with king...this is not Hardin and when Hardin plays Kountze they will The HD Nation back. Look guys this is simple HD may have some size but they are slow overall. Kountze flys around and will light your tail up! Had a friend on the Shepherd sideline and he said those kids were banged up...(but they had a ton heart). Seen film on HD as well and they are good size kids but not fast. Around the ends and over the top is the offensive game and on the defensive side, continue the gang tackle drill. Kountze wins! 35 - 14
  8. Kountze 404 yards total offense 279 rushing 125 passing leaders: Marcus Williams 130 yd rushing Grayland Arnold 114 yd rushing Darrion  Harper    44 yd receiving Xavier Scott      38 yd receiving Passing: Rowdy Teel            60 yd passing Grayland Arnold      65 yd passing TD's 2-Rowdy Teel 1-Darrion Harper 1-Marcus Williams 1-Xavier Scott 1-Kennan womack Interceptions 1-Jayden Cunnigan Blocked PAT 1-Darrion Harper
  9. I thought Kville was the bomb this year? what happened? 
  10. That is my thoughts exactly...whats good for the goose is good for the gander...or something like that! Anyway, parents of athletes in Kountze should be furious about the unfair treatment. Look issues go way deeper than just sports...curriculum is just as important, because none of the talented students in our district can take advantage of scholarship opportunities if they have not been properly prepared for college and that is a big problem...alot of folks think why change a thing because little Johnny or Johnny Sue is  just gonna be a hand when they grow up...Look; everybody is good at something and there is not a thing in world wrong with that but respect other peoples goals in life and get out of the way of progress! I want more for my kids...I want them to have an easier more successful go at life than I have had. Just don't want folks to think all I care about is athletics, because with out the books...athletics by itself will not cut it 99.9% time.  This is a sports forum so I was just talking sports related stuff...sorry to have gotten off task.
  11. thanks! maybe we could make some LBJ moves...LOL. sorry for the rant just taken enough and intend on changing the system...a win is great, but even If I don't people are going to here the truth!
  12. By the way...most people know who I am...sport 1971  (Andrew Marshall) By the way I am running for school Board against Donna Moody who is a very nice lady of which I respect for her 27 years (I think) of service as a trustee, but the aforementioned is an issue that we do not agree on which is apparent by her words, attitude and recorded votes. 
  13. I will support each and every kid who wants to chase a dream...does not matter if its band, choir, track, underwater basket making ect... I don't care! just stop undermining the interest of kids who have a different passion.  I am tired of the kids in this district being pidgin holed. 
  14. $85,000.00 from what I am told...last years budget...not counting salaries...that's like twice as much as other districts...you know I don't care if it's $200,000.00 as long as the district can afford it and the other extra curricular activities are treated equally. FYI...Kountze can not afford to pay attention right now because the previous board and administration ran our little district in the ground by mishandling our bond issue, and yearly overruns in budget...KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD...sorry back to friday night...I want these kids to be successful so all the roll over and play dead athletic supporters "insert sarcasm" can have something to BOO and HISS over! 
  15. This comment is not directed at anyone in general...just wonder how the rest of you would feel about this issue...Attended a school board meeting a couple of days ago where certain school board members and supporters were really demonizing the Kountze  Athletic program because the program did not get the same in kind % of budget cuts the Band program took on...Included in these cuts was the elimination of private lessons for band students.  Then the board or certain members shoved enough and got the lessons restored to the budget and asked for complete cuts  across the  budget to every extra curricular activity...I mean lets be fair but now those supporting the band program are willing to punish everybody just so they can keep private lessons. You know when I wanted my son to be better at the sport he excels at we went and got private lesson, which I paid for, but because playing an instrument is more respectable and productive than my stupid jock of a son's sport he plays...he works just as hard to be great at his passion as a band student. The district does not offer my son private lesson...well I take that back if he plays football he gets private lessons or just as good because football has position coaches. I am not bashing the band I am just saying fair goes both ways and over the years in Kountze the athletic program has been underfunded in comparison to other districts.  I am just glad our athletic program is allowed to be good at one sport and on a lenient year maybe two! You know band is great, it teaches kids discipline, dedication and gives a sense of achievement, plus if your good enough you can even go to college on a scholarship. Wow, just thought about something...kids who play sports, girls and boys, get those exact same benefits. Just asking people to be fair and respect what is important to others, because I respect how hard others work, their needs, and minimize their intrest.     
  16. I would be glad to put shepherd on the baseball schedule...they would get all they want...but it's football and it will be a game. Still think poor old Kountze will pull it out.
  17. kountze has not improved?????!!!!! wow have you seen them??? To say they have not improved is just trying to be inflammatory. Sheppard is big but not near as fast as Kountze...It will depend on how Kountze handles the size and Sheppard handles the speed...I have to go with the speed because when mistakes are made speed kills ya! Kountze should pull out a victory (28-14)
  18. I know holding is holding...just sucks when that is the situation, but your right...just thought I would vent.
  19. I think Kountze will be a hard team to beat. I saw them destroy Evadale Offense...1st team on 1st team Evadale did not get a first down. Then when they switched...Kountze was unstopable.  Now I do agree with those above who said Kountze seemed flat in game condition, but it is very true that Kountze had no rest. Kountze stayed on the field the entire night as Evadale had a tremendous break...like a full 1/2 hour to get their legs under them before game condition. and even then Kountze was strong. To top it off Kountze did not have all their number ones in at the same time on O or D.  Next week will be a great gauge for Kountze as they will be fresh in game condition. We will also be able to work on cutting down the metal errors ie...penalties...cost three touchdowns to be called back.  That gets me on another kick maybe a ref out there can answer this...why do officials call a penalty on a guy like holding that occurs 15 yards away from the QB at the moment the QB releases the ball. The infraction was a non-factor...no chance of impacting the play or outcome??? I mean rules are rules but just saying
  20. Buddy G. wow talk about delusional...Weak Brook? Do you find any other the slightest bit worthy or is it just a band wagon thing for you!
  21. I would not go so far as to call it weak brook...As a West Brook guy from 1990...back when it was just TJ One school not the work of three schools; well lets just say TJ was just another speed bump for the Brook!  Anyway Memorial should be more competitive, a great deal more was added to the talent pool...just surprised it took as long as it did to get going the right direction...but you can't take anything away from WEST BROOK...they have been a big player year after year in this area...They are in a rebuilding phase, but the worm will turn! Hey I got an Idea, lets combine WB, Central and Ozen...then lets see...LOL!
  22. Well it's no surprise fans think they are under rated or under estimated. To their credit they have very high expectations of their kids. When they were in 2a it was no different. Not ragging on anybody, but sometimes that ten foot tall and bullet proof self image gets to be viral and hard to maintain because it's not reality.  Reality is that Buna has alot of good athletic kids and they are fierce competitors, they love to win and hate to loose. When the results are a mark in the (w) column then the fans have a hard time excepting the reality that in most cases they just got out played by superior athletes. On the other hand being from Kountze I wish we had little more of that attitude then the one we have, which has been roll over and play dead. Hope that is continuing to change. Bottom line I think there is a happy middle ground. I thinks as parents and communities we should always support and push for excellence, but also be realistic.       
  23. yes...he is an athlete! i hope the critics go easy on him...he is young and is gonna make mistakes and will develope.
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