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Everything posted by Tiger90

  1. I guess I do not understand this. ??? It was OT, so yes it was close.
  2. I guess I missed the post, but it looked like Sutherland was getting bashed? I worked with Todd for several years. He is a stand up guy with high standards and morals. If he only cared about winning he would have never left Kountze, he knew what was there. It doesn't pain me to see Silsbee trounce HJ however.
  3. It kind of has already. You do not see the kids out for the sports they way you used to. If the coaches were as tough now as they were then you wouldn't have any kids out. I have seen great athletic kids refuse to participate in sports because "I don't want to have all of that practice", "All they are going to do is lose so why bother", "There ain't nobody who is going to holler at me and disrespect me", and the list goes on and on. In terms of basketball, the game has changed so much. It isn't about finesse and being fundamentally sound. It is about being physical. Years ago a dunk was considered an insult and disrespectful towards your opponent. Nowadays it is all some can do. You look at Shaq, if you take him 3 feet away from the rim he can't do anything, but he pushes folks around and dunks. I thoroughly enjoyed growing up watching the Lakers/Celtics. You had Bird's shooting and Kareem's hook shot. It was entertaining. Now the entire sport has become playground ball IMO.
  4. Good article, but the problem I see is Lamar can not stop living in the past. Everytime anything positive in regards to basketball is spoken they always have to talk about the late 70s and early 80s. The game has changed dramatically since then. Eligibilites and scholarship requirements have changed. Those glory years have dictated the whole sports program including the ultimate demise of football. While we enjoy good high school basketball in the area, the university has done little to bring in "local" flavor to help keep the community interested. Even Jim Gilligan does this in baseball. You look at Northwestern and you had/have the Hancock kids from Kountze playing integral roles. You look at Sam Houston a few years back with Silsbee's own Eddie Fobbs who plays professional ball overseas and tries out for NBA teams. Those teams have had success. To be honest this area is not that high on university basketball. This area is football country.
  5. Very Lousvillesque. To be honest, a cardinal just isn't a menacing animal.
  6. If Colorado is stupid enough to go to the PAC 10 then I would think the league would want TCU before UH. You can bet the Big 12 continuously kicks themselves for taking Baylor over TCU.
  7. In all fairness he was "ok" this year. He had some big time runs, but also was inconsistent.
  8. Depends on which team shows up to play. It looks like both teams have been inconsistent. WOS should win. Silsbee is a bit down this year, but the talent is great in the freshman and 8th grade groups.
  9. William Harper....anyone who can take the beating at qb running the veer and still be out there on defense and special teams deserves some recognition.
  10. :shock: ....and still lost. I thought one of those Detmer boys had the record.
  11. I dunno, try covering a middle school girl's game when they are just learning to dribble. They walk and hack each other to death. You throw in some whistle happy refs and you are in for a long night. :wink:
  12. Nearly all of Kountze's team from last season is back except this year they have a little more bench depth. They were #1 most of last season and probably should be higher this season. Don't let this year's ranking make you think they are a little weaker.....they are not.
  13. I dunno....maybe because UT is loaded and the other rb may be pretty good as well. There is no doubt the Mosely kid played well, but the Nederland faithful need to be realistic. It is one thing to be a good hs athlete, but it is another to have world class talent. Adrian Peterson didn't have the most yards nor will he win this year's Heisman, but does anyone really believe he won't be the first rb taken if he declares for the draft?
  14. Locally....WOS vs. Silsbee It was very close. It came down to WOS getting an int at about the 2 yard line with less than a minute to play. That int. kept Silsbee from sending it into OT.
  15. WOS versus Tomball in '88 had the best trick play I had seen. I'm sure Coop knows all of the details.
  16. If Ty Cobb says he is back he is back. He would know.
  17. I do not recall a lot of bashing. To be honest I do not think many folks from that district even post. Preseason that district was getting beat up by a lot of other districts. You have to kind of expect a little bit of talking down when teams are/were doing poorly. You guys had a sub .500 team in the playoffs. Coldsprings is definitely on the rise for the future.
  18. Remember how the district got no love on this board all year? I will say Splendora played their hearts out and did a fine job. I was definitely nervous late in the game. In regards to the district it is still weak. To be considered a good football district surely at least one team should advance beyond the first round.
  19. We played terrible. Hats off to Splendora. It was obvious they prepared for our guys. They knew our snap count and were able to continually get us to false start. They had a great game plan of getting those 3-4 yard runs to just keep the chains moving and Silsbee's offense off of the field. There is no doubt we were looking past them. We came out flat and got down early. Their only miscue was the fumble at the 2 yard line late in the game. We tried everything to give away this game. Hopefully it will be a springboard for the next game and our injured and out players are able to go next week.
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