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Everything posted by bmtdc1996

  1. I must have missed something somewhere. Someone actually thinks there should be changes out there in Winnie? Is it Kountze or Warren or Hardin hoping EC will get rid of a good staff and that a traditionally strong program will fold and fall by the wayside?? ??? I may not know all the scoop out there in Winnie but from what I saw the few times I saw EC play this year, the program is in very capable hands.
  2. sure hope things get faster later on in the spring :'(
  3. EC started slow but picked it up pretty quickly. It was quite a battle the first half but when the second half started EC turned up the defense quite a bit and shut down the Newton inside game. The Eagles had NO answer! The score could have been different if EC could make some free throws, I think I counted 8 straight misses. EC looked tough! The refs (at least two of them) really let them play too! Way to go Bucs!
  4. Going up to Evadale to watch EC/Newton. Good luck to the other teams though. Wish more games could be closer. Wish they could play at Lamar.
  5. "The Hill" has always had an attitude about them, whether they were good or not. That goes as far back as I can remember which is to the mid-80's. Sometimes they are almost as good as they think they are.
  6. Well thanks a lot Hornet, your recap brings back memories for me! I remember all those guys.
  7. Bobby Mills? D1 basketball or football? You must be talking football because he wasn't tall enough to be a college basketball player. He was a pretty good linebacker for us on the football field. I remember him being a great slam dunker jumping off the cheerleader's mini tramp too! ;D
  8. I didn't remember Bobby Mills playing basketball. : Well, like I said, it has been 20 years and I have slept since then so I don't remember everything. All I do know is it was the only time in the last 20 years Hardin has won a basektball district. Good old Coach Box, saw him during the Christmas vacation. As they say, those were the days my friend!
  9. Ok, now we are talking 20 years here but I don't remember Hardin playing Woden during the regular district season. The district was zoned because it was so spread out and if I remember correctly, in our south zone it was WH, HD, Hardin, and Deweyville and in the north it was Comesneil, Woden, Broaddus and West Sabine. Not to say it didn't happen I just don't remember Hardin playing them until the District tournament semi final. Now, Jason Nolan, he played at Hardin or West Hardin? I don't remember him. And, who is this Mills person that was mentioned? I was on the coaching staff at Hardin during those years, so I am trying to remember everyone.
  10. Must be some West Hardin fans on here, ;D. I had forgotten it was Broaddus. Could not believe that WH lost to them in the semi finals of the district tourney. Broaddus only had one real good kid and one kid who was so so and the other three were terrible. Yeah, Marsh's dad was out there, always a force to be reckoned with. Now, answer me this, who was Nolan's dad? I am glad to see the Hornets doing well. Good luck Friday
  11. Hardin and Woden playing tonight, takes me back to the 1987 district tournament. The 2A district back then was zoned and the final four was West Hardin against a team I cannot remember right now and Hardin against Woden. Hardin's own coach, Ronald Scott was on the team back then. Hardin was down by 6 with ONE minute to play and ended up tying it up and going to overtime to win. They beat the other team the next night to win district. Went on to play Shelbyville (I believe) in bi-distrct but lost. OK, trip down memory lane is over, GO HORNETS!!! WIN!!!
  12. What is it they say, "A lepoard can't change his spots". I guess we will have to see how things play out. Best of luck to the kid. The whole world is watching....the whole world is watching....the whole world (at least the golden triangle anyway) is watching.....
  13. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't the 91 HJ team drop 165 or 166 on Hardin for a state record for most points in a game? I didn't seem them play that year but I saw them the year before and they were lightning quick and would stop on a dime and pull up and shoot the three with a hair trigger. Is that still the record in the state? Anyone know more details?
  14. Warren ahead of EC a little??? ??? Are you crazy? I would have to see documentation to believe that Warren has won 4 basketball games over the past few years from EC. When it comes to track (being the old track coach that I am) EC has dominated the 24 AA district for several years except, I think Newton might hwave won it one year and maybe Kountze last year? Warren has had a few distance runners but come on, did they make it to state? Now when you say, "make it to state" are you talking state championship games, tournaments, or meets or playoffs for state. BIG difference here and there is no way Warren has come close in the "major" sports.
  15. Any idea where Harding and Woden would play next Tues??? ???
  16. I am not sure where UT#1 got his statistics but from what I remember Warren hasn't beaten EC in much of anything in the last 10 years. Now, i cannot vouch for baseball but I know there have been very few victories against EC the other sports. I have personally witnessed Warren cave in against EC when on several occasions, be it basketball or football. Head Coach Andy Evans made a quote that I will always remember after a football game up in Warren in either 2001 or 2002. Warren had been leading and just totally fell apart, losing by 15 or 20 if I remember correctly. Coach Evans told his team after the game that EC would find a way to win no matter what and that Warren would find a way for EC to win too. Warren, maybe it is a mental block against EC? I think they have injections or medication for that now! ;D
  17. Deweyville not in shape? ??? It's called playing a strong team with a strong tradition and not being able to stand up to the pressure, like the previous poster said. If its conditioning at this time of year, then those boys must be doing something wrong away from the court
  18. So, what you are saying is there is an * in the record books for Kountze ;D
  19. Yeah, Thomas pulled a great move, left that kid standing there with his feet planted. He thought he was going to get a charge. : It was definitely something you would see on the play ground!
  20. This was a pretty good game, Hardin came back from 15 down to pull with in 5 at one point but EC just responded. IMO the Hardin guards were penetrating well but could not get the circus shots to fall. EC got too many second effort shots as well as fast break points. Thomas was awesome, he took over the game in the 4th quarter. Marsh is a great player, sweet shot, but EC kept him out of the lane. Looking forward to a playoff of some kind.
  21. Hardin runs the table on EC. Other than Kountze, I can't remember any team in their district winning both games against EC for a VERY long time.
  22. EC/Hardin game is the one to watch. There is a district championship on the line for Hardin OR a 3 way tie. The quality of the game will be excellent! This will be a pressure packed game. I cannot believe some of you would say this game is no big deal, all they are playing for is seeding. IMO district championships are a BIG DEAL!
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