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Posts posted by rc2182

  1. For the record I support Ozen ,but have a different perspective than ozenfinest .WOS in my opinion, should win, based on how they have dominated in the playoffs.They are the only local team remaining, with opportunity to win a state football championship.With that being said. you all have my support, and I will be there to cheer you on as though it was Ozen, in hopes you would do the same for us being a local team with the opportunity to do something only 1 school in each division has a chance to do, WIN THAT STATE CHAMPIONSHIP.In conclusion, don't put all Ozen supporters in one group,and we won't put all WOS supporters in one group, we all have our own opinion, GO WIN STATE WOS.

  2. Same old Same old.I have noticed a lot of you are very critical of Ozen ,weather it be football, basketball ,track or badminton. If I had a kid defending a player 30 ft.from the goal with seconds left, I would be on his arse their was contact possibly should have been a no call but it wasn't. Also we don't want to talk about travel calls ,when there was plenty many against Ozen that virtually took Sneed out of his game.Last but not least we have short term memory Ozen played Memorial 3 times last year same situation blow out first game close games the other 2 (common opponent).Not taking anything away from coach Coleman with Memorial very good hire they have improved already. Ozen please lose some games get out of the rankings and just continue to do you.

  3. Beaumont needs to go back to 2 schools period. When I was at West Brook in late 80's and early 90's, West Brook and Central were in the playoffs every year. They put out very competitive teams. The old Hebert folks screwed up Beaumont when the ISD gave in and let them have their old Hebert back. Funny thing is, Ozen with the exception of a couple of good years in basketball and a couple in football hasn't done squat. If BISD folks are happy though then keep it 3 schools and get use to mediocre.

    Don't really matter what route they take ,but in comparison to Central and WB Ozen have been to state in basketball more  than Central and WB combined. Only 1 state championship in football by WB, B4 Ozen and Central existed.

  4. I subscribe to the theory that kids are the products of their environment, as opposed to the reverse.  The young are blessed in that the Lord made them resilient.  I do think success is greatly heightened by parental support, which is often lacking in some schools that struggle.  However, I happen to know for a fact that no young doves were or are lacking in that department ;)

    Have had two kids go through Ozen, both have received their college degrees and are doing just fine. Another is currently attending and is in top ten in her class.I am saying all of this to say it does not matter what school you attend if you have no parent support academically or athetically the parent failed the kid ,not the school .

  5. Hey, I refuse to lay off.  It's just sad, and a shame to the people involved.  That kid waited and waited his time.  and when his time came, he was still screwed.  If I'm not mistaken, I'd say politics were involved, which is sad because if the better player was just allowed to play ball like he should have, I'm sure Ozen would have had more wins under their belt the last couple of years.  So, I'll continue to make mention of his accolades as they occur...

    No problem I agree ,politics may have been involved I don't now enough about the situation to disagree.I do know he should have been utilized more. But if you are going to post all his accolades I hope you  don't get carpal tunnel, lol.

  6. The former Ozen player, R. Randle, now impact starter on Lamar University's defense snagged an interception in a 13 point loss to Northwestern State.  Yes now tied for 1st in Southland Conference with 6 interceptions.  I figured you'd like to hear this information, Ozen since you believed in giving a player of this talent 8 touches per game as a senior.  




    PN-G - 36

    Ozen - 31

    Come on Soulja, you continue beating a dead horse in the ground. It's obvious the coaches had no idea of Rodney's talent, but unless they get on this site, we are all aware they under utilized his ability.Rodney is balling out at Lamar, what surprise me more is a lot of schools did not see his ability as well.He should have been highly recruited in my opinion but, thanks to Ozens coaching staff for not displaying his talents Lamar was able to land him.

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