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Posts posted by rc2182

  1. I am sure we all can tell a situation when we were encountered by the police.I know I have, but not all cops are bad just like not all cops are good, let's not kid our selves.I don't know what can be done other than better screening from top to bottom.I don't blame individuals based on someone's else prejudice,you meet different people with different personalitys of different races daily .I am saying this to say, unless you can walk in someone else's shoes, you really do not know what unjust they have faced and what effect it will have on them.

  2. Let's not kid ourselves to think there isn't a History of Gross Injustice in this Country against Black people. You gave an incident where you didn't escalate the situation with a barrage of insults. This doesn't happen in every case. Let me take a moment to thank you for your Service to the Communities you helped protect. Keeping a dialogue & trying to get an understanding is the only way things get better. I'm only one person doing my part trying to make a difference. Some times it's like tossing a pebble into the Ocean to see if it rises, but I know the impression I leave on my Sons & their friends. Some on this Site are as Cruel as the World, hiding behind their screen names being Bigoted Cowards slinging innuendos back & forth. I can't & won't Allow these sort of people regardless of Ethnicity to Destroy the efforts of many Dreamers who fought & Died for the many Liberties I'm afforded today. I can remember Vividly how Proud my Mother was the few times she could afford for my Sister & I to eat at the Counter at Kress store in Downtown Port Arthur. My Mother wasn't allowed this opportunity, so she Dreamed of the day she could see her kids get the opportunity. I was 8-9 yrs old at the time. Fast forward a few yrs later to the story I told of me & friends being harassed & searched and you ask yourself how far had my Mothers Dream really come?? How far has this Country really come today?? Sorry for the Dramatics, but this is really a Deep Rooted issue & concern to me. I won't quit Educating myself as well as others on the Racial Injustices that are rampant & wide spread throughout this Nation. Heck I don't have to go that far, we see it All Day Everyday in SETX. We must do better. If I offended anyone, that isn't the Intent. Educate,Evaluate, and Collaborate to UNITE.

    Very good post....

  3. JRIDGE in my opinion I have to look at it from a perspective of what would be best for my child, education wise first then athletically.With that being said, Cam hit the nail on the head with his observation. you have to prepare your kids for all aspects of life and most times that requires you being your self and not so much following the crowd. I think coach Suggs has good intentions, and in the long run will get the program where it should be.Stay the course ,and continue to mentor your kids and if a number of us parents do this, the bad would weed it self out and Ozen's program will be fine.
  4. I am sure coach Suggs have been coaching long enough to start building relationships among his players,some things are for the players to do, your key offensive players and key defensive players should make a schedule and work hard during the summer on conditioning, and basic skill sets, just doing that will build chemistry ,the players will be much more prepared by time the season starts. JMO

  5. I don't agree with that. No one is out to get Ozen, IMO. Mediocrity at one school is not good for the district as a whole. Why would anybody in theory right mind sabotage one school for the sake of school pride from 30 plus years ago vs. The well being for the ISD as a whole?

    Not to sure about now ,but a person that was previously there that was surely the plan ,but despite all of that Ozen must continue on with the new coach hopefully they can get things back together.
  6. Thanks for your kind words. I was raised to give an 'Honest day of work & expect an Honest day of pay."   We have high standards & expectations for our kids, but at the same time, we  do not attempt to shield them from or make excuses for them.  This has truly been a blessing for Rodney. This has shown him that LIFE isn't Fair, but you can't quit or go around complaining at every chance you get.   I'm Hard, but i'm Fair, most who meet me know i'm not about B.S and don't entertain it.  I give Respect, therefore I receive Respect.  We were placed here to Glorify God & help each other. We teach our children these principals so they can incorporate it in their lives & the lives of others they meet. We don't always do or say the right things, but the good intentions are always present.  Count your Blessings, Repent & thank God for Grace & Mercy, because it Sustains us ALL.   You got me started rc2182,  I'm done now    Lol


  7. Finest, i Teach my son to try to leave the program in a better place than he found it. There will be no feuding, you feud when two are of equal Talent. Well, I can tell you first hand no other back @ Ozen is worthy to hold his Jock, but with all the politics & bull that go on, Rodney will just play his Role & continue to be a Team player.   Lil C & Rodney are good friends and Rodney will continue to Mentor him & also learn from him. Make no mistake Lil C is very Talented & his time will come, I just think some Nosey A_ _ Alums & hating Coaches tried to hinder Rodney's progress because he isn't one of their "chosen" ones. What God has in store for Rodney, no man can stop.  Adversity builds character & he got the Shaft this Season, so he is stronger, wiser & Hungrier. I Pray that any Parent that reads this thread & has a kid in the same situation can be encouraged. Haters only put up stumbling blocks or forks in the road. Stay the course & press on.  Leave it in God's hands & continue to Pray. In Rodney's case, he let go & let God & you can see what has unfolded as of now. ;) 

    Go Panthers!!!!!

    Cam ,I agree, whats for you is for you and fournately you are a wise parent that have been battle tested, and I am sure you  install those qualitys in Rodney.You and I both know you can not run from adversity because that is part of life ,the main thing is to know who you are and  where you are going in life but always put God first.Their are many stumbling blocks ,haters and politics out their but the cream always rise to the top.Rodney is a great player and he will get his just rewards ,no doubt in my mind he will get noticed, scouts look at quality not quanity, grades and maybe family back ground in which he have all those covered.

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