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Posts posted by MoFo

  1.  "HJ has never won anything, EVER, including this year. "


    Oh, I am sorry Falcon I did not realize how supportive this statement was until I read it again.


    Not "tearing down" any program, I am just stating a fact that teams will go up and down year to year based on talent, coaching, grades, and competition. Fans and communities should jump up and grasp all they can while they are up because sooner or later you will be in a slump again. I have no problem with any fan screaming from the rooftops when they are on top, they should, on the other hand I find it poor taste to point out a team's past and "remind" the fans how terrible they where in the past when they are enjoying their success kind of comes off like sour grapes.


    You have to realize most fans (per child) have about 2-3 (sophomore-senior) years to enjoy their program when it REALLY means something to them (their child actually involved) be it cheer, player, trainer, band, drill team etc. So if you are having success in those years suck up every bit of it and enjoy the ride. 

  2. HJ2012- I am not the one who brought up resumes. Notice that I specifically said: "I am shocked that anyone attempted to knock LaMarque's resume".


    Mofo- You are correct that the Raiders won Super Bowls in the past. HJ has never won anything, EVER, including this year. What does that mean and what is your point?

    Falcon I could care less if HJ was beat by Shady Homes Retirement Village. Truth be told, I do not have anything to prove for past years or future games. My son's play for the team so I will be 100% behind them win or lose.

    The truth these past 2 seasons have been great the boys have played well and have given the school and the community something to be proud of. So I would much rather relish in the NOW unlike many of you who would want to bring up the past and I can only think that the reason you do it is to bring the program down (why else would you do it?) 


    So you HJ haters keep living in the past bringing up the what was and used to be. We HJ fans will head to Houston to watch our team play in the SECOND round of the playoffs for the SECOND year in a row,  while many of you sit at home and wait for next year. Hey but you can pull out that scrap book an see how great your team once was.


    I am VERY proud of the South East Texas Teams that are showing the talent we have in our little podunk corner of the world...WOS, OF, HJ, are still going and I am rooting for these boys... 


    I said it last year and I will say it again. I tell my boys to enjoy the moment there are MANY of us on this very site that never got the chance to taste playoff water, I hear it taste a little sweeter than regular water. 

  3. HJ Hawk handlers (me) left the bag of tie down stakes for the Hawk inflatable at Huffman stadium. If any of you are heading Beaumont way and haul them with you I would meet you somewhere to pick them up. If not I will try and get by there this weekend. 


    Thanks to the Huffman Coach for picking up our slack.


  4. Has Bellville ever seen the slot t?? If not it is a nightmare to defend. Especially if the team runs if to perfection like HJ does.....

    I see the HJ offense doing what it's supposed to do and having about 3 of those time consuming drives with a few break out plays and winning 35-17

    I believe Bellville runs the slot if I am not mistaken

  5. Like I said Ladybug
    your method and delivery is not Utilitarianism enough for the Ladybug. :rolleyes:

    You can throw your phsyc. 101 words at it all you want fact is these are kids that come from a long family cycle of parents being "me first" people. There may be a few (very few) parents that truly cannot make the game but I would be willing to bet my house that it is not the majority. I know me as well as 98% of the other posters on this site if asked by another child's parent for a ride to a game would not hesitate to give them one.
    You can not convince me that out of the 45-50 players Worthing had on the team last night only about 20 fans could afford or have the time off from work to get to the game
  6. Like I said Ladybug I have lived it and I will stand my ground on it cost NOTHING to love and care about a child. You hear everyday about these pro athletes that came from the most poverty stricken areas in the US and you hear them talk about a mom, dad, or grandparent that was always there for them
  7. Im actually appalled by some of the comments.
    I guess its just not good enough doing what you have to do as a parent to pay rent/mortgage , keep the lights/gas on , and put food on the table.
    How about some if you visit the areas in the daytime (Antoine , Kashmere Gardens, Sunnyside) that sight would deter most from going at night, then see these kids and their parents reality and not what you think it should be.
    These people shouldnt be relegated to being the scourge of humanity for not attending a football game.....LIFE happens.....we all dont get the same dose.

    Sorry to sound blunt but if you can't raise a child don't have a child. I don't have to visit the area they live in, I lived it. It cost you NOTHING to show love and be there to support to a child, nothing but time
  8. Great comments everyone, some of these kids basically live in low income apartments, where their families often ride city buses to commute back and forth to work and home. These kids have a different life style than our kids back home, oftentimes they have to worry about gang activity, many drop-outs, and lack of school funds to support extra activities, I'm amazed that they still have a football program. I can understand why many of their parents did not attend the ball game last night, and mostly it's due to financial reasons.

    I disagree to a point, yes some parents can not make it due to finances, but I would be willing to bet 85% of those parents that could not find a ride to the game their child was playing in found a ride to a liquor store, out to eat, night club, bar, or to grocery store. I see it all the time they have no problem finding transportation to something that is vital or beneficial to them
  9. I agree fan or not BE THERE if you as a parent did not get the family support and values as a child BREAK THE CYCLE.
    Mrs. MoFo was not a big football fan when our boys started but she was in those stands cheering (sometimes at the wrong time) but she was there...
    I have always said flute, football, or farming whatever my kids are doing I will be right there behind them.
  10. Unfortunately this is a way of life for most inner-city schools. I did not realize this completely until I started working at Alief Hastings. Last year when we traveled to Aldine, we averaged about 10 fans and most of those were coaches' families. This year we didn't have to travel as far, so we averaged about 20. Some reasons behind this, (actual experience), : no vehicle - only travel by bus or cab; homeless; only parent working two jobs; no babysitter; living without a parent; parent just doesn't care (rather be doing other things). The last one really bothers me but it is the smallest percentage of reasons (in my experience). No matter what the reason, it is sad for the kids who bust their butt all year for the team. One game in Aldine last year, the coaches' families were the ONLY fans there. They all sat through the rain and when the game was over, ALL of our players went to the stands and thanked them for supporting them. Most of the wives and daughters either cried or tried really hard not to.

    Thanks for the inside look coach, it is no wonder why some of these kids fail, and I do not mean academically I mean in life in general. I personally truly know the helplessness that some of these kids feel and can promise you this an educator ( or family of an educator) can make a huge impact on these kid's lives. Proud of the coaches and their families.
  11. While I am happy about the Hawks pulling off a win, I cannot help but to be saddened of the lack of support for the Houston athletes. I do not care if my son's team loses every game by 50 my butt will be in the stands to support him during the game and to help pick him up after.SHAME ON YOU HISD PARENTS AND (warm weather) FANS. I only hope that you support them in their academics better than you do in their athletics. Kudos to the Houston athletes you now have a fan in me for striving forward with zero support from behind you.
  12. OF gave us all we want plus a little and yes I would call it a scare (I was getting fidgety in the stands). I said going into the game they would. I know some of those kids personally, they have NO quit in them. I think OF will be the sleeper team in these on coming playoffs. I believe them being 3rd in district will cause some teams to look past them and that will not serve those teams well.


    As far as my FINAL statement on WOS (unless we see you in playoffs)  I knew we would have to play a perfect game and WOS would have to make a few mistakes (and I stated that prior to game). Neither happened and the end results reflected just that. It was not a punt call or bad officials or the weather, or a lunar eclipse, HJ did not execute WOS did.


    I think our area will be VERY WELL represented in the upcoming playoffs and I hope HJ starts the ball rolling tomorrow night.

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