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Posts posted by MoFo

  1. A lot of things go on between the Trenches that most people wouldn't be proud of...

    As I said I am a TASO official (semi retired with 4 boys all playing sports) Yes i agree with things going on in the line out I have seen and heard them. Knowing our player that is mentioned and knowing who his friends are I find that hard to believe that he said that, I would even be willing to say he did not say that.

  2. Huh this thread turned into a WOS/HJ post I thought we were discussing WOS and penalties. Just curious do we have penalty stats on any teams? If memory serves me correct I belive HJ has been called for 1 unsportsmanlike conduct call this year. I also believe it was offsetting by one from the other team
  3. I say Liberty wins this in a mini upset seeing as how they are the birthplace of Texas (according to their city limit sign) and send them boys from China or Nome,Alaska, or The Great Sour Lakes of Utah, man you guys are confusing I'm still trying to pinpoint where Hardin-Jeffersonville actually is and all my SIRI says is I'm sorry Footballer06 did you say West Orange Starks B*&*^!!!!( not looking to get band for warning points now seeings how I'llhave alot to say in the coming weeks to break the golden triangle down)...Later DUDE

    Well Footballer I see your problem, see you are asking Siri to find a city where actually Hardin-Jefferson is mixture of the 2 counties that form the school district. I can see the issue though evidently Siri is in a state of denial being that you have her in Crosby (and the jungle part of Crosby at that). I asked Siri to locate Crosby for me to see what part the jungle was in and she started singing I've Got the World On a String and then broke into a whole Christmas montage. 

  4. Gas;


    You speak of these playoff refs like HJ fans know what you are talking about.  Remember they are fairly new to the playoffs.  As mentioned above, they are so disciplined (more so than WOS according to some) and flawless in regards to penalties, that for the first time ever a team will be awarded negative penalties for positive yards, thus adding another dimension to their game.

    It is about time some one gave us credit...


    I love the fact that instead of owning up to the unsportsmanlike penalties that were called during the game, you would much rather put words in the mouths of others. 


    No one said HJ was flawless and to tell you the truth outside of the this game I have no clue how many penalties WOS commits per game. It is not like you got called for holding, or blocking down field, or off sides you were called for UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT MULTIPLE TIMES..... I did not throw the flag, Coach Dubois did not throw the flag, the cheerleaders did not throw the flag the officials on the field did. So either they are WOS haters, or maybe just maybe instead of trying to defend their actions or put blame on the officials, the other team, or the fans, someone should hold the players accountable for their actions. 


    Maybe this game was a fluke maybe WOS is NEVER called for unsportsmanlike conduct, if that is the case then we will just chalk it up to a physical game that had some high emotions. I don't know the answer to that someone that watches WOS play more than once a year would have to give their input.

  5. Hello, I'm a Hawk fan... We got called for 4 penalties and a punt that hit a player, but none of those 4 and the punt were justified... There was no player within 5 yards of the punt and the late hit out of bounds, which was on the opposite side of the field from us, was a good hit... I don't remember what the other 3 calls were for but I'm sure we didn't do it. However, I saw every single one of the 14 penalties called on the WOS players and they were all obvious... I saw everyone of them from my seat 40 rows up. You see, not only are we Hawk fans, but we also have Hawk eyes. So we can easily see and determine from the bleachers that your teams calls were obvious but ours were bogus... :)

    Finally a voice of reason.

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