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Posts posted by MoFo

  1. And you can say whatever you want but I'm done arguing with people that just continue to act like we're so unsportsmanlike! We' were supposed to be dominated, we weren't going to be able to stop that smashmouth offense! Well we did and regular season ends! Good luck in the playoffs and I'm sure you guys will take revenge on poor lil Liberty now

    un-knot thy panties....

  2. I am sure there was some late hits my point is the WOS player was flagged and called for the penalty which was a hand to head blow on a dead ball play over.. This penalty carries an ejection.


    How am i being negative toward the player if he was called for it? It is not that I just saw it he was called for it.

  3. You can call a penalty on EVERY play, as an official your job is to try and call the game consistently if you call a hold for just a slight jersey tug then call it both ways the same. I would much rather watch a game that the officials just let them play, the problem is with that game the losing team will come out and say the officiating was horrible. If they call it strict with zero tolerance the fans and both teams will say the officiating was terrible. I know as an official I have blown calls it happens to all of us, the main thing you can hope for is that it does not effect the outcome of the game. I DO NOT think any call in this game did that. You can not go and try and make up the call (two wrongs do not make a right) personally I usually could not tell you who I made what calls on at the end of a game.



    As far as WOS goes I did not see that they were over penalized several of their penalties were dead ball unsportsmanlike conduct calls to me those are a no no for any team. HJ has had minimal penalties in all of their games, I do not think that is sheer luck but more coaching and discipline on the players part. I did see a WOS player throw a blow to the head of a player and he got called for it for the life of me I do not know how he was not ejected. I was taught a blow to the head on a dead ball is a penalty and ejection. 

  4. MoFo look at the ball real close you will see ball changes direction as the HJ player ducks his head a bean bag came out immediately.

    Yes I have had people tell me that, I do not think it hits him, nor does any of the 3 WOS players that are right on top of it when it happens as they touch the ball down and head to the side line. You also must remember that WOS sends their Defense out as HJ sends their offense out. I know WOS players and Coach T well enough that even if there was a hint that the ball hit him the players would have been all over the ball and Coach T would have been having a stroke arguing his point.


    All in all the punt did not change the outcome of this game broke a little momentum but in general WOS played a near flawless game and we did not.


    As I yell from the stands on EVERY punt.....GET AWAY FROM IT.... run to the field house or concession stand...but our players are drawn  to the ball like a fat kid to cake.

  5. Wow- after getting trounced by a team that just lost to a team (WO-S) in a lower division (Newton) you'd think HJ fan (wherever on God's green earth that is) wouldn't be making ANY noise about another towns program. Them boys ( Liberty) have just as much right to suit up and play a game they've worked since two a days to play. Go Liberty you've earned a chance to play and give it your best. Good luck Panthers.

    You would also think that someone that reads this forum at all would realize that those posters are not HJ fans Ladybug started this whole thread just to stir up crap
  6. Were you at the game? Did you watch the video. No WOS players were fighting over the ball. The simply touched it to down it and left the field. The official screwed up...period. When asked who touched it he said #8, that is the QB who wasn't on the field. Then he said #3 who was on the opposite side of the field up front. Then he finally said #2. All the WOS fans say it was #1. If there is that much uncertainty, then how can he make a call that totally changes the game. I have watched other footage and it did NOT touch an HJ player.
    WOS played hard and scored more than HJ. What gets me is the people that weren't at the game and just look at the final score. This was a hard fought game. Congrats to WOS. Hoping we meet you again this season.

    PS # 2 on HJ is about 5' 7" and # 1 is 6' 5" so I could see how they would get mixed up😜
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