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Posts posted by MoFo

  1. I can't buy that one. I don't care if you use a picture of yourself as an avatar...the crap and insults that have been coming out of his mouth since June(yes, June ) has been down right rediculous. He deserves what he is getting and probably more. I personally am done with ragging him but some may not be. You and most other HJ posters have made predictions and talked a little trash like all of us do but what Bedlemon was spewing was on a different level.

    Just for the record I do not make predictions I have said it several times they are teenagers you never know what you are going to get
  2. hi my name is aaron tippett i live on kitchen street in port neches tx......

    Bedelman ran his reckless mouth like an idiot on here for the last three months...he shoved hj down everyones throat and attacked ANYONE who had a different opinion....now he is hiding behind one call and blaming the refs! he deserves everything he gets and so do you! shame on you for defending him

    Haa ok Mr Tippet however you see it. I see a guy that pulls for his team..
    Let me put it this way I know some DIE HARD Cowboy fans, me personally I can't stand them but those die hard fans are behind them ALL the time even when they were in the gutter. Now all of a sudden they are playing well and all these closet Cowboy fans are starting to show up. Bedelmon is no closet HJ fan
  3. Not that he had any but Bedelmon has no chance of ever having any credibility now...

    I have said it before I will say it again. Call Bedlemon what you want he is passionate about his boys and his team.

    Also when ANY of you are FAN enough to not hide behind your Screen names and your semi anonymous status and your willing to put your REAL. Name on your opinion then I will give a little more credit to your thoughts.
    Bedelmon is man enough to stamp his name on his post are you?
  4. We don't "average 4 or 5 unsportsmanlike penalties each game." But refs do get more loose with their flags against us because of our aggressive play. 'Been like that for decades. Our coaches do not tolerate personal fouls and the players guilty of it are always dealt with

    Knowing Coach T I would agree with that 100% I was just stating to a poster if the 4 or 5 unsportsmanlike calls are the norm it needs to be dealt with.
  5. never I understand that part but u should have told coach t he would have handled it right then just for u lol,now tell me when a grown ass man should throw his hat toward a kid in frustration

    Never and I know the HJ coaches would not do that. I've coached there are times I have had to set stuff down to keep it from flying and that is not on the HS level. I have also been the official in many games and have seen frustration taken out on hats, headsets and towels many times. If the asst coach threw a hat I can assure you it was not at a player.
  6. Well, I had created this earlier in the week. I thought about holding it last night, but in light of some comments, I feel compelled to post this:

    That's good stuff right there

    WOSgrad’s House O’ Crow

    Located conveniently just outside the Home Stands at Hawk Stadium in Sour Lake for Instant Consumption

    Entrés (All served with Beer to Cry in and Humble Pie)
    • Chicken Fried Crow – Eat those words Southern Style!…Priceless
    • Blackened Crow – Color of crow to match your mood!…Priceless
    • Crow Etouffee – Crow served from waaay back in Louisiana!...Priceless
    • Barbequed Crow – Crow served with Texas flair!...Priceless
    • Peking crow – Crow with a recipe from across the ocean!...Priceless
    • Stewed crow – A favorite of Midwesterners who have to down this bird!...Priceless
    • Crow cacciatore – Slow cooked to go down smooth!...Priceless
    • Crow lasagna – Just like Mama Ceasar used to serve!...Priceless
    • Chow Chili – For the cold feeling you will be left with after the game!...Priceless
    So come on over to the House O’Crow for a quick bite. It beats whining about last night's game.
  7. Trust me, discipline is the last thing we need to worry about. IMO, I believe we're held to a higher standard than most teams as it relates to penalties. So I guess you believe that ALL those calls against us were justified. Okay. I'll let you have that. But did you see that effect the way we played?

    I said nothing I went off what your fan is saying and I will stand by my comment if you are averaging more than ONE unspotsmanlike conduct call per game you have some attitudes to adjust PERIOD, and I am speaking as a dad, an official, and a coach.
  8. Just like last night, the second guy, the one retaliating gets the penalty.

    TD spin how you want I was there, players will mouth and jabber to each other, I get that but I was on the sideline close to half and heard 2 separate WOS players direct snide comments to our coaching staff. (And yes I can quote the comments) sorry in my book that is lapse (not lack because I know Ciach T would not stand for it) in discipline... You treat the opposing coaches as they are your own
  9. You're still talking about one play. IF the officiating WOULD'VE been better, you WOULD'VE been beaten worse. Let's be real. 13 penalties to your 4? They were momentum killers for us too. WOS has been taught to not allow the penalty differences effect them to a point to where it effects their play on the field. For the majority of our games, we've ALWAYS been the most penalized team. That's nothing new to us. We've ALWAYS overcome that, just like we did last night. That's a credit to our coaching staff.

    If what you say is true then it seems like you may need to focus on some discipline and your wins may be bigger. I have only seen WOS play a couple of times in the past few years I have not thought that they played what some would call dirty, but if you are averaging 4 or 5 unsportsmanlike penalties each game you may want to evaluate some attitudes
  10. Maybe that loudmouth blowhard will finally shut up . No more "pod nah" and "holla" from a grown man. LOL. Sometimes they fall hard

    Yet loudmouth and blowhard are acceptable terms???
    Ha. Look in the mirror before you start casting stones... Bedlemon is a friend and I can tell you this how he is on here is how he is person he tells it like HE sees it, and does not hide behind silly log on names like most of you do, which should tell you he is not afraid to speak his mind AND PUT HIS NAME ON IT. He is abrasive, opinionated, hard headed, and flat out obnoxious sometimes and I am proud to call him MY FRIEND
  11. Ice, to slow the stangs down.lol btw, Mo is a good guy. Mo, Ice is a good guy. Give each other a hug and move on. I know both of ya'll and would hate to see hard feelings.

    You know me BH no hard feelings I speak my mind and appreciate those that do the same. I never look down or dislike a person for their opinions I judge a person on their integrity and character if you stand up for ice waters then i know he must have both.

    Still doesn't mean I have to agree with him.. I mean I have 2 great friends that are DEMOCRATS..,yet I can still sit and have a beer with them... LOL
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