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  1. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from 77 in U.S. Attorney General Holder to resign   
    How can he leave now. He has so many "investigations" over which he is presiding. Particularly the ones in which the President was "outraged".
  2. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from 77 in what is wrong with these people?   
    I was under the impression that if a U.S. Citizen opts to fight against this country with an enemy, he forfeits his rights as a citizen.
  3. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from mustang in The Presidents golf dilemma   
    Some are criticizing him for playing too much golf because it makes it appear as though running the country is not as important to him. As you know, I never believed Mr. Obama was qualified to occupy the highest office in the country. However, after seeing several videos of his swing, I am convinced he is a much better President than he is a golfer.
  4. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from mustang in The Presidents golf dilemma   
    My point was NOT about how much golf he plays. It was that he has a swing that is pretty bad.
  5. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from mustang in more from those fiscal conservatives   
    And those are all items that my administrative assistant could have sent to someone if she were making the case you are making. Since we are being criticized for getting in a "pissing contest", lets continue this discussion via PM so as not to agitate the rest of the board participants any further. Lets start with the names of those portfolio managers that you "help" arrange conference calls with or if you are actually a portfolio manager yourself, I would be interested in knowing what publicly traded securities you are currently investing those millions and billions of dollars in.
  6. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from BearBryant in more from those fiscal conservatives   
    Let me first recommend that you abandon the personal insults approach, because it is ineffective and convinces nobody of anything. And yes, have Bullets verify that to me. I would dearly love to know how you "help" invest a multibillion dollar portfolio. All the statements you made about portfolio diversification, correlation, yada yada yada, are/have been well known to anyone who is in the business. So spouting a few terms that can easily be found in a few minutes on the internet proves zilch. I know a lot of portfolio managers and interact with them on a regular basis and I can tell you quickly that none of them communicate with other people in the business via personal insults. But go ahead and have Bullets give me the lowdown so I can understand your career better.
  7. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from mustang in more from those fiscal conservatives   
    How did you discover this? Was it from your "friend" who told you I understood microeconomics but not macroeconomics?
  8. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from 77 in obamacare And The Incentive To Work...   
    Just one of many disincentives for individuals to be responsible and productive brought to you by the current administration.
  9. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from outanup in Jefferson Co. DA expects BISD indictments next week   
    We have that issue on a national level as well
  10. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from 77 in IRS Emails Exist After All...   
    The taste of the kool aid might be a little less sweet.
  11. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from usedtobe in Well, I guess controversial topics are off the board.......I go to listen only   
    Its actually quite easy to be "offended" if you decide that is what you want. It hasn't been that long ago when I was having a conversation on this board with an individual who is not here much anymore. We were talking about families and the things that are taught to their children. I was talking about kids and used the word "young" ( as in "they teach their young the wrong thing". The conversation immediately changed to accusing me of racism because, by using the word "young" I had referred to families as animals since that is a word oft used to describe the offspring of animals. If one looks hard enough at almost any words uttered by someone else, there is usually a way for someone to misconstrue the statement so as to make the author something they are not. This forces a lot of people to "walk on eggshells" and I believe that is a real shame.
  12. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from CraigS in Well, I guess controversial topics are off the board.......I go to listen only   
    Its actually quite easy to be "offended" if you decide that is what you want. It hasn't been that long ago when I was having a conversation on this board with an individual who is not here much anymore. We were talking about families and the things that are taught to their children. I was talking about kids and used the word "young" ( as in "they teach their young the wrong thing". The conversation immediately changed to accusing me of racism because, by using the word "young" I had referred to families as animals since that is a word oft used to describe the offspring of animals. If one looks hard enough at almost any words uttered by someone else, there is usually a way for someone to misconstrue the statement so as to make the author something they are not. This forces a lot of people to "walk on eggshells" and I believe that is a real shame.
  13. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from thetragichippy in Well, I guess controversial topics are off the board.......I go to listen only   
    Its actually quite easy to be "offended" if you decide that is what you want. It hasn't been that long ago when I was having a conversation on this board with an individual who is not here much anymore. We were talking about families and the things that are taught to their children. I was talking about kids and used the word "young" ( as in "they teach their young the wrong thing". The conversation immediately changed to accusing me of racism because, by using the word "young" I had referred to families as animals since that is a word oft used to describe the offspring of animals. If one looks hard enough at almost any words uttered by someone else, there is usually a way for someone to misconstrue the statement so as to make the author something they are not. This forces a lot of people to "walk on eggshells" and I believe that is a real shame.
  14. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from jv_coach in Airstrikes hit ISIS in Iraq as Obama condemns journalist's murder   
    I wonder if Mr. Obama still stands by his June statement that the world is more tranquil and peaceful than it has ever been. I also wonder if he still believes that telling the rest of the world that the U.S. had, in the past, been dismissive and arrogant ( aka the apology tour)was productive.
  15. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from thetragichippy in Do you consider it appropriate   
    For the President to immediately return to the golf course following his announcement of the ISIS beheading of James Foley?

    For the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary of Defense to be absent from the funeral of Major General Harold Green?
  16. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from 77 in Is This The Kid?   
    If he paid for the rellos, I guess he was just shoving the clerk around for exercise.
  17. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from Englebert in unemployment   
    And it is a great system because the worker has the right to go somewhere else and seek a better situation instead of some bureaucrat telling you and the company how much you are to make, how many hours you are to work, and what your job description is.
  18. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from thetragichippy in Average Wage Drops 23% Under obama!   
    Here is another "terribly biased" piece.
    As an aside- None of my posts include name calling/personal insults and I have always referred to our President as President Obama or Mr. Obama-  I also have never claimed to be a member of the Tea Party ( although I very much support the position of smaller government and lower taxes).  I tend to "over post" when I am constantly barraged with teabagger generalizations/accusations as well as being told I am not intellectually adequate to converse with someone else.  I am no Einstein, but neither is anyone else who is posting here.
  19. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from smitty in A polite request for the "smarter people"   
    Now that you have destroyed all of we moronic, rednecked Republicans via illustrating absurdity by being absurd, I wish to respectfully, with admiration, seek the answer to two questions.

    1. I know Big Girl is playing Ed McMahon, but can you tell me if ECO or TxHoops is playing
    Johnny Carson?

    2. Will you please post the article that confirms Robin Williams was murdered by a Republican as soon as ThinkProgress.org or the Huffington Post makes it available?
  20. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from Bobcat1 in 16 threads without a reply...   
    Is he still saying that there will  never be another team like Ozen and another coach like Boutte?
  21. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from bullets13 in bill o reily   
    una fuerte explosion
  22. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from smitty in EnlightenedChoseOne- Please ponder this   
    Why are there no democrats on Mount Rushmore?
  23. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from PN-G bamatex in Economic Growth   
    Part of the calculation in determining what states are the poorest includes govt assistance. In other words, the more govt assistance a state doles out, the better the income level looks on a per person basis.
  24. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from smitty in Why Are Certain Controversial Topics Removed?   
    If a subject is copied and pasted, is it somehow less worthy of being discussed than original gems such as "is the sky blue"?
  25. Like
    stevenash got a reaction from Honest Abe in Ben Carson's Major Announcement...   
    My guess is that, if he runs, the left will find something in his past.  Perhaps a patient who may have died on the operating table ( who had little hope of surviving anyway).  Dr. Carson will be "painted" as somehow incompetent and without compassion.  This scenario would only come to pass if the left can't find a woman who , for a "small sum", is willing to contend that she was groped by Dr. Carson and was subjected to "suggestive" remarks.
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