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  1. Haha
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from bullets13 in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    They would lose their mind, but they wouldn’t stop it. You’re not proving your point. People are very vocal about lots of issues that still go on.  You’re guaranteed the right to worship, not the right for someone to not disagree.  Christians are criticized constantly, you’ve been doing it yourself.
  2. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to purpleeagle in Prayers for Ben Featherston   
    May God bless you. When we have Jesus in our life, what we go through here on earth is very little compared to the eternal life God has for us in Heaven. What a awesome God we serve. 
    My heart goes out for this young man. 
  3. Haha
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from SmashMouth in Man attacked and beaten in Southeast Texas believes race is a factor   
    I impress myself by using proper legal jargon. 🙂
  4. Haha
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from tvc184 in Man attacked and beaten in Southeast Texas believes race is a factor   
    I impress myself by using proper legal jargon. 🙂
  5. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in Man attacked and beaten in Southeast Texas believes race is a factor   
    Both of our posts ended with, “extent of the injuries“. 😂
  6. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Chester86 in VA election   
    Another thread sidetracked by troll boy.
  7. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan reacted to mat in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    Our great country is based on the constitution. The problem is over the years the constitution has been warped depending on the interpretation of the sitting SC justices at the the time. Our country's downfall and  potential demise is allowing the constitution to trump the word of God. 
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan in VA election   
    Romney instituted “RomneyCare” in Massachusetts.  Which ObumerCare was patterned by.  Not what a true conservative would do!  
  9. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    I hate the word “fair”. In order to be fair to someone, you have to screw the heck out of someone else. 
    We had Bible class as an “elective” when I was in high school. Go figure. 
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    Amen and amen
    Before long every and any lifestyle will have man made rights that clearly goes against the Almighty. We have seen the problems it has caused.
     We ll see how that works out for them….
  11. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    You can't come at me with the "Constitutionally wrong" argument and convince me that makes it right.
    9 SC justices have approved the practice of killing our most innocent for convenience, it's "Constitutionally right".
    Just because some men and women have stamped approval on something and it's the official law of the land doesn't make it right...it simply makes it legal.
    There are going to be a lot of folks that stand before the ultimate judgement one day saying, "but, but, but it was legal."
  12. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Ty Cobb in Man attacked and beaten in Southeast Texas believes race is a factor   
    I think it boils down to this, there are sorry people in this world regardless of what they look like.  There is hate in this world regardless of what the person looks like.  There is racism in this world and, like it or not, there always will be.  In both of these scenarios listed above there were sorry people with hate in their heart.  And quite possibly, both scenarios could have racism involved but we will never know and we can't prove it.
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in VA election   
    The new Republican Lt. Governor of Virginia. 
  14. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    It is
    but now we have boys being allowed in girls bathrooms and boys wrestling girls on the mat.
    christian prayers aren’t harmful….PERIOD
    laws are laws
    but look where we are at…..now fast forward15 20 25 years from now where will we be?
  15. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from SmashMouth in Prayers for Ben Featherston   
    Continued prayers and strength for this young man, his family and friends.
    Prayers for wisdom for medical staff.
  16. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in VA election   
    McAuliffe is behind but wait till 3 a.m. and he ll be ahead by a large margin
  17. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    Exactly right, the excuse that somehow Christianity is forced on folks is not true.
    A preacher preaches that homosexuality or adultery is wrong and all of a sudden they are guilty of wanting to infringe on folk's lifestyle.  Nope.
    What will happen as weak Christians remain silent is the Muslims will slowly grow (sure can't offend anyone by calling out their beliefs...other than Christians) and when there are enough numbers, you'll see a group that has no problem infringing on a lifestyle they disagree with.
  18. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Chester86 in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    Exactly right, the excuse that somehow Christianity is forced on folks is not true.
    A preacher preaches that homosexuality or adultery is wrong and all of a sudden they are guilty of wanting to infringe on folk's lifestyle.  Nope.
    What will happen as weak Christians remain silent is the Muslims will slowly grow (sure can't offend anyone by calling out their beliefs...other than Christians) and when there are enough numbers, you'll see a group that has no problem infringing on a lifestyle they disagree with.
  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in Wow   
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in WaPo Questions Dems Intelligence   
    And isn’t that the biggest mystery of all….
  21. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    Sad that so many consider the SC to be that higher standard.
    As far as the whimsical beliefs that this nation was founded upon, I wonder if these folks making this argument would be ok with removing "In God We Trust" from everything, letting someone swear upon the book of their choosing in a courtroom, removing the Ten Commandments and anything referring to God from all gov property?  God used to permeate our society, even in schools.  We remove Him from more and more areas of our life and then wonder why other bad elements are filling the vacuum. 
    But hey, let's make some high school cheerleaders writing Scripture on some banners the problem.
  22. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan reacted to SmashMouth in Buna ISD Responds to Racist Photo of Blackfaced Student   
    It’s hard to comment without being speculative. The lady who brought it to the school stated "We're no longer going to be quiet and let this go on.”… Let what go on?
    Was the student being knowingly  disrespectful  by dressing up as Tyler Perry’s Madea? I'm at a loss. 
  23. Like
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    LumRaiderFan reacted to BMTSoulja1 in P.a. Isd requiring mask and the Bible in public schools   
    Thanks for the compliment.  My wife and I are hardly to blame.  He's mostly self driven and has his priorities right.  
    Also, I do know other parents and kids that are in the midst of this behavioral issue.  Looking at it from the outside looking in, a majority of these issues, contrary to popular belief, begins at home.  Priorities are wrong.  Many parents are 'checking out' too early.  Kids get to high school and parents feel like they raised them this far, now it's on them.  Because 'when I was 14/15 years old, I had a whole kid and/or was basically raising myself, you should be able to do it'.  Horrible mindset, but that's how many think.  Just look on social media.  Parents ***** and complain about every little thing about the district.  'The district is frisking and patting town my kids'.  'The administration are allowing fights to happen'.   'Car pool lines are moving too slow'.  'Even though my daughter came to school with hole in her jeans and I know it's against the dress code, I'm pissed because she got suspended'.  The complaints go on and are endless.  When I have time, I'll screenshot the countless amount of crying and complaining about everything.  BUT, when the district put out a statement about what they are going to do to stop the vandalism, fights, bomb threats, and other disciplinary issues, THEN ask the parents to do their part (they gave a list of things that parents can do to help remedy the situation), all goes mute.  No one responds at all.  THIS is the problem.  You see literally no involvement in the local PTA.  Hardly any parents show up to project graduation meetings or events.  But as soon as little Johnny gets in trouble, they're at the school acting a damn fool and showing their arse.  Probably to post it to social media.  This is part of the problem.  
    Personally, I commented on one of these whiney posts and I suggested that the district is ALWAYS looking for volunteers.  They'll never turn you down.  One parent (that's right, ONE) replied and asked me if I volunteered and questioned my involvement.  Even though it was non of her business, I did inform her that I was a volunteer for the last 4 years.  Needless to say, I got no reply after that.  
    I say that to say this.  Most of the problems in the district is NOT the district it's self.  Not saying they are totally innocent, but these parents can make a difference.  
    I'm really in the know with PAISD, and there's these same kind of problems.  Also with Silsbee ISD.  Same issues.  Districts are handling the problems the best that they can.  But for some reason, the bigger districts like PAISD and BISD seems to be in the media and in the spotlight way more than others.  Strange how that happens.  
    As far as employment, yes, the turnover rate in BISD is high.  Look across at other districts.  Turnover rate is high in a lot of districts.  Don't believe me?  Go to other district websites and view the job postings.  The fact of the matter is that districts are asking teachers and employees to do extra things outside of their job description, partially due to covid or refusal to hire more employees to help ease the burden.  Or maybe the job just isn't paying enough.  BISD and PAISD pay scale is pretty much on par with every Texas district.  Or maybe the teachers (employees) have friends that are detractors and hear them say things like, 'girl, you need to get away from that hellhole.  BISD is going down hill and you need to get out while you can.  Come work in this district with me here in Tim Buck Too.  To be part of that 'flight', they make the move, then immediately start talking crap about the district.  'I'm glad I left.  Best decision I've ever made'.  
    Sorry, I may be rambling, but these kinds of things be on my mind.  Sorry if I got off subject.
  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Chester86 in Joebama's Economy Is Crashing!   
    They fill up at the wind turbine.
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