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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Prayers for this young man, family and community.
  2. Agree 100%, like I've said before, democracy is messy.
  3. Thank you for giving us a look into the ultra liberal mind and why you or anyone like you should never make decisions that affect others. smh
  4. Slow day in the basement or are all your Minecraft buddies working?
  5. Liberal won't even say what they are thinking out loud, they certainly don't want someone else doing it.
  6. No worries, your opinion is silly enough.
  7. That was my point, if you don’t know, don’t simply throw out nonsense like Netanyahu would knowingly allow the slaughter of hundreds of innocents so he could get a little help from the US.
  8. You mean the guys living in stick and mud houses that ran two superpowers out of Afghanistan?
  9. So you don't think anything major can get by intelligence? Have you forgotten weapons of mass destruction that passed muster with many intelligence agencies. 911? 1993 WTC bombing? It's common knowledge that our intelligence was weakened by removal of black op sites and we couldn't pour water on someone's head anymore for information because it was too cruel. Israel doesn't need our help to take these guys out, in fact, we have historically been the biggest impedance of them issuing swift and painful justice when we want to step in and call for "peaceful negotiations" just like the clown biden just did after these animals kidnapped innocent folks and killed infants, for no other reason than them being Jews. They don't have tanks, jets or anything nearly as sophisticated as what Israel has, however, what they do have is a fresh influx of cash thanks to our President. Wake up.
  10. Like I said, complete nonsense.
  11. Not only is it not probable, it's complete nonsense.
  12. [Hidden Content] From the article: The State Department says at least nine Americans have been killed by Hamas' strikes on Israel, Fox News has confirmed.
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