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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content] The IDF has a list and they plan on scratching every name off, not sure how long they will put up with the shenanigans from these animals. At some point they will decide the only way they'll get all these folks back is to go in and get them, they know that hamas knows this is their last bargaining chip for just a little more time in existence.
  2. A point so many folks don't know or don't care, anything the government gives to someone it has been confiscated from someone else.
  3. What amazes me in the level of antisemitism we see in this country, even open support for terrorists, especially among young people. It’s the same dopes that wore Che Guevara shirts years ago because it was”cool”. Our liberal universities are dangerous.
  4. Hamas will drag this out as long as possible because they know at some point the IDF will get back to doing their thing...killing these animals.
  5. Maybe folks are tired of high crime, sanctuary cities, feces and needles in the streets and homeless camps. Seems to be the package you get with democrats.
  6. Very sorry to hear that, strength and prayers for you and your family through this difficult time.
  7. You have a Happy Thanksgiving as well. I’m sure we can agree on both members being an embarrassment, along with many others, even if we don’t agree on specifics.
  8. You call them controversial comments, I call them dangerous and an embarrassment that someone like that can get elected in this country. Big difference in my opinion.
  9. Not at all, have you been paying attention to the nonsense coming out about the Israel/Palestinian war. We got sitting members of Congress calling for the annihilation of Israel (from the river to the sea). Not even close.
  10. I guess they don't trust that he won't seek re-election. Can't blame them, dude hasn't told the truth about anything else.
  11. I sure don't get it, maybe they're more conditioned to the government having last say in everything. Sadly, that's the opinion of many in this country and was highlighted during covid, and it's where we're headed.
  12. In addition: The father was hit by a bullet that police believe may have ricocheted and struck the dad in his wrist. A 22-year-old man who works as a nurse at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston was eating at the Kotoyama restaurant in the same strip shopping center. He heard the shots and ran over to see if he could help. He saw that Palmore was dead and the father was bleeding from his wrist. The man applied a tourniquet and helped the father until Lumberton Fire and other first responders arrived. The father had surgery on his wrist Wednesday night and another operation Thursday morning. He should be fine, according to the chief. He says the man's son lives in Midland and was in town on an oil-related job. The father decided to pick up a pizza with his son for dinner. That's why they were at the Papa Johns. Palmore had parked his minivan about 15 feet or so to the right of the pickup truck. District Attorney Rebecca Walton was on scene. Justice of the Peace Melissa Minton ordered an autopsy. Chief Sullins says the son and Palmore were both legally carrying weapons. Sullins has a message for anyone who pulls out a gun, other than to defend themselves or hunt.
  13. [Hidden Content] From the article: Indi Gregory, who died Monday after being forced off life support by the British government, was defended in courts by legal counsel Christian Concern. She had been offered Italian citizenship by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's government and resources for continued care at a Catholic pediatric hospital in Rome by the Vatican. However, Justice Robert Peel ruled on Nov. 8 that the infant was to be removed from her life-supporting ventilator against the parents' wishes. An appeal in the case was denied. Let that sink in for a minute, a "judge" wouldn't allow parents to take their sick child to a country that was offering to take them in, instead he mandated that the child die.
  14. Same here, there was a lengthy one showing them giving aid and bringing a stretcher out.
  15. From the article: “It is a disgusting politicized smear that shows the depths of how low our federal government has sunk. Everyone who participated in this grave miscarriage of Justice should all be ashamed of themselves,” Santos wrote on X. Well, at least he learned a lesson from this. 🤦‍♂️
  16. I would hope there is plenty of video from several angles given the the location, but you never know.
  17. [Hidden Content] Wokeness has made it’s way to sororities, once again, too bad, ladies.
  18. Very sad, strength and prayers for the families and the community.
  19. He would rather talk about the good old days of gutting the military by clinton rather than address a question about biden posed to him.
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