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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. You must be either a democrat or liberal media because trump is all you talk about.
  2. You do realize that is the strategy you use every day.
  3. This man should be listened to, I could vote for a Democrat like him. The main problem is the rest of his administration:
  4. Yeah, but we would have to also ignore the Keystone pipeline, the border mess, the immediate loss of energy independence, the poor handling of covid and the lockdowns, getting punked by putin, the horrific handling of the withdrawal of Afghanistan and our donating billions in equipment to the taliban. I could write a book on what you would have to ignore. Biden wins hands down if we ignore those. We would also have to ignore that he's a walking talking gaffe. As far as your assessment of bidens' honesty and Christian values, I have no words.
  5. Says the self-admitted admirer of Bill Clinton, lol. I'm happy you gained so much integrity for Trump's 3rd try.
  6. Sound of Freedom just hit $100 million Try that in a small town is #1 on iTunes Disney lost $900M on their last 8 releases Bud Light and Target lost billions over wokeness The silent majority is real! 😎
  7. A hammer may be dropping after all. [Hidden Content] From the article: Joe Biden and Hunter Biden allegedly "coerced" Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky to pay them millions of dollars in exchange for their help in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company fired, according to allegations contained in an unclassified FBI document released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley. Grassley said he released the document, which describes an alleged criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a Ukrainian business executive, so that the American people can "read this document for themselves without the filter of politicians or bureaucrats."
  8. No, you're not, there are lots like you...and therein lies the problem. A vote for biden = integrity??? 🤣
  9. [Hidden Content] Riot, steal, destroy property AND get paid...sweet deal. From the article: New York City will give more than $13 million to more than 1,000 protesters arrested or interacting with police during the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests following a civil rights lawsuit settlement filed in Manhattan federal court Wednesday.
  10. What's comical is you're talking about yourself. You voted for Trump twice but want to talk down to others that did the same thing. But somehow you're now smarter than us, lol. Maybe you're catching on, we have a nation of morons, our problem isn't a candidate. The same morons that can't make the best choice for the country show up every four years even after candidates move on.
  11. I haven't said who I was voting for other than if it comes down to these two, then it's a no-brainer. As far as wasting a vote, you have already said you were prepared to waste yours if it comes down to these two.
  12. Smooth talking crappy President. He had no clue because he had never created a job in his life.
  13. The economy wasn’t in better shape. Obama had told us high unemployment was the new norm, remember that? Trump came in and said no it’s not. He’s in about as much legal trouble as biden is, lol. You act like the bogus impeachments are actually valid, I guess the democrats can actually fool some folks. Give it up, Trump was the best choice in 2020 and there is no disputing that, I’m sorry that you’re having such a hard time realizing that, but it’s true. If it comes down to these two in 2024, it will be true again.
  14. Still waiting for you to say something that’s actually true.
  15. When you see the results of both, you have to feel dumb for even saying that.
  16. So that makes biden innocent? I guess you still think Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset and the Steele Dossier is rock solid.
  17. I know it's difficult to cover for the democrats, but you're exceptionally bad at it, lol.
  18. CMT doesn't seem to know who their audience is. The song is spot on, small towns have no problem with you defending yourself and your property and they choose not to defund their police.
  19. They were too dignified to vote for Trump, so they voted for this. 😂
  20. [Hidden Content] From the article: Dozens of House Democrats put forward legislation last week that claims the sea level will rise as much as 30 feet by the year 2100 if the government does not act to counter climate change. 🤦‍♂️
  21. [Hidden Content] From the article: Austin, Texas, leaders are cutting ties with state police who were supplementing the understaffed local department despite crime reduction – in a move critics said cowered to liberal activists. Austin Mayor Kirk Watson, a Democrat, announced on Wednesday that the city is suspending a partnership with the Texas Department of Safety, when officers responded to emergency calls to assist the defunded and understaffed Austin Police Department. Watson had praised the partnership two days earlier and explained that crime and response times had gone down as a result – but in announcing the split, he said the partnership does not adhere to "Austin’s values." Austin's values, smh. Violent crime was down 28% because of this partnership but apparently that gets pushed aside for Austin's values.
  22. democrats don’t like for folks to know what they’re doing.
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