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Posts posted by AHUDDLESTON

  1. Not all small schools...schools with less than 500.  I'm pretty sure I clarified that.  And a couple of these other "smaller" schools with less than 500 would easily hit that 500 mark with probably a single consolidation. 

    Did I say you or anyone else representing either of these schools are "toothless"?  What is it with reading comprehension over there?..  I was referring to the game being a comparison to two dogs fighting, neither of which have any teeth or legs.  My goodness...

    Not that you would believe me anyway..but I was actually (on paper) a better football player than I was a basketball player.  And I played 4 years of college basketball..mostly because I was told growing up that I wouldn't be good enough to do so.  But nice try.  And coach? I literally just laughed out loud to myself.. I wouldn't coach for 100K a year.  To be honest I think it's sad that there is a profession in today's society where no matter how much time you put in, how hard you work, or how productive you are...it doesn't change your pay.  I have several friends that do or used to coach and I think they're crazy.  Whatever tho.. to each their own.

    I WOULD! SIGN ME UP!  I have been doing it for 24 years at a lot lower salary than that.  Just a little try at levity to loosen me up on game day!!

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