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  2. And there are fewer that realize Obama ate dog. We know how that played out. Let's see how the media plays this one.
  3. As I’ve said a few times on here, there may be some witnesses around that might dispute the chicken part. We’ll see how it plays out
  4. I agree with this, both sides major news outlets do this....
  5. I was waiting on someone to pull out the "fall in lockstep" line... lol D's going to have senate, house and presidency... I won't complain too much cause I ain't voting for any of these clowns... the ones that line up with my interests gets no attention
  6. I was just told about this yesterday. It will be after regular season ends then split for playoffs so this will not effect the realignment. My earlier comments were about having district realigned for divisions. That will have to come later. State basketball tournament will now be state championship games only. No semifinals. Friday and Saturday (6 games each day). Semifinals will be held at wherever the venues the two coaches agree upon. Also, no more regional tourneys. Personally, I don't like this change if it does happen.
  7. By eat their own you mean hold them accountable, right? Too bad the Republicans aren’t just like the democrats and fall in lockstep and mindlessly follow each other. Your MAGA argument is really pathetic, lol, and I think even you know it. By the way, who is MAGA, is it Trump or MTG, because they disagree on Johnson.
  8. You give way too much credit as to the intelligence of the American voter. By the way, do you vote? You have convinced me. I will now vote for Democrats to represent Texas in the House because of the actions of Taylor Greene. (I was laughing so hard I was barely able to type that.)
  9. What’s bad about the media is that they will only report “worthless and untrainable” while totally overlooking “killed and eaten several chickens”. It’s what journalism has come to be; reporting half truths and omitting crucial facts. What could be better?
  10. The American people won't put Rs back in charge of the House after how bad they've screwed it up this time... And they would be right for refusing to do so. The difference between Dems and Repubs is that Republicans eat their own. It's the height of stupidity. Or depth, depending on your perception. The darlings on the right want nothing more than to stop anything that isn't MAGA approved 100%. They fire their own speakers, primary them, etc. Dems just aren't as dumb as the Radial Right.
  11. Yeah, the “sunk her career” was a little much, and 3/4 of the country don’t watch the news and wouldn’t even know about it.
  12. Yesterday
  13. Have no idea about the trust thing, all I know is that when you stand before him in a Senate hearing, you better bring your A game AND be prepared to defend your past decisions.
  14. It’s a special soapbox for those that, in their own words, say they got it wrong twice but now have it all figured out.
  15. I’m certainly glad those energy independent, secure border, lowest minority unemployment days are behind us and we’re back to living high on the hog with your guys.
  16. Wow. Where did you buy that soapbox? I want one. I wonder how embarrassing I would look on it though. I think I have an idea.
  17. She was the only one at the SOTU wearing a MAGA hat. She is exactly what all of MAGA is…. Moronic.
  18. I like Kennedy but I don’t trust him any further than I can throw him. Maybe he is genuine, but I’m always the skeptic.
  19. That's an amusing response. I'm not mad at all. In fact, I've been laughing at the seriousness being put into this topic. Oh my, one statement killed her career. Y'all keep up with the over-analyzations while I kick back and enjoy.
  20. [Hidden Content] Love this guy...from the article: JOHN KENNEDY: It should not go unnoticed that President Biden has the ability to stop all of this on a dime. All he's got to do is call the college presidents and say, look, if you don't get control of your campuses, I'm going to withhold your federal money. The president hasn't done that. The moral of the story is you're never... too old to suck. The reason he hasn't done that is because of politics. CNN just came out with a poll. It said that 52% of likely voters in America will not vote for President Biden under any circumstance, any circumstances... They would vote for the guy who salts the fries at McDonald's before they would vote for President Biden, and the White House knows this, so they're scared to alienate the not insubstantial, Hamas wing of the Democratic Party. What you allow is what will continue. If you allow… these jackwagons on the college campuses to continue to do what they're doing, they're going to continue to do what they're doing.
  21. This is a stupid question. If you think that every Muslim is like this then you are insane
  22. good news is as best I can tell AOC is a lot less dangerous than she was. A lot of the momentum has gone out of that ultra wacko movement she's such an important part of. Ultra lefties getting run out of offices all over the country these days.
  23. I guess it's like Trump and Biden, I can drill down to the policies and votes rather than get sidetracked by decorum. AOC is dangerous, don't see MTG as a danger at all, more annoying than anything. She expected Mike Johnson to keep his promises and he's in a position where he can't do it and she's not letting up, which she eventually will have to.
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