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Caused By Natural Variations...


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How do you know its not a lie? Because Al Gore and Yobama told ya so.

Because thousands of scientists have told me so?  But you're right, I should believe the right wing articles on here instead, even though every single one I've ever read was at worst a complete lie, and at best completely misleading. 

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Because thousands of scientists have told me so?  But you're right, I should believe the right wing articles on here instead, even though every single one I've ever read was at worst a complete lie, and at best completely misleading. 

​Are you talking about these scientists?  And weren't they certain that the earth was cooling in the 70s?

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Can anyone say what the weather trends were 4-5 hundred years ago with any accuracy.  I don't believe it can be done. So who is to say that there  were or were not trends similar to what we see now. Without this data, how can we know we are in a warming trend or is it just a cycle that has occurred before. Al Gore is an idiot.  Last I heard his home had 7 central a/c units.  HYPOCRIT!!!

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From the article:

According to Whiteside, researchers had suspected that climate had played a role, though no one had developed a detailed environmental record from the same sediments that also preserved extensive fossil vertebrate records (including small dinosaurs) – until now.  “Our major finding is that wild swings in climate and extremes of drought and intense heat have implications for survivability of Triassic vertebrates, including early dinosaurs.”

Are these the same guys preaching global warming gloom and doom today?  :)

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Watching a documentary several weeks ago and archeologists were unearthing a, several thousands year old village in the Sahara that they said at the time had a lake. Also reports of areas in the Sahara getting more rain than usual.  

Climate change changing again?  Dinosaur bones in Utah and giant glaciers creeping through the Great Lakes.  I don't get it. 

And yes, "The Left" is making millions , if not billions, on Climate Change.  Look at all our tax money spent on failed Green Energy companies.  SMH!

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's so weird, in almost any other field people trust the experts. if you have cancer you listen to the best oncologist, if you're having heart trouble you want to see the best cardiologist, if you're building a high rise you want to consult the best structural engineers. however, for some reason when it comes to climate no one wants to listen to the thousands of climatologist that all agree lol it's baffling

​Absecular- HOw do you explain Dr. Ivan Giaevers position on this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So if I understand the postings from earlier, they're basing there beliefs that man/cows/carbon fuels are causing Global Warming, on Scientist that are getting paid by the Govt (via grants) to say there is global warming.  Now these same scientists are iced in.  Isn't cyclical.   Isn't sun flare cycles.  What kind of scientist disregards these things?  One getting paid.  Heck, if Govt paid me a million, I'll tell all of you we're causing it (yes, I can be bought lol).  Great post steve

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