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The far right on this board has to be some of the dumbest people I've ever attempted to discuss politics with. It's southeast Texas after all, aka B.F.E

They're the same reason why the republican party won't win another general election for a long long time. Not a 1950s bible thumping gun toting cowboy hat wearing republican? Sorry I can't vote for you, must be a RINO

There are plenty of moderates on the right. You just simply dismiss any republican who doesn't share your radically right beliefs as a "democrat in disguise".

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The far right on this board has to be some of the dumbest people I've ever attempted to discuss politics with. It's southeast Texas after all, aka B.F.E

They're the same reason why the republican party won't win another general election for a long long time. Not a 1950s bible thumping gun toting cowboy hat wearing republican? Sorry I can't vote for you, must be a RINO


LOL!!  Some are so far left that everything looks right to them.  So... 

But to your point about elections, If we would have had true conservatives as our candidates the past two elections, there would not have been an empty-suited, man-child as President.  Especially the second time.  The templet was there.  But "moderates" have their own way of thinking.  That's why they usually lose.  "Moderates" couldn't even beat a totally unqualified community agitator! 

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Wait, you're saying a "true" conservative wouldve got more votes from the under 30 / minority voting block than Romney who was a moderate forced to go farther right in the primary?

Come on man.. Do you even read what you type?

LOL!!  Some are so far left that everything looks right to them.  So... 
But to your point about elections, If we would have had true conservatives as our candidates the past two elections, there would not have been an empty-suited, man-child as President.  Especially the second time.  The templet was there.  But "moderates" have their own way of thinking.  That's why they usually lose.  "Moderates" couldn't even beat a totally unqualified community agitator!

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Wait, you're saying a "true" conservative wouldve got more votes from the under 30 / minority voting block than Romney who was a moderate forced to go farther right in the primary?

Come on man.. Do you even read what you type?



The Republicans have been beaten the last two elections by a very unqualified candidate by choosing two moderates and you are suggesting we continue down that road?


Do you read what you type?

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The problem is the definition of moderate.  Righties define moderate as someone who has no beliefs.  I have very strong beliefs.   They just dont always line up with either one party plank for plank. I tend to think that makes me a liberal, not a democrat.  


I agree with that and could say the same thing...I consider myself a conservative rather than simply a Republican.


The Republicans do a lot of things I disagree with but they are still the best option for me come voting time.


I would think a liberal with strong beliefs like yourself would be as frustrated with moderates that are swayed by the latest sound bite as any conservative with strong beliefs...after all, these "moderates" are the game changers.

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The far right on this board has to be some of the dumbest people I've ever attempted to discuss politics with. It's southeast Texas after all, aka B.F.E

They're the same reason why the republican party won't win another general election for a long long time. Not a 1950s bible thumping gun toting cowboy hat wearing republican? Sorry I can't vote for you, must be a RINO


Enlightened- I see you are practicing the "tolerance", of which your crowd is so proud.

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I love it when those who profess to have analyzed recent elections consider themselves able to project the future.  I just need an explanation on why over half of the states have Republican governors and why the house of representatives has republican majority and the dems have an "at risk" majority in the Senate.  Very anxious for the in depth analysis of my question.

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Moderates have no beliefs of their own. Otherwise they wouldn't be called moderates. They go whichever way the wind blows. Answer me this: Can you go to the library and find books on the "Great Moderates" in history?
Again -- even the Bible talks against being in the middle of the road. That ought to tell you something. Well, to some of us anyway! ;)

Start by reading biographies of Ronald Reagan. The moderate that Fox News/Limbaugh have convinced their sheep was an ultra-conservative...
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The problem is the definition of moderate.  Righties define moderate as someone who has no beliefs.  I have very strong beliefs.   They just dont always line up with either one party plank for plank. I tend to think that makes me a liberal, not a democrat.  

I'll buy that.  You are not a moderate but a liberal.  I consider myself a conservative.  This tends to be the Republican at this time. 

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Start by reading biographies of Ronald Reagan. The moderate that Fox News/Limbaugh have convinced their sheep was an ultra-conservative...

Reagan was a Democrat.  But -- he said he didn't leave the party, the party left him!  That's all you need to know!

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So If I'm A Democrat I Have To be pro choice pro gay marriage pro immigration etc and if I'm a Republican I have to be on the opposite side. You know how robotic that sound. If a person is pro life but for gay marriage. He's seen as a confused or unsure person wow. So becoming a D or R means you know longer think for yourself. Imo the thought of one calling himself a D or R is just foolish.
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So If I'm A Democrat I Have To be pro choice pro gay marriage pro immigration etc and if I'm a Republican I have to be on the opposite side. You know how robotic that sound. If a person is pro life but for gay marriage. He's seen as a confused or unsure person wow. So becoming a D or R means you know longer think for yourself. Imo the thought of one calling himself a D or R is just foolish.


Not what I'm saying at all...there is no particular way anyone HAS to feel about issues, but at least research and form an opinion about them.


Moderates seem to have no strong opinion about many issues (or don't care) and can be easily swayed.


If someone goes into the debates and has no clue as to what a candidate is all about and will be persuaded by a talking point or two, I call that a low information voter.


Many call that an enlightened moderate.

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So If I'm A Democrat I Have To be pro choice pro gay marriage pro immigration etc and if I'm a Republican I have to be on the opposite side. You know how robotic that sound. If a person is pro life but for gay marriage. He's seen as a confused or unsure person wow. So becoming a D or R means you know longer think for yourself. Imo the thought of one calling himself a D or R is just foolish.

Libralism is housed in the democratic party now (not like it used to be).  Conservatism is housed in the Republican party (not like it used to be).  If you had the views you described and claimed to be a Republican, you would be a RINO.  Think about it:  With these views, why not party with the Democrats who house these views?

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Typical smitty, always missing the point

Libralism is housed in the democratic party now (not like it used to be).  Conservatism is housed in the Republican party (not like it used to be).  If you had the views you described and claimed to be a Republican, you would be a RINO.  Think about it:  With these views, why not party with the Democrats who house these views?

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Enlightened- You must remember, as you have so often stated, that you are dealing with some simple folk in Southeast Texas .  In spite of our naivete, many of us are  silly enough to believe that our ideas and viewpoints deserve as much consideration as those wordly, highly educated, metropolitan Mensa members.  You should also remember how much your crowd values "tolerance" and factor that in to your condescension.

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I sometimes forget I'm dealing with such simple folk, thanks for the reminder

Enlightened- You must remember, as you have so often stated, that you are dealing with some simple folk in Southeast Texas .  In spite of our naivete, many of us are  silly enough to believe that our ideas and viewpoints deserve as much consideration as those wordly, highly educated, metropolitan Mensa members.  You should also remember how much your crowd values "tolerance" and factor that in to your condescension.

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That's why you must do like Hillary Clinton has done.  She has convinced us that they were dead broke when they left the Whitehouse thereby making us feel like she is just like the rest of us.  Now it is incumbent upon you to dumb yourself down to our level and let us believe our thoughts are as relevant as yours.( even though they pale in comparison)  I know it will be a huge task, but with you intellectual capabilities, you should be able to depart from your normally abstract, philosophical world and have us believe you are just a good ole boy.  It really should be a piece of cake.

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Some people have views that generally identify with the liberal movement while simultaneously having views that identify with the conservative movement.

Yes, that is possible. Yes, it happens all the time. Yes, most normal people are like this.

If you actually took time to read the quote to which you replied to, you'd see that pamfam was describing a scenario I mentioned above.

It's not always black and white.

Smitty, I ask you, if someone is pro life and pro gay marriage, which party should they identify with?

Enlighten me.

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Some people have views that generally identify with the liberal movement while simultaneously having views that identify with the conservative movement.

Yes, that is possible. Yes, it happens all the time. Yes, most normal people are like this.

If you actually took time to read the quote to which you replied to, you'd see that pamfam was describing a scenario I mentioned above.

It's not always black and white.

Smitty, I ask you, if someone is pro life and pro gay marriage, which party should they identify with?


Wow, this is getting exciting.  Enlightened/chosen, does that mean you agree with many of Mr. Obamas social stances but that economically speaking, you are just like me and believe his policies SUCK?

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