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fox news anchor arrested

Big girl

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Rick Perry proved that he is an idiot when he ran for president. He graduated from texas a $ m with a degree in animal science. He had a 2.1 GPA which is quite impressive if he was running for the head of animal control. President Obama graduated from Harvard law with honors. You cant logically compare the two. Hell I graduated from texas A&m with a 3.0 in public health and later received my Bachelor's degree in nursing, graduating with honors. My credentials are better than Perry's. I am in the process of entering school to receive a msn so that I can become a nurse practitioner.

Just wish we could see what Obama did in college but I guess we will never know! Transparent my @#$!

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You are right.  There is no need for any of us to know any of the details.  The President  has already proven that he never lies and is leading the most transparent administration in our history.  I guess the Benghazi situation was caused by a video after all and the IRS problem truly was a result of two rogue Cincinnati agents, and all Americans can keep their doctor and their plan if they like it.  My mistake.

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You are right. There is no need for any of us to know any of the details. The President has already proven that he never lies and is leading the most transparent administration in our history. I guess the Benghazi situation was caused by a video after all and the IRS problem truly was a result of two rogue Cincinnati agents, and all Americans can keep their doctor and their plan if they like it. My mistake.

yes change subject ....stop nagging.
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If you say something good about President Obama, the first thing a republican says is Benghazi. Smh

There is a very easy way to stop that.  The administration should provide the information requested and then there is nothing left to talk about.  Do you remember how the President came on national tv and assured everyone that there would be an investigation about Benghazi and the perpetrators would be brought to justice,  How is that investigation coming along?  Nobody seems to know.  Why do we still not know who gave the order to stand down and why do we still not know who was responsible for the very pathetic video excuse ( which you seem to believe).  Do you SINCERELY believe there is nothing to any of the following:  Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, NSA Spying,Veterans Administration, GSA gone wild, and revealing the name of a CIA top official in Afghanistan. Do you SINCERELY believe these are all phoney scandals trumped up by the Republicans?  Jay Carney just resigned.  Do you think that is because he "wants to spend more time with his family" or is the kitchen getting a little too hot?

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all politicians are liars in some way. I for one cant single out just one because of personal dislike.

Can you single out one for frequency?  Are you saying that things such as " If you like your Doctor/healthcare plan, you can keep it, PERIOD" does not trouble you?  I consider that to be a more significant lie than most lies told by politicians and am not able to accept it simply because someone else has lied about something in the past.

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Can you single out one for frequency? Are you saying that things such as " If you like your Doctor/healthcare plan, you can keep it, PERIOD" does not trouble you? I consider that to be a more significant lie than most lies told by politicians and am not able to accept it simply because someone else has lied about something in the past.

you can keep your legal health plan. Nash would do you think about Romney, he lied daily.
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I gave you the example about the Presidents comment on healthcare plans and you simply altered it.  He simply did not tell the truth and you cant change that.  Now for Romney.  Since he lied daily, ( and I know how well you have researched it) give me three consecutive days that he lied and tell me what the lies were and what impact it had on this country..  Furthermore, tell how the lies ( if they are lies) of a candidate have as much impact as the lies of the Chief Executive of the Country.

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