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Interesting read on Palin!


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which should've helped him a lot. Palin's nom for VP killed any chance he had.


McCain or any other Republican had no chance in that election...people wanted a "change" so many voted for a one term Senator with no experience and a radical past with radical associates/mentors.


Look how that turned out!


Palin didn't cause McCain to lose IMO (we will never know) McCain lost because he was McCain...a squishy moderate.  People elect Presidents, not vice-presidents.


If I use that logic then Obama won because he picked the boob Biden, right?  I don't think so.

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With all due respect, in that election, with the state of the country at the time, an ultra-conservative would've lost much worse than McCain did. A "squishy moderate" was the GOP's best chance. Palin killed what nominal chance he did have, although I'll admit the GOP had very little chance to begin with.
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McCain has always been considered a liberal-to-moderate republican EXCEPT during the election. The media portrayed him as too conservative during the election. (shocker) One of his problems was he was too dry and not polarizing and the party knew it. That’s why he picked Palin, to kick start the election and it somewhat worked in the beginning. It did take long for the media to unfairly break down her credibility. Granted she provided some opportunity with her gaffs.

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McCain has always been considered a liberal-to-moderate republican EXCEPT during the election. The media portrayed him as too conservative during the election. (shocker) One of his problems was he was too dry and not polarizing and the party knew it. That’s why he picked Palin, to kick start the election and it somewhat worked in the beginning. It did take long for the media to unfairly break down her credibility. Granted she provided some opportunity with her gaffs.

i wouldnt blame the media. i watched the majority of those debates, and he began portraying himself as more conservative in the end, IMO as an effort to appease the ultra-conservative right that was complaining because he was too liberal.
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Just never understood the absolute hatred towards the woman.

Newtobie, why do you consider her a joke?

Whether you like her or not, I think anyone would acknowledge she does have some accomplishments.

Palin is great because she "has some accomplishments", but Biden is a boob.  Doesn't he have a few "accomplishments"?

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Palin is great because she "has some accomplishments", but Biden is a boob.  Doesn't he have a few "accomplishments"?


Did I say she was great because of her accomplishments...no.


I said I didn't understand the hatred towards her and how she is dismissed as an idiot when she has manged some accomplishments.


Biden has accomplished stuff as well, but he is a boob, everybody knows that.

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With all due respect, in that election, with the state of the country at the time, an ultra-conservative would've lost much worse than McCain did. A "squishy moderate" was the GOP's best chance. Palin killed what nominal chance he did have, although I'll admit the GOP had very little chance to begin with.


I agree an "ultra-conservative" wasn't going to win that election but an "ultra-liberal" did.


Would you say that was a wise choice?  


Seems to me we need some "ultra-conservative" policies right now. (smaller fed gov, actual spending cuts, not just a slowed rate of increase)


We made a poor choice for President TWICE and I can see it happening again.

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