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  1. Crazy part is I never once used me coaching in an argument (y’all actually bring it up) & quite frankly I don’t have to cause I KNOW y’all don’t know sh*t! 😂😂 Y’all sit on here & talk about stuff y’all have no clue about everyday then tell someone who actually spent a third of his life around the game from playing & coaching that he don’t know what he talking about…it’s laughable & I get a kick out of making y’all look stupid. So let me get this straight Rez a guy who’s never played this game or coached it telling me my arguments are dumb when you’re literally on are sports forum talking about a sport you have no clue about outside of being a casual fan…makes a lot of since in your brain I’m sure.
  2. Don’t play that - You directly mentioned PNG when you tried to take credit for victory away from them. And, it’s time to put up or shut up about your illustrious coaching experience - You keep hinting at it without specificity. What school? What coach? What years? Why, with your vast knowledge, did the school allow you to leave without bags of gold and a coaching contract? The fact you remain intentionally vague after weeks of crowing tells us either (1) you’re lying, (2) you’re embarrassed by the level of your true coaching experience, or (3) you’re an alien who kidnapped a real human and is trying to learn how football people talk. I think it’s the second one. Regardless, it doesn’t for one second matter who, where, or what you coached, no matter how many times you appeal to your own authority. I don’t care if you’re the flesh-in-blood Bill Belichik with Nick Saban looking over your shoulder. It does nothing to cure how incredibly weak your arguments are.
  3. Pretty sure it wasn't that bad.... Hard not to talk about the referees When there was 20+ penalties and 75% were personal fouls. Thank you for the feedback.
  4. That's smack talk? Saying we gonna show up and try? Lol you're cute.
  5. Claiming “will we show up and punch em in the mouth again?” is smack talk. All y’all punched was a bus ticket home.Nite nite young man.
  6. Talk smack about what? That we'd come and try? Did we not? Go to bed. Never ever said we'd win last year or this year.
  7. Won’t need any. Just learn if you talk smack, be prepared to get it back.
  8. You make valid points. The problem is some of the same people who oversee the decision-making process within the district are the problem. I know that the head coach at WOS appears to be a friend of yours, personally I don’t know him. I knew the previous coaches at the school, and many in the community knew them too. I’m not sure how the decision was made to hire any coaches within WOS, but many were not happy about it. (They have the right to be like it or not). When people are asked to approve bond money, and pay taxes, they should have a say in what their tax dollars are paying for. Many people who have made comments about WOS business really have no idea of what needs to be done to fix the situation in my beloved hometown. They just make jabs because WOS is 90% African American. The educational issues at WOS can only be dissected by the people who live there, not by outsiders. My niece finished at WOS in May will be 2 years, she got a partial scholarship to go to UT, hook em horns! She finished #5 in her class; she is still making A’s and will be a junior this coming December. There are others doing the dang thing at other D1 universities too. Part of the solution IMO to help cure most socially disadvantaged situations, in all of Orange is to re-build the community, talk and listen to the people who live there. Maybe then they will not be so openly upset about the hiring process of coaches. (GET)business opportunities, more jobs, just invest in the people who live in Orange.
  9. Not you too!!!. You know at all school there are under achiever yet you guys never talk about that SMH. Let's see this is a football thread and maybe that is why his answers are related to football. Talking badly about the kids at WOS educational scores is and I quote "Good Christ this is getting old..." 😉 "
  10. This game and score will be the talk at breakfast tables around the country in the morning.
  11. All right folks the crap talk is over. Just pulled up to the stadium. Hope both teams play well and leave tonight injury free and a dislike for each other to keep this Rivalry hot😎Let’s go Eagles
  12. Apparently Nederland isnt too confident, dont be coming on here after the fact to talk. Call your shot now Bulldog fans
  13. The thing is we beat them 2 yrs back. Haven’t Beat WOS in 30 years. Lol. I hope WOS can win 6 this year. Big change from couple yrs ago. I guess WOS can talk about the good ole days.
  14. All replies I’ve read are heresay. Talk to the man and get back with me.
  15. LOL The officials have huddled both teams up to talk to them
  16. This story will be bigger than anything that happens on a Friday night football field. Can’t wait to see it on the talk show circuit and see what happens. Good luck Friday night hopefully the kids on both sides stay healthy and the weather stays calm. Lord knows we need the rain but the lightening and stuff I hope it holds off.
  17. You didn't clarify your earlier statement with "elite" 5A. You just stated that a 6A program scheduling a 5A program DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. I stated that other successful 6A teams have 5A teams on their schedules. You want to make broad statements, you should expect some negative feedback. Also, there are a lot of 6A teams in the state (largest classification by number of teams). I guarantee you will find several of what most consider successful 6A teams with a one or more 5A teams on their schedules. Elite or not. If you want to talk about elite football programs and how they schedule, then you shouldn't be talking about United or West Brook. They are not elite. Maybe just fine tune your comments and not make such broad strokes. I believe you may have begun to do that with your last few posts. My point, saying PN-G is a below average 5A football team is inaccurate.
  18. And you’re the one who says history should be taught in context. You talk out both sides of your mouth.
  19. Since this district meets the local district in the first round I wanted to start a thread that I can update scores for this district and kinda talk about where it’s looking like things will end up come playoff time… I know it’s early but barring anything crazy I’ve got a good idea of where this district should finish. Before the season I thought it was Bellville’s district to lose…I was worried about the offensive line losing all but one starter. Currently Bellville starts 4 sophomores and 1 junior on the offensive line but still has good size up front. Even though it’s just been La Grange and Stafford the young line has impressed me. I thought Royal was over rated regardless of what returned last year and so far I’ve seen nothing to prove me otherwise. Sealy was entering the year losing their new starting QB to another school BUT he ended up coming back right before school started and he will make a huge difference for them. Bellville should still beat Sealy for the top spot but we will see. The Sealy QB is only a sophomore but I think he will be special over the next couple years. Heading into week 3 here are my top 4 Bellville Sealy Brookshire Royal Columbia/Sweeny
  20. There has been alot of talk about that. Keeping Chas out of the game for a platoon being the most recent.
  21. Sterling couldn’t make the playoffs in Liberty’s district. Who made this thread?? Talk about something else!
  22. There is no elighting you if you have to ask, nor anyone else who says that no matter how many facts are presented and have been talked about here WoS was the better team last night let's let them enjoy this victory and talk about how good they played.
  23. If they’re going to talk the talk, then they need to walk the walk. Democrats are about as two-faced as they come. And that means all of them.
  24. Let me catch you up. It's MRS NDNation. I wear purple color glasses, I'm part of the rah rah section, and I burn food. Have you watched many BU, Central, or Ozen vs PNG games? Good competitive games. Lets talk about the Trenches of PNG after the game..lol
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