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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to bullets13 in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    I guess this can put to bed speculation that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, that he was influenced by his friends, and that he was just a dumb kid who wasn't going to hurt anybody.  Reading this article made me feel a lot less sorry about what happened.  I've heard a lot from people in this community that leads me to believe that the family shouldn't have been talking about what a sweet, innocent child he was to begin with.  They can definitely stop with it now.
  2. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    16 yr old intruder  26 year old intruder  46 year old intruder .....the whole age thing doesn't matter.  INTRUDER is was matters.
  3. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    They shouldn't release the homeowner's identity.  If there is no wrong doing done then homeowner and family should not have to have their names released for the media and all  those "wanna be" media....and that's for all cases. PERIOD!!!!
  4. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    Sorry guys, we need to forget this burlar's age. As a homeowner and potential burglary or home invasion victim, I know a 16 year old is as deadly as any other age. I work with a man whose parents were both murdered by a 15 year old burglar.
  5. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    Sorry the kid is dead, but he was old enough to know better. The homeowner was within his rights to defend his property. He is not going to ask the age of the perp before he shoots. I am not going to rejoice in the kids death, but i certainly am going to give kudos to the homeowner for being armed and not becoming the victim.
  6. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to BS Wildcats in 16 yr old Burgalry suspect killed in Hamshire   
    The thing is, if you break into someone's house, you should expect that this might happen.  If this starts happening more and more, maybe these thugs will think twice before breaking into someone's house.
  7. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Caused By Natural Variations...   
    How do you know its not a lie? Because Al Gore and Yobama told ya so.
  8. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Pepper Brooks in Site issues, owner response   
    At least it is not as bad as the meltdown a couple of yrs ago. When the site was down for 2 weeks.
    I almost had to start talking to my wife.
  9. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Alpha Wolf in Uil Football Championships on the move(No Jerry's World in 2015)   
    I totally agree, it should be rotated EVERY year between the 3 domes...
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to AshlyHasBeen in Uil Football Championships on the move(No Jerry's World in 2015)   
    If the NFL thinks NRG is good enough for another Super Bowl it should be plenty good for the UIL. Make it a rotation for the 3 major domes in the state.
  11. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to stevenash in Ted Cruz Owns Beaumont Reporter!   
    You must remember that the standard left procedure is to always identify the other side as racist, sexist, and homophobic.  Nothing else matters.
  12. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Ted Cruz Owns Beaumont Reporter!   
    Kevin must be trying to get a job over at MSNBC!
  13. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Hog hung on a flagpole at West Brook   
    do you know the damage wild hogs cause? 
    This is not a deer.  Too me its the same as killing a fox, coyote, bobcat, or any other predator.  Do you eat fox or coyote?  If I hung a coyote at the top of a flagpole....would you consider this a waste?
    I ve killed several because I have livestock to protect....and a wildhog can kill livestock as well.
    Your whole "flagpole" argument is a reach that is ridiculous. 
    And yes I do see kids thinking this is funny. 
    I have nothing else to say.
  14. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Hog hung on a flagpole at West Brook   
    Really soulja.....my goodness.
    anthill to mountain.  
    when I was in school kid put a bike at the top of flagpole.  still feel the same way????
    city folk never seen a dead animal....freak out...
  15. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Chester86 in Hog hung on a flagpole at West Brook   
    I thought it was a muslim holy day.
  16. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to tvc184 in Hog hung on a flagpole at West Brook   
    I understand the flag and saluting it and I always do.
    A flag pole? 
    I have never thought of that as the symbol of the nation. Maybe I am missing something........... 
  17. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Half Of Syria Has Fallen...   
    He has a clue, things going just as planned!
  18. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to tvc184 in Hog hung on a flagpole at West Brook   
    Yes, from the pole where the flag hangs seems very clear. My post was likewise clear. 
    The pole by itself has no meaning. Now if they have removed the flag or trampled, I could see the issue with symbolism.
    It is a cheesy prank and a crime. To try and make it some kind of disrespect to the flag issue is stretching that rubber band beyond the breaking point. 
  19. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Biker gang-fight ends in deaths   
    Wonder if jay-z and bouncy will be posting their bond?
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to stevenash in Biker gang-fight ends in deaths   
    Does it have anything to do with the political climate in Texas vs that in Baltimore?
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from thetragichippy in Biker gang-fight ends in deaths   
    The major difference I see is that no one is on here defending these thugs ......
  22. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to bullets13 in Biker gang-fight ends in deaths   
    A unicorn just farted somewhere or something. Colemesneilfan1 and I are in agreement about something.
  23. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from bullets13 in Biker gang-fight ends in deaths   
    The major difference I see is that no one is on here defending these thugs ......
  24. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 77 in Biker gang-fight ends in deaths   
    The major difference I see is that no one is on here defending these thugs ......
  25. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Biker gang-fight ends in deaths   
    Dont think these gangs fall under the skin head banner might check it out! Bandidos and the Cassacks!  One good thing is that no bystanders were killed  unlike in Chicago where innocents are killed in that drug war often!  Maybe these thugs are better shots!
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