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Everything posted by mat

  1. It looks like the Rockets could be hurting badly. They lost Artest, Yao and McGrady are very questionable for next year. They just aquired (I forgot his name) from the Lakers to fill a void but his numbers aren't that impressive. Front office better get to work.
  2. i'm sure he's okay with it. this is a big signing for them, and probably makes them the frontrunner to win the championship again next year, especially if they get odom back. I agree, if the ego's don't collide
  3. Who's oppinion is that, hers or yours. (since you call'em like you see'em)
  4. This kinda ticks me of too. It sure appears the Astros have been very good to him. He's been out more than in.
  5. It appears WOS will be better than they were last year. I don't know about Nederland.
  6. It's a WOS practice for their top athletes to go both ways. I can't see it being any different for him.
  7. I agree completely. I doubt Eli heard you but I agree about him also. He's the first one to come to mind when I heard this. I'm pretty sure Griffin wasn't crazy about the Clippers but he handled it the way he should.
  8. If Lerbron made that shot on camera he'd make millionsin a comercial. This kid got a lot of pats on the back.
  9. I agree with trading Carlos, do it while you can still benefit. Pudge isn't costing them that much. Valverde and Matsui back should help if they can stay healthy. You're also right about them playing pretty well now and being a second half team. My question is; Do you trade Tejada, a rock solid spark plug right now, when hopefully the Stros will have momentum in the second half and risk falling off down the stretch because of his loss but benefit from players in a trade? Or do you hang on to him for a run down the stretch in hopes of making the playoffs but in the end risk loosing him to free agency and gain nothing? I don't know. I think there going to need more pitching for a serious run though.
  10. I saw it, and then we turn around and give up two. From years past, we all know the Stros can turn it around at anytime fro no explainable reason but we'll have to wait and see. It will be such a risk either way as far as future trades go.
  11. I feel he should and will earn another shot. Bottom line is that's the fight everyone would want to see.
  12. Broke/hurt hands may be an even bigger deal in a title fight. I was waiting for that fight for a while and hated to see it go like that but I'm not taking anything away from Brown though.
  13. At least your got your money's worth and got to see a good game.
  14. I agree. I've always been a Faber fan and he show heart last night. I wasn't sure about Brown after his first win over Faber but your right, I liked his emotion and acknowledgement of the hurt hand. He looked good but couldn't take out a one handed Faber. I look forward to their next fight.
  15. 3A, look out next year in track and football!
  16. Tithe Travel Another home and camp Eat great Several cars Just a few boats GIVE! Buy my kids each a home (get 'em out of our house) And all in the first year
  17. I would probaly still be posting,,, from all over the world!!
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