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Everything posted by mat

  1. His recommendation is too extreme but I certainly understand the frustration of those playing the game right. Clemmons, Tejada, Arod, Bonds, Sosa, all suspect or confirmed, all past MVPs. (not to mention many others speculated) I'm going to assume Roy and Burkman have played clean because I'm counting on them to not have the Clemmons arrogance as they stand on their bold soapbox. I also assume those that have used in the past are sitting quietly in the corner holding their breath.
  2. Why weren't you there skipper? There were alot of well wishers including a couple of Mustangs. The school is busy this morning trying to figure out how these guys got past security! ;D Not true!! LCM welcomes most potential converts. ;D
  3. I agree, he was willing to play outfield to make room for Jeff Kent. I also can't forget the doubles and hit by a pitch numbers. He's probably my all time favorite.
  4. Arod's the big story on every channel right now. How come nobody is talking about the other 106 positive test results in 2003?
  5. With that mentality we should allow, no, encourage, no, reward, the bean ball, bench clearing brawls, nose to nose arguments with the ump with a few punches thrown in. That should really boost the ratings for the sake of entertainment. ???
  6. Once again I get to agree and disagree. Parents must do there job and kids should not look up so highly to profesional athletes,,, but they do. Watching the little legue world series on ESPN 70% of the kids had AROD as their favorite player. LOL. One day I'm going to get you to totally agree with me on something. I am making it my life's mission! Once again I get to agree an disagree. You may not ever get me to totally agree, BUT it should be your life mission. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. Once again I get to agree and disagree. Parents must do there job and kids should not look up so highly to profesional athletes,,, but they do. Watching the little legue world series on ESPN 70% of the kids had AROD as their favorite player.
  8. , He is a naturally great, but still needs steroids? Nothing but ego. Maybe he's been using since his rookie season. There have been stories of mediocre players that used, just to get that edge to make it to the next level. Stupid none the less, but AROD didn't need it. 2003, homerun leader and MVP? Yes there should be an asterisk. It's a slap in the face to those that play the game right.
  9. I'll agree and disagree with you Gabe. What's this tell our student athletes, everyone does it? But the bigger problem is MLB. Tested positive in 2003 and kept private? What the heck.
  10. Spelling doesn't bother me at all. I try to support the Bears when I'm not supporting the Mustangs. I actually have two signs on their field. I also have a nephew that plays baseball out there. I thought you were a true Mustang but sometimes when you speak you say "we" when you are speaking of the Bears. I'm fine with it either way I was just curious. I'm sure one day we will meet. I think you both make it pretty clear through yours posts that you are true Blue Mustang fans and loyalist but it also appears you both are still LCM supporters. That's the way it should be, and vice versa.
  11. Penn would need to REALLY start training now. For GSP, another Penn fight would just interfere with progress, bigger and better things, like Silva.
  12. Hooks is used to turn over and having to replace coaches but things are changing. With the on going busing battle and money troubles, it's very possible that Hooks will have an even bigger fight to replace the coaches he's loosing. With multiple battles to fight against admin and the board just to keep his program afloat, I wonder how much fight he has left in his tank. At what point will he say to heck with it and just throw in the towel. I hope not, but you couldn't blame him.
  13. Kirbyville may have quietly offered him more money. Why pull your name so quickly? :-\
  14. TD, The "official" acceptance of the job will be taken at February 9th's LCM school board meeting. I imagine that is when the celebrations will begin and the welcoming committee will be in full force. I expect there will be a larger than normal crowd in attendance at the Feb board meeting and even more well wishers in the parking lot wanting to have a chance to welcome Coach Crouch back to Bear Country. I've been told that through a good rapore with our neighbors at WOS, Coach Crouch will take over the duties at LCM immediately. At 1:01AM Tuesday February 10th, there will be a small bonfire in which all of the Coach's blue and silver wardrobe will be burned. He will report to Bear Country Tuesday morning decked out from head to toe in Green & Gold! The new "Captain" will have the "ship" at full sail with a strong wind at our back and the rudder pointed straight ahead in no time at all! Full speed ahead TD...Full speed ahead! ;D ;D OK, I liked all of that except the part about the burning of the blue and silver. There goes the good rapore you had with your friendly neighbors at WOS Where are the school board meetings held? I would like to attend and be one of the well wishers. I hope LCM wins 9 games every single year. 8) Coincidentally there are many students to be recognized at Monday's board meeting and a large crowd is expected so the meeting is being held at the HS auditorium, 6:30. WARNING TD!!! Attend at your own risk. You may witness the proper way to conduct a board meeting. You may also subconsciously find yourself attracted to green and gold.
  15. I agree aboutMike Tyson. When he was right mentally and mentored and coached well, he was great. He had potential to be the greatest.
  16. He may bring some but there are some good ones around LCM
  17. It's certainly a good argument that GSP could be the best pound for pound fighter right now, but can he maintain at a higher weight class?
  18. If Matt Hughes has enough left for Sera, the douche beat down will be complete.
  19. You can't argue Penn's talent and natural ability. GSP is an unreal athlete. He can go five rounds and still finish with a back flip. GSP's speed and quickness makes a good case for the need for slow motion replay. ;D Man he's fast. It WILL be good fight.
  20. Hughes, one of the best ever. I sure hope he has enough left in his tank.
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