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Posts posted by spoonbill

  1. All the garbage about trash talking was started by a parent of one of the main kids on the Pirate team tweeting ALL of the local sports guys stirring the pot. Then, some kids started picking on one of the Lumberton's kid's mom. I pretty sure most of the kids on the field this Friday will be more mature than the "adult" that started the whole mess. I'm told coach Mathews was none too happy when he found out. One thing for sure is that it will be all settled on the field Friday. I've heard the phrase "some people's kids" but sometimes it should be "some kid's people".

  2. So I am not allowed to comment on this thread or comment about what was said?

    You keep saying he said his team was going to do this and that. He said he thinks they're the better team not that they are. He said he thinks they'll win if they stick to their game plan and execute. There's no we will, just I think, but I understand you wanting to create interest. At the end the interviewer asks for a prediction. He says a Raider win, duh. How about post a link so the truth can be seen by all. You're making him out as less than classy and he was classy as always. Your comments do a disservice imho. I'm sure you won't post a link so anyone interested can go to the Facebook group "Lumberton Ledger" to view said interview. Please let me know your opinion. 

  3. Hmm... I have seen the interviews that Coach Babin gives after their games. Do not recall him making those kind of comments before. The "we are better than they are" comments I had not heard from him before. Just found it interesting.

    so, "I feel like we're better than Vidor" becomes " we are better than they are" lol. Trollolol

  4. Over 5 district games, Lumberton and Vidor have both averaged 37pts per game on offense.  During those 5 games Lumberton has allowed an avg of 30 pts while Vidor has allowed 38.  Based on those #s and throwing in a couple of turnovers and penalties, I'd say this one will be decided in the last minute of the game, just like last year.

    That 83 point drubbing of Lee greatly skews the offensive points for Vidor imho. Lumberton had to play Lee at their place on their homecoming. They put up a much better fight I'd say but who knows.

  5. Interesting comments from Coach Babin after their win over GCM.

    Coach Mathews, what say you? :):)

    The Lumberton Ledger has been interviewing him at all home games and at the end they ask for a prediction. He says a win every time. Much Twitter ado about nothing. Figured the adults would be above the children but sometimes they're worse. Everyone loves gossip. Bring on Jerry Springer lol.

  6. Barring any injuries this week in practice (wood knock), Lumberton should be the healthiest they've been in a while. Looking forward to a great, injury free high school football game. The Raider's defense seems to be coming together at the right time. It's amazing what a full staff of competent assistant coaches can do for your team. It's senior night so be prepared for the related delays.

  7. was Duke the one who took the big hit toward the end? Or another player?

    He was #10. Played WR and safety for most of the night. Almost took a kickoff to the house one time. It seemed like he was a decoy most of the time on offense for some reason. The Raiders DBs did defend him fairly well when they did throw to him tho. The QB that played late in the game has an arm and did well rolling out. I'm assuming he's young. He looked really good but came in a little too late plus against a prevent defense with a limited rush. He made a few nice throws into the wind. Nice arm. Great high school football game that was fairly injury free. Go Raiders!!!

  8. Week 1 when everyone maybe didn't know he was at WR he caught about 10-11 balls but he was the only one the QB was looking at.  Since week 2 I would guess he has seen at most 6 legit touches per game. 1 game they had him lined up at Tight End blocking people lol..

    I am not sure why they cant get him the ball. 

    If he's a D1 recruit and they want him to play WR and it's a position he hasn't played at a lot, they will put him there to get the experience and reps. The opposing coaches aren't dumb though. They know who is dangerous and will plan their D accordingly. Probably the best thing for the young man's future but maybe not the best thing for his current team.


  9. My how things change. The band was supposed to leave after halftime due to the need to be at school at 5am tomorrow morning for marching competition. I was bummed because the atmosphere has been awesome at all of the home games. The band was bummed too but understood. Now, marching competition has been moved to Wednesday and the band can stay for the whole game. Awesome! Don't ever take anything for granted. Things change all the time. I see a few surprises happening tonight on the field and good ones at that. Go Raiders!!!

  10. I only have one point of reference-GCM. 


    GCM's only decent offensive production has been against Lee. Lumberton's defense is far better than Lee's in my opinion. Barring injuries I believe the Raiders will score a decent amount. You still have to play the game tho. Numbers look good on paper but it  ultimately gets settled on the field. Last year's game between two teams have little to do with this year's game. What was the score btw, I forgot. I know it was in Baytown.

  11. I saw the comment about the basketball fight, don't know if you heard or not but one of Lee's players went up to one of ours and asked if they played basketball and they said yes and he told him they better watch out..... So our boys already know someone is going to try something again 

    Lee's defensive end and outside linebacker were going for a previously injured Lumberton player's knees/ankles most of the second half totally disregarding the player with the football to like maybe tackle him. There was indeed trash talked after the game because the kid plays basketball also. I can't imagine the referees letting ANYTHING happen in the games this year though. They will or should be prepared to throw anyone out really quick that starts anything due to the trouble last year. I'm sure they'll address it before the game even starts like they did in the second game last year.

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