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Posts posted by spoonbill

  1. I prefer Beaver Nuggets.

    You guys are so sensitive.  I was just saying don't show up for your win against a winless REL team. Never implied your team would quit, has quit, or wants to quit. So quit it!

    Y'all better save something for next week though. GCM will be in town and we are all out of bubblegum.

    No offense taken. There's not a team in the district the Raiders can even begin to take for granted. They will have to bring their A game. I believe they will. Here's to a good, injury free high school football game!

  2. Lumberton couldn't get any push defensively and couldn't cover the good routes ran by the PNG receivers long enough at times. They just don't have the numbers athletically to overcome injuries at some positions. Missing one of their best linebackers allowed PNG to consistently double the Raiders best pass rusher. And, yes high school coaches by now have scouted opposing teams thoroughly. They knew who to double. Offensively the Raiders dropped too many passes. There weren't a lot of open looks but you have to take advantage when the ball hits you in the hands, or stomach lol. The offense greatly missed their big tight end in the passing game and especially in the run game. He has a knack for finding the soft spot in the secondary and can exploit mismatches. They missed his blocking on the edge all night. The Raiders made me very proud in that they ALWAYS fight to the end of every game. The fans that left early are a complete embarrassment! Don't think these young men don't notice. Unforgivable. I see the Raiders getting 3 out of the last 4 and making the playoffs. GO RAIDERS!!!








  3. Maybe in Lumberton.  Not at PN-G.  Try getting a ticket this year at the gate for Mid County Madness.  

    I thought this thread was about the game in Lumberton and that the question was referring to the game in Lumberton. That's what I was referencing when I quoted the post. My bad.

  4. I talked to someone that was sitting with his mom while they were checking him out and they said it looks like he dislocated his knee cap. Broke my heart seeing him cry! 

    Dr Isabel from beaumont bone and joint was on the sidelines and feels pretty certain the acl is in tact. He believes the kneecap came out of place and immediately back into place when he took the helmet to the knee. MRI Monday will give the full story. Praying he makes a quick, full recovery. He's a great kid on and off the field /court. They tried to get him to go home and get started on meds but he refused to leave his teammates. He's a big part of Lumberton's offense, all district tight end last year as a junior, and will be missed but hopefully only for a short time. 

  5. I dId say they clearly out played Ozen but no one on here cares to post or mentIon the lopsided penalties. Personal foul on Lumberton call was overturned. They had 1 holding penalty and I think 1 personal foul that stuck other than that It was a perfect game or some good home cooking for Home ComIng. I think Ozen had about 15 and a TD called back. Som kids just have to learn to deal with adversity better. Good game Lumberton. 

    Someone posted the stats for the game bud including penalties. May want to take a peak before commenting much more on the "lop sided" penalty situation. ;-)

  6. Hats off to your coaches for using all of their players talents. Ozen has to re-evaluate somethings and utilize players in positions where they can help their team. I can't take anything from Lumberton because they are looking good with or without the home cooking. I think they clearly out played us and see that their program is headed in a positive direction. Hopefully our coaches and players can pull things together because the talent is their and getting the talent to perform at a high level is a special thing. Lumberton has figured this out thus far. Good Luck to those Raiders, "Hard work paying off!" I'll take my crow barbecued please! Lol

    Here we go. Home cooking with the refs y'all picked lol. Lumberton uses the local TASO chapter. BISD makes everyone use the Houston chapter in their games, home or away. Home cooking with the refs Ozen picked? Give me a break. You lost to the better, more physical, more disciplined, better coached team last night. Good luck the rest of the year to the Panthers. I'll be the first to say I hope you win out! ;-) 

  7. That means Ozen never made adjustments. SMH

    Ozen adjusted and loaded up the box and Lumberton, in turn, started hitting the tight end on play action passes. At the end when Ozen went to the air to try and make a comeback, Lumberton rushed 2 and put 9 in coverage. I was very impressed by the play calling on both sides of the ball by Lumberton. First time I've thought that in a while. Great win for the kids and community and they're hopefully just getting started!

  8. Definitely True:  Good Ole' Home Cooking!

    "Raider Nation has a way of getting the benefit of the doubt from the officials as crucial times at home, big advantage Lumberton."

    There is about 60 students who will move from Ozen to Lumberton if this happens!

    Raiders pull off the huge upset and stake the early claim to the fourth playoff spot.

    Lumberton 31

    Ozen 27

    I Say;  Ozen - 42

               Lumberton - 17

    That's my story and i'm sticking too it! Lol


    I can't imagine any home cooking by the refs. I believe they will be from the Houston TASO chapter per BISD's choosing. Aggiesarewe can correct me if I'm wrong. I believe BISD refuses to use the local TASO chapter for all of their games.

  9. An underdog to three small schools.  I'm changing my prediction Ozen by 20+

    By underdog, I'm talking about the predictions on these threads bud, not by the sizes of the schools. I would assume the people on here making predictions would take everything into account including school size, etc. Keep doubting this Raiders team this year, it's worked for them so far. I have no idea who wins this game, but I guarantee the Raiders will show up.

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