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Posts posted by Coach_Izzy

  1. 10 minutes ago, Matthew328 said:

    I agree that PNG did a good job early on and had the upper hand, but coaching is also about making adjustments and SOC was able to do that so as much as PNG was able to outscheme SOC early, SOC made adjustments

    Only adjustment SOC was to start throwing the ball up to their play makers at WR it took them a whole half to realize that they were the faster & more athletic team…I wouldn’t necessarily call throwing the ball up & “out athlete” a team who you’re clearly superior to adjustments. A competent staff would’ve made that game look easy as it should’ve been.

  2. 2 hours ago, MackLewis said:

    I agree with this sentiment too.   I’m from Texas, but live in Florida now.   For all the accolades Florida high school football gets, it’s a joke.

    DISD reminds me of the Miami area.   The city of Miami is basically open enrollment.   All the talent in that city currently goes to Miami Central, because they have a popular coach.   Northwestern, Columbus, and the rest of them are so-so.   They get the left-overs.

    Thats what DISD has become.   Follow the popular coaches, and no one says a word.   Hard to believe SOC can have nearly 20 D1 kids, and the rest of the teams can’t chew bumble gum and walk at the same time.  Hard to believe they have little to no talent.

    Every where Samples goes, to his credit, he wins.   He accumulates lots of talent, and wins.   Then he leaves, and those programs are non-existent again.  Look at Dallas Lincoln, and Dallas Skyline.    Compare them before his arrival, during his tenure, and after he leaves.   Is it a coincidence?

    Look at what’s going on at Duncanville.   Same blueprint, and no one says a word.   I’m not saying he’s NOT a good coach.   He is, but he also plays at a talent advantage, no other coach plays with.

     That’s why I’m hoping North Shore beats their A$& again today. 

    Bingo…finally somebody on here who actually know what the hell they’re talking about. But tonight they going against kids that they can’t out-athlete and you have to rely on coaching in these games. And we’ve seen who’ve come out on top the past few years. 

  3. 2 hours ago, MackLewis said:

    I agree for the most part.   Defensively, IMO, they are pretty well coached.   

    They should beat everyone off talent alone.   No other 5A school has 10+ D1 kids.   SOC probably has 16+ D1 kids on the roster, maybe more.  PNG don’t have a D1 kid, and probably don’t have a D1-AA kid on the roster.

    SOC should be in the thick of it every year with the talent advantage they have. 

    Which is why I said the game shouldn’t have been close but it was due to the lack of coaching on SOC’s behalf 

  4. 2 hours ago, Matthew328 said:

    SOC definitely made some adjustments defensively, they are really sound on that side and have been for a few years.....the DC is well regarded and has worked at places like A&M and Boise State.....when PNG was pulling they were able to outnumber SOC because they had schemed SOC well and appeared to have figured out some of their rules....SOC made one adjustment on the fly in the 2nd Qtr, but it left them vulnerable w/o a 3rd level defender and thats wheh Nguyen busted the long one down to the 3 and they made it 17-5. They cleaned getting outnumbered on the pull and then they made a change at LB that helped. 

    SOC offensively isn't complex, but sometimes being simple is best....they didnt trust Little in the 10 personnel (4 wide 1 RB)packages all year and PNG had a great scheme to deal with SOC's running game when they were 20 (3 WR, 2 RB) ....so they decided to trust Little more and we saw more 10 personnel in the 2nd half.....

    So basically you agree with me right?

  5. 15 minutes ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

    Coach Todd is a defensive minded coach if you want to knock his offensive staff fine but I'm gonna disagree to say he's not a good coach just look at what SOC was just a few years back 

    It’s called recruiting my man…look at DV before Samples got there and look now. Look at what happened to Skyline once Samples left…you think it’s a coincidence that players tend to just magically show up wherever Samples coaches? Lol And guess who Todd coached & played for? It’s not rocket science 

  6. 1 hour ago, MackLewis said:

    First off, hats off to SOC.   Players and staff.   What to keep fighting, and show some heart and determination.   Their got their butts physically whipped in the 1st half, and turned the tables.

    Great season to PNG.   IMO, that was a winnable game, and they will ask themselves a million “what-ifs”.   3rd and 18 towards the end of the 1st half, that led to the touchdown, changed the whole complexion of the game.   That play, and the ensuing TD pass, gave SOC the momentum they needed.

    The moment got too big for PNG, they made uncharacteristic mistakes, and SOC played like the veteran team they are.

    All that being said, can’t believe SOC won back-to-back.   They underwhelm me when I watch them.   And I’ll get grief over this, but I think it’s lack of coaching….. mainly on the offensive side of the ball.   Defensively, they are sound.   Unbelievably fast and athletic.   Having 7 D1 kids helps.   Makes you wonder, when they don’t have as much talent, will they look as good?   Offensively, they lack creativity…. Majorly.    It’s basically just, “we are gonna out athlete everyone”.   Big, slow, sloppy offensive line.   Suspect QB, that has freak 6’4” athletes to throw it up too.

    PNG just didn’t have the horses to win it, but they competed great.  If they had some athletes in the secondary that coulda matched up with SOC, they woulda won the game.

    Great win for SOC, and those kids though. 

    They called me crazy for saying this last night…but I’m debating with ppl who really don’t know the game, doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that these ppl are relying solely off talent and are poorly coached 

  7. 8 minutes ago, MrFleet23 said:

    You’re on drugs. PNG is one skill pos away from having a state title. Just one dynamic QB or RB.

    Not sure what game you watched but ok…SOC got D1’s all over the field PNG was clearly outmatched at literally every position…coaching or a lack there of kept this game close. PNG two TD’s came from SOC mistakes (blown coverage & a misalignment to PNG’s formation on the run play) but I forgot y’all only see football from a surface level.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    You sure call alot of good or great teams poorly coached. I guess the ONLY team not poorly coached is North Shore?? 

    I get that you don’t understand football at high level bro but I do…I pay attention to things like schematics (which I’m sure you have clue about) SOC scheme is rudimentary & they’re poorly coached on both sides of the ball. PNG’s success in the run game came because SOC wasn’t lined up correctly to their formations…luckily they have better athletes & no NS isn’t the only team that’s well coached but you’ll see the diff tomorrow.

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