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Separation Scientist

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Everything posted by Separation Scientist

  1. Dude, I don't know a thing about Ware! I am commenting in GENERAL sense. Nothing specifically relating to Ware or Dayton at all. Sorry about the confusion!
  2. Maybe, but I don't put a lot of stock in the first few games, up or down.
  3. BH 7 Liberty 0. Bats look good. Nutter 10K's.
  4. Perhaps one day enlightenment will come for you and you can escape your (possibly) terminal TDS. But what a miserable way to live life in the meantime. Prayers sent.
  5. I agree with most all you said. I am not quite ready to guarantee State at this point though. I have no idea what the 2024 version of Lake Creek will bring. You are right the games against LC were close. If BH can get back to hammering the ball in addition to the great pitching, they will be a real tough out for anyone.
  6. Just adding a thought here... last season BH's bats struggled a lot. Its super, super early but in my mind the BH bats are still the question mark.
  7. Yes but I am referring to district 10. They schedule Kelly, HJ, etc.
  8. That can kill a program. Maybe 5% of the time the "buddy / insider" really is the best hire, but the vast majority of the time the insider is hired just because they are an insider, not the absolute best candidate.
  9. I don't think Franklin should play any SETX 3A's. Why would they? There is no benefit to Franklin if they do. Franklin is set up very well with Lorena, CS and Gunter. What I was saying is SETX 3A's needs that kind of scheduling up if they ever want to compete. Playing Kelly, HJ, Shepherd, etc. every year pads their records but ultimately hurts their programs.
  10. Thats awesome. This is why Franklin wins so much and wins State. The SETX 3A's want to play Bmt. Kelly and teams like that.
  11. The spectacle rolls on. He FORGOT when he was VP, he FORGOT Egypt and Mexico are two different countries, and...try to wrap your mind around this UT, he FORGOT when his son died. All in the same week. I can't even imagine Biden in 2-3-4 years. If he "wins" again, the USA is done.
  12. Trump will never win all 50 states. Ever. The evil, mentally ill people in places like NY, NJ, CA, IL, would literally vote for Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussain, or Kim Jong Un over Trump. Their derangement and hate for Trump is unlimited.
  13. That's a great strategy. I tuned out The Disinformation Machine long ago.
  14. Given GCCISD's reluctance to rebalance attendance, which is fine, I am not judging, it was inevitable. Lee was too small (kept opting up) and GCM has grown too much. I don't think its a negative overall. Its good to play where you belong. Good luck GCCISD.
  15. She should gracefully bow out now. NH has had a distinguished political career, she does not want to ruin it by being a spectacle or losing 95%-5% against Trump.
  16. I know little about Angleton or Ball, but I am going to take a stab at it. Ball was 9-2 and 8-0 in district. First place. Angleton was 7-5 and 5-3, 4th place. Angleton beat Ball in the first round 40-34. Angleton was district champs the year before, and narrowly lost to a very good CS team that made it to State. I think the district ends up with BH, PAM and Angleton in a 3 way tie with Ball 4th place. A lot will depend on how well BH can reload from losing the Senior class and how healthy can BH stay. Angleton could struggle having a new unfamiliar opponent every week, and PAM recently has not played up to their full potential. Everybody has some question marks, I see no clear cut favorite.
  17. I think he also road the bus with Rosa Parks, raised the flag with the marines at Iow Jima, an often ate dinner with Abraham Lincoln.
  18. Factually LaPorte had the #1 seed and drew a 4th seed. Remember how ecstatic you were last year after beating half of the BH team as y'all elatedly cruised to the number one seed? Yes BH did implode in the 2nd half of the 2nd round game, but perhaps you noticed BH was alone IN the 2nd round. No spin there, just a fact.
  19. I think the factor was Angleton. It seems to me the UIL wanted a "coastal district" which had to include Ball, so that in turn led to Angleton connecting around Galveston bay. The other district is more Houston & northwest. The UIL explicitly states "rivalries are NOT considered" during realignments. I might be in the minority here but I just don't see Crosby as a rival for BH anyway, or perhaps it's just a one way rivalry.
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